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Zoning By-Laws, Building Codes & Plans: Zoning By-Laws, Building Codes & Plans

Building Codes: General Sources

National Building Codes of Canada

Most of these titles are on RESERVE, with previous editions downstairs in the STACKS.

Zoning By-Laws for Winnipeg

When researching properties in Winnipeg, The City of Winnipeg Planning, Property and Development has a lot of useful information.

Go to the Zoning Site and search the  Citizen's Information Service, which provides civic information for an address.

All residential areas outside of the downtown are covered under Zoning By-Law 200/2006.  a table on p.100 will give you detailed information on setbacks etc.  However, depending on how the residence is zoned, i.e. R1_L (Residential1 large), then Schedule I will apply in addition to the By-Law. For example: a house at 268 Academy Road, which is zoned "Residential Single family Large," will require the following property setbacks:

Front - 65'
Rear - 25'
Side - 4'

The house cannot be more than 40% of the foot print and no more than 35' high.

If you require more assistance, call Karen in zoning at 204-986-5140.

Building Plans

City of Winnipeg - Department of City Planning
10 Fort St.

General Information or ask for Plan Search Clerk at: 204-986-3500

You can request a search and obtain a copy of your House Plans by contacting Records Management Branch at 311.  It is recommended that you phone in advance to ensure you have all the required information for the search.

The Basic Search Fee is $52.00 (plus GST) with an additional fee for photocopying.  (Fees are subject to change without notice).  the total fees payable for a copy of a typical residential house plan are approximately $55 - $65.

Searches of commercial buildings are also available with typical fees ranging from approximately $55 - $120, depending on the size of the plans, the type of media storage and amount of copying involved.

To request a search for your house plans, you must be the legal owner of the property or submit a written authorization signed by the owner when you make your request.  The written authorization should give you permission to view/copythe building plans for the specified address.  The following sample "Letters of Authorization" may be modified to suit your circumstances. 

Sample of Homeowner Letter of Authorization.pdf 
Sample of commercial Owner Letter of Authorization.pdf