Artists in Canada - National Gallery of Canada Artist Files
Manitoba Artist/Architect Files
The primary focus of the vertical file is on Manitoba artists, galleries, architects and planning issues/sites.
- Ace Art (Wpg)
- Achtemichuk, Bob
- Adams, K.C.
- Adams, Kim
- Adaskin, Gordon
- Affleck, Ray
- Aldinger, A.H.
- Aleksic, Milan
- Allister, William
- Allsopp, Judith
- Alpert, Laura
- Alward, Sharon
- Amundson, Dale
- Angel, Jeanette
- Anthony, Len
- Aquino, Eduardo
- Arch2
- Archambeau, Robert
- Architecture - Competitions, Awards, etc.
- Art Collectors Club
- Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba.
- Artists - Manitoba
- Arts on the Avenue (Wpg)
- Atchison, John D.
- Au, Aliana
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- Bako, Louise
- Balas, Shawna
- Balfour, Barbara
- Banana, Anna
- Barone, George
- Baumbick, Allan
- Beardy, Jackson
- Beaupre, Gisele
- Bellhouse, David Wynyard
- Bergen, Martin
- Bietenholz, Sam
- Bigger, Michael
- Blankstein, Max
- Bleeks, Philip C.
- Bond, Eleanor
- Boning, Frieso
- Bonnell, Gordon
- Borecky, Pat
- Bornstein, Eli
- Borys, Stephen
- Boss, Michael
- Botan, Ken
- Botar, Oliver
- Boutal, Pauline
- Boyd, June
- Boyer, Bob
- Brdar, Nick
- Bridgman Collaborative
- Brown, Richard
- Brown, Shirley
- Browne, George
- Brunet, Raymond
- Buckham, Floyd
- Buffington, Leroy S.
- Bugslag, James
- Burke, Edmund
- Burton, Dennis
- Butler, Jack
- Butler, Marian
- Butler, Sheila
- Burtynsky, Edward
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- Cadham, James
- Canada Council
- Carreiro, Linda
- Carrere, John Merven
- Carther, Warren
- Challener, Frederick Sproston
- Chesterton, Walter
- Chisholm, C.C.
- Chisholm, James
- Circle Design (Inc.)
- Clarke, Graham
- Claxton, Richard
- Cohen, Connie
- Cohlmeyer, Cynthia and Stephen
- Condie, Richard
- Conlin, Kevin
- Coop, Diana Zoe
- Coop, Isadore
- Corne, Sharron Zenith
- Cox, Michael
- Crane, Charles Howard
- Crawley, Sarah
- Cre8ery
- Creed, Kirk
- Cromwell, Larry
- Cubbidge, Arthur E.
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- Darling, Frank
- Davis, Mini
- De Forest, Kevin
- Dore, Edward
- Dorosz, Chris
- Dueck, Daniel
- Dukes, Caroline
- Dyck, Aganetha
- Dyck, Helene
- Dyck, Richard
- Dynasty Group
- Dzama, Marcel
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- Eakin, William
- Eaton, Marcella
- Eckhardt, Dr. Ferdinand
- Eggertson, A.
- Erickson, Arthur
- Esler, John K.
- Evans, Frank
- Evers-Ryan, Judith
- Ewart, David
- Eyden, Jean
- Eyland, Cliff
- Eyre, Ivan
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- Fairfield, Linda
- Figueroa, Jorge
- Fingland, William
- Finn, Chris
- Firman, David
- Fischer, Hervé
- FitzGerald, Lionel LeMoine
- Floating Gallery (Wpg)
- Flynn, Robert
- Fontaine, Lita
- Fortune, Mark
- Forum Art Institute (Wpg)
- Funnell, Jeff
- Funnell, Suzanne
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- Gaboury, Claire Breton
- Gaboury, Etienne
- Gallery 1.1.1. (Wpg)
- Gallery IC03 ( U of Wpg)
- Gammon, Lynda
- Gardner, Tim
- Garnier, Hubert
- Gaskin, Andrew
- Gaskin, Lou
- Gauthier, Suzanne
- General Idea
- Geremia, Giovanni (John)
- Gillies, Bud
- Gillies, Suzanne
- Golden Boy (Wpg)
- Gomez-Perales, Juan
- Gorlitz, Will
- Gorsline, Ron
- Gosselin, Marcel
- Gouinlock, George W.
- Gouthro, Cecile Clayton
- Granger Young, Helen
- Gravier, Nicole
- Greenfield, Joseph
- Griffith, H.S.
- Groves, John
- Gurman, Susan
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- Ham, Ralph
- Hammer, Alfred
- Hanford, Robert Gilmore
- Harnish, Ben
- Harty, Dwayne
- Hastings, Thomas
- Haugsoen, Knut
- Head, Bruce
- Heinrichs, Jane
- Helgeson-Nelson, Colleen
- L'Heureux, Aime B.
- Hilderman Witty Crosby Hanna and Assoc.
- Hogg, Mike
- Holman, Hugh G.
- Hooper, Samuel
- Horsburgh, V.D.
- Horsfall, Arthur
- Horwood, Victor
- Houle, Robert
- Howard, Barbara
- Hume, Ivy
- Hume, Vern
- Hunt, Barb
- Husar, Natalka
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- Ingalls, Harry Creighton
- Institute of Contemporary Art and Design
- Isaacs, Avrom
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- Jacobson, Mark
- Janet Ian Cameron Gallery (Wpg)
- Jennings, Judy
- Jessop, Gerald
- Johns, Jeanette
- Johnson, Sarah Anne
- Jonasson, Louise
- Jonasson, Marianne
- Jones, Tom
- Jorgenson, Fleming
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- Keenberg, Ron
- Kelly, Jo-Anne
- Kelly, Kevin
- Ken Segal Gallery
- Khomenko, Margaret
- Kiendl, A.F.
- Kingsmill, Bob
- Klassen, Mary
- Koop, Kathy
- Koop, Wanda
- Kowalsky, Rosemary
- Kraut, Merilyn
- Krieger, Mary
- Krindle, David
- Kuch, Peter
- Kuluk, Claudette
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- Landin, Aurora
- Leathers, Paul W.
- Leathers, Winston
- Lebredt, Gordon
- Lee, Daniel Gee-Mow
- Lemay, Marcien
- Letinsky, Laura
- Levitt, Marilyn
- Lewis, Doug
- LM Architectural Group
- Lo, Joseph
- Lobchuk, Bill
- Long, Kathy
- Lovatt, Tom
- Lum, Ken
- Luvera, Angela
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- MacDonald, Robert
- MacDowall, Cyndra
- MacVicar, Maude Elizabeth
- Manitoba Association of Architects
- Manitoba Crafts Council
- Manitoba Design Institute
- Manitoba Printmakers Association
- Manitoba Society of Artists
- Manitoba Ukrainian Arts Council
- Marchand, John Omer
- Marin, Bonnie
- Marshall, Grant
- Marten, Blair
- Matthews, Herbert E.
- MAWA (Mentoring Artists for Women's Art)
- Maxwell, William S.
- May, Louise
- McCowan, Hugh
- McKim, Charles Follin
- McMillan, David
- Mead, William Rutherford
- Meades, Stella
- Mears, Robert
- Melnyk, Doug
- Metcalfe, Valerie
- Mikuska, Vincent
- Milne, Will
- Mol, Leo
- Moore, Jake
- Moore, Janet
- Moore, Sandee
- Mott, E.A.
- Muchin, Svitlana
- Murray, Alexander Hunter
- Musson, Frank
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- National Air Barrier Association
- National Gallery of Canada - Internship Program
- Nemish, Bryan
- Newman, Randal
- Newman, William R.
- Nickel, Grace
- Niro, Shelley
- Nobbs, Percy
- Norlen, Alison
- Number Ten Architectural Group
- Number Ten Design Group
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- Olafson, Freya
- Olito, Michael
- Oliver, Keith
- O'Neil, Bruce
- Onufrijchuk, Marika
- Orobko, Ollie
- Ouelette, Kim
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- Paine, Al
- Paquette, Armand
- Parkin, John Cresswell
- Parr, Janet
- Paskievich, John
- PASSAGES (obits)
- Pasternak, Robert
- Patkau Associates
- Pazzia Cont. Performing Collective
- Pearson, John
- Pelk, Ed
- Penner, David
- Perkins, Duane
- Peters, S. Frank
- Peterson, Gord
- Pflug, Christiane
- Phillips, Ruth
- Phillips, Walter J.
- Pike, Bev
- Plaskett, Joe
- Platform
- Plug in Gallery (Wpg)
- Podesva, Y.
- Pokrant, Luther
- Poruchnyk, Alex
- Pratt, Ralph Benjamin
- Priteca, B. Marcus
- Proch, Don
- Pura, William
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- RAG SWAG (Students Without a Gallery)
- Rea, K.G.
- Reed, Christopher
- Reeve, Gorden
- Reichert, Don
- Reid, Leslie
- Repa, Steve
- Riller, Audrey
- Roberts, Tom
- Robertson, Mike
- Rocan, Melanie
- Rogers, Lori
- Roshko, Tijen
- Ross, Catherine
- Ross, Donald
- Ross, George
- Russell, John A.
- Russell, John H.G.
- Rutherford, Thomas
- Ruttan, Lt. Col. Henry Norlande
- Ruus, Vaike
- Ryan, Valerie
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- Saper, Arnold
- Sass, Helmut
- Scherman, Tony
- Schouten, Tim
- Scott, Charlie
- Secter, Lloyd and Marcy
- Secter, Michael
- Sellars, Kathleen
- Semotiuk, Zenovia
- Senecal, Joseph
- Sexsmith, Dennis
- Shere, Parvin
- Shilliday, Charles
- Short, Cynthia
- Shortt, Angus
- Sigurdson, Doug
- Sikorsky, Christina
- Simon, Frank Worthington
- Site Gallery (Wpg)
- Smart, John Walker
- Smith Carter
- Smith, Gordon
- Sokalska, Jolanta
- Somerset, Angela
- Spalding, Jeffrey
- St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre
- Stechesen/Katz
- Stone, Reva
- Stoneware Gallery (Wpg)
- Stoughton, A.A.
- Straub Thurmayr
- Stubbs, Eva
- Subotincic, Natalija
- Suprowich, Alex
- Swinton, George
- Symons, Harry L.
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- Tapper, Evan
- Tascona, Tony
- Taylor, Sir Andrew
- Teitelbaum, Mashel
- Tettero, Margaret
- Thompson, Leslie
- Thomsen, Charles H.
- Thordarson, David
- Thorneycroft, Diana
- Tillenius, Clarence
- Toews, Darlene
- Torfadottir, Inga
- Tracz, Orysa
- Trakas, George
- Turner, Myron
- Turner, Susan
- Tuu'luq, Marion
- Tycoles, Racheal
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- Ukrainian Cultural and Educational Centre (Wpg)
- Ukrainian Museum of Canada (Wpg)
- University of Manitoba
- University of Manitoba - Faculty of Architecture
- University of Manitoba - School of Art
- Upstairs Gallery (Wpg)
- Urban Gallery (Wpg)
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- Van Slyck, Winnifred
- Vance, Dennis
- Vanderhorst, Joanne
- Video Pool (Wpg)
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- Walters, Emile
- Wardrope, Bruce
- Warkov, Esther
- Warwick, Cyndy
- Waugh, Kevin
- Werner, Janet
- Wersch, Wendy
- Western, Jenny
- Wheeler, Charles H.
- White, Stanford
- Whitehouse, Diane
- Wiens, Clifford
- Williams, Richard
- Wilson, Louise
- Winnipeg Art Gallery
- Winter, William
- Wong, Megan Vun
- Wood, Kristjana
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