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COVID-19 Information Group: Base C-19 Search

Library support for the COVID-2019 Literature Review Group

Core Databases

OVID MEDLINE Basic COVID-29 Search - (Copy and Paste)

((coronavirus* or corona virus).ti. or (novel coronavirus*.mp. and (exp china/ or or (( or exp pneumonia/) and OR ( (exp coronavirus/ or coronavirus*.mp. or corona virus*.mp.) and (wuhan or beijing or shanghai or 2019-nCoV or nCovor or COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2).mp.) OR ( ('COVID-19' or '2019-nCov' or 'SARS-CoV-2').mp. or exp Coronavirus Infections/ ))


* For updated covid string (removing SARS, MERS and animal coronavirus results), see (added April 24, 2020)

OVID EMBASE Basic COVID 19 Search (Copy and Paste)

(coronavirus* or corona virus*).ti,ab. or (novel coronavirus*.mp. and (exp china/ or or (( or exp pneumonia/) and or ((exp Coronavirinae/ or coronavirus disease 2019/ or coronavirus*.mp. or corona virus*.mp.) and (wuhan or beijing or shanghai or 2019-nCoV or nCovor or COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2).mp.) or (('COVID-19' or '2019-nCov' or 'SARS-CoV-2').mp. or exp coronavirus infections/ or txid2697049.rn.)

* For updated covid string (removing SARS, MERS and animal coronavirus results), see (added April 24, 2020)

PubMed (Copy and Paste)

"COVID-19" [Supplementary Concept] OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2"[Supplementary Concept] OR 2019ncov[tiab] OR "2019 ncov”[tiab] OR novel coronavirus*[tiab] OR novel corona virus*[tiab] OR ((coronavirus*[tiab] OR corona virus*[tiab] OR pneumonia virus*[tiab] OR cov[tiab] OR ncov[tiab]) AND (outbreak[tiab] OR wuhan[tiab])) OR covid19[tiab] OR “covid 19”[tiab] OR ((coronavirus*[tiab] OR corona virus*[tiab]) AND 2019[tiab]) OR “sars cov 2”[tiab] OR sars2[tiab] OR new coronavirus*[tiab] OR new corona virus*[tiab] OR "ncov 2019"[tiab] OR "sars coronavirus 2"[tiab] OR "sars corona virus 2"[tiab] OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome cov 2"[tiab] OR "severe acute respiratory syndrome cov2"[tiab]



 ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "2019 novel coronavirus disease*"  OR  "2019 novel coronavirus infection*"  OR  "2019-nov disease*"  OR  "2019-nov infection*"  OR  "coronavirus disease 2019"  OR  "coronavirus disease-19"  OR  coronavirus*  OR  coronovirus*  OR  "corona virus"  OR  "coronavirus Infection*"  OR  covid-19  OR  2019-cov  OR  "Wuhan coronavirus"  OR  2019-ncov )  AND  PUBYEAR  =  2020 )