Dietary advice on Inuit traditional food use needs to balance benefits and risks of mercury, selenium, and n3 fatty acids. (2013).
High selenium exposure lowers the odds ratios for hypertension, stroke, and myocardial infarction associated with mercury exposure among Inuit in Canada. (2017).
Local country food sources of methylmercury, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids in Nunavik, Northern Quebec. (2015).
Mercury diminishes the cardiovascular protective effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the modern diet of Inuit in Canada. (2017).
Traditional dietary pattern is associated with elevated cholesterol among the Inuit of Nunavik. (2014).
Traditional food consumption is associated with better diet quality and adequacy among Inuit adults in Nunavut, Canada. (2015).
Traditional food consumption is associated with higher nutrient intakes in Inuit children attending childcare centres in Nunavik
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Assessing determinants of maternal blood concentrations for persistent organic pollutants and metals in the eastern and western Canadian Arctic.. (2015).
Balancing the benefits and costs of traditional food substitution by indigenous Arctic women of childbearing age: Impacts on persistent organic pollutant, mercury, and nutrient intakes. (2016).
Dietary intakes of energy and macronutrients by lactating women of different ethnic groups living in Yakutia.. (2013).
Dietary adequacy of vitamin D and calcium among Inuit and Inuvialuit women of child-bearing age in Arctic Canada. (2013).
Healthy foods north improves diet among Inuit and Inuvialuit women of childbearing age in Arctic Canada. (2014).
Psychometric validation of the household food insecurity access scale among Inuit pregnant women from Northern Quebec. (2017).
Sources of food affect dietary adequacy of Inuit women of childbearing age in Arctic Canada. (2011).
Dietary correlates of an at-risk BMI among Inuit adults in the Canadian high arctic: cross-sectional international polar year Inuit health survey, 2007-2008.(2012).
Food expenditure patterns in the Canadian Arctic show cause for concern for obesity and chronic disease. (2014).
Higher body mass, older age and higher monounsaturated fatty acids intake reflect better quantitative ultrasound parameters in Inuit preschoolers. (2012).
Obesity studies in the circumpolar Inuit: a scoping review. (2012).
Changing dietary patterns in the Canadian Arctic: frequency of consumption of foods and beverages by inuit in three Nunavut communities(2014).
A community-based, environmental chronic disease prevention intervention to improve healthy eating psychosocial factors and behaviors in indigenous populations in the Canadian Arctic. (2013).
Consumption of tomato products is associated with lower blood mercury levels in Inuit preschool children.(2013).
Eating habits of a population undergoing a rapid dietary transition: portion sizes of traditional and nontraditional foods and beverages consumed by Inuit adults in Nunavut, Canada..(2013).
Gut Microbiome of the Canadian Arctic Inuit. (2017).
High protein and cholesterol intakes associated with emergence of glucose intolerance in a low-risk Canadian Inuit population.(2015).
Higher n3-fatty acid status is associated with lower risk of iron depletion among food insecure Canadian Inuit women.(2013).
Impact of a childcare centre nutrition program on nutrient intakes in Nunavik Inuit children(2013).
Impact of the Healthy Foods North nutrition intervention program on Inuit and Inuvialuit food consumption and preparation methods in Canadian Arctic communities.(2014).
Implications of the nutrition transition for vitamin D intake and status in Aboriginal groups in the Canadian Arctic. (2016).
Improving vitamin A and D intake among Inuit and Inuvialuit in Arctic Canada: evidence from the Healthy Foods North study. (2015).
Omega-3 fatty acids, polymorphisms and lipid related cardiovascular disease risk factors in the Inuit population. (2013).
Nutrient intakes, major food sources and dietary inadequacies of Inuit adults living in three remote communities in Nunavut, Canada. (2013).
Country food sharing networks, household structure, and implications for understanding food insecurity in Arctic Canada. (2016). Food insecurity and food consumption by season in households with children in an Arctic city: a cross-sectional study. (2017). Impacts of decline harvest of country food on nutrient intake among Inuit in Arctic Canada: impact of climate change and possible adaptation plan.(2016). Seasonal prevalence and determinants of food insecurity in Iqaluit, Nunavut. (2015).
Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide: A resource for educators and communicators. Health Canada, (2011).
Nutrition Fact Sheet Series: Inuit Traditional Foods. Government of Nunavut. (2013).
Determinants of dietary behavior and physical activity among Canadian Inuit: a systematic review. (2015).
Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity among Aboriginal Populations in Canada: A Systematic Review and Metaanalysis. (2015).