Note: The resources from this list are collected from CPSA Reconciliation Committee "Indigenous Content Syllabus Materials A Resource for Political Science Instructors in Canada".
The Canadian Constitution and Canadian Law
Asch, Michael. On Being Here to Stay: Treaties and Aboriginal Rights in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014.
Borrows, John. “Wampum at Niagara: The Royal Proclamation, Canadian Legal History, and Self-Government.” In Aboriginal Treaty Rights in Canada: Essays of Law, Equality, and Respect for Difference. Edited by Michael Asch. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997. 155‐172.
Borrows, John. Recovering Canada: The Resurgence of Indigenous Law. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002.
Borrows, John. “Canada’s Colonial Constitution.” In The Right Relationship: Reimagining the Implementation of Historical Treaties. Edited by Michael Coyle and John Borrows. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
Christie, Gordon. “Canadian Law and Its Puzzles.” In Canadian Law and Indigenous SelfDetermination: A Naturalist Analysis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 2019. 73-129.
Coburn, Veldon. “Indigenous People and the Constitution Conversation.” Policy Options (June 9, 2017). Online.
Gehl, Lynn. Gehl v. Canada: Challenging Sex Discrimination in the Indian Act. Regina: University of Regina Press, 2021.
Macklem, Patrick. Indigenous Difference and the Constitution of Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
Monture-Angus, Patricia. Journeying Forward: Dreaming First Nations Independence. Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing, 1999.
Nichols, Joshua. A Reconciliation without Recollection? An Investigation of the Foundations of Aboriginal Law in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020.
Russell, Peter H. Canada’s Odyssey: A Country Based on Incomplete Conquests. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017.
Tully, James. Strange Multiplicity: Constitutionalism in an Age of Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Criminal Law, the Police, and the Carceral System
Comack, Elizabeth. Coming Back to Jail: Women, Trauma, and Criminalization. Halifax ; Winnipeg: Fernwood Books Ltd, 2018.
Comack, Elizabeth, Lawrence Deane, Larry Morrissette, and Jim Silver. Indians Wear Red: Colonialism, Resistance, and Aboriginal Street Gangs. Fernwood Publishing, 2013.
Cecillia, Brooke. “Cloaked Meaning and Moral Craftwork: Progress and Perpetual Problems in the News Coverage of Indigenous Peoples and Canada’s Justice System.” Canadian Journal of Communication 46(3) (2021): 587–612.
Crosby, Jeffery, and Andrew Monaghan. Policing Indigenous Movements: Dissent and the Security State. Halifax: Fernwood Books, 2018.
Monchalin, Lisa. The Colonial Problem: An Indigenous Perspective on Crime and Injustice in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Razack, Sherene. Dying from Improvement: Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody. University of Toronto Press, 2015.
Stark, Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik. “Criminal Empire: The Making of the Savage in a Lawless Land.” Theory & Event 19(4) (October 12, 2016).
Abele, Frances, and Michael J. Prince. “Aboriginal Governance and Canadian Federalism: A to-Do List for Canada.” In New Trends in Canadian Federalism. Edited by François Rocher and Miriam Catherine Smith, 2nd Edition. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2003.
Green, Joyce. “Self-determination, Citizenship, and Federalism: Indigenous and Canadian Palimpsest.” In Reconfiguring Aboriginal-State Relations. Edited by Michael Murphy. Institute of Intergovernmental Relations, School of Policy Studies: Queen’s University, 2005. 329-352.
Hamilton, Robert. “Indigenous Peoples and Interstitial Federalism in Canada Special Issue: Treaty Federalism.” Review of Constitutional Studies 24(1) (2019): 43–84.
Ladner, Kiera. “Treaty Federalism: An Indigenous Vision of Canadian Federalisms.” In New Trends in Canadian Federalism, 2nd Edition. Edited by François Rocher and Miriam Catherine Smith. Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2003. 167–96.
McCrossan, Michael, and Kiera Ladner. “Eliminating Indigenous Jurisdictions: Federalism, the Supreme Court, and Territorial Rationalities of Power.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 49(3) (2016): 411-431.
Papillon, Martin. "Adapting Federalism: Indigenous Multilevel Governance in Canada and the United States." Publius: The Journal of Federalism 42(2) (2012): 289-312.
Parliament, Electoral Democracy, and Political Representation
Alfred, Taiaiake, Brock Pitawanakwat and Jackie Price. “The Meaning of Political Participation for Indigenous Youth: Charting the Course for Youth Civic and Political Participation.” Canadian Policy Research Networks, 2007.
Bear, Andre. “As an Indigenous Sovereigntist, I Will Vote in This Year’s Federal Election.” CBC News (September 17, 2021).
Beauvais, Edana. “The Political Consequences of Indigenous Resentment.” Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics, (2020): 1–28.
Hosgood, Amanda Follett. “Jody Wilson-Raybould: Today’s Politics Are Toxic to Indigenous Women.” The Tyee. The Tyee, June 28, 2021.
Kirkby, Coel. “Reconstituting Canada: The Enfranchisement and Disenfranchisement of ‘Indians,’ circa 1837–1900.” University of Toronto Law Journal 69(4) (2019): 497– 539.
Ladner, Kiera and Michael McCrossan. The Electoral Participation of Aboriginal People. Working Paper Series on Electoral Participation and Outreach Practices. Ottawa: Chief Electoral Officer of Canada, 2006.
Waabshkigaabo. “As an Anishinaabe Citizen, I Can’t Vote in Good Conscience in Federal Elections.” CBC News (September 17, 2021).
Wilson-Raybould, Jody. From Where I Stand: Rebuilding Indigenous Nations for a Stronger Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2019.