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Katherine Penner: Professional Profile

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Katherine Penner

Katherine Penner (Associate Librarian) holds a B. Mus. from the University of Manitoba, and an MLIS from Western University. Katherine is the Music, Film, and Theatre Librarian, based out of the Music Library on the Fort Garry Campus. 

Current Research

  • Information Literacy in the Music Classroom, Information Literacy Curriculum Development
  • Investigation of digital score formats for the study of music
  • Use and Adoption of Pre-Recorded Music in Film Settings 

Recent Posters, Presentations, Publications

Bonjack, S. & Penner, K. (2025, February). ICCARE: Partition et numérique: Digital Scores in Libraries. Presented at ICCARE : Partition et numérique, Online.

Penner, K. & Bonjack, S. (2024, November). IAML Online: Digital Score Platforms for Libraries. Presented at an IAML Online Event, Online. 

Penner, K. (2024). iPad and Digital Sheet Music Delivery: Supporting Student Development and Encouraging Digital Score Use Through Library-Circulated Hardware. Fontes Artis Musicae 71(3), 179-189.

Penner, K. (2024, June). iPad, digital scores, circulation et al: getting started. Presented at the IAML 2024 Congress, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 

Penner, K. (2023, July). Embracing the new. Presented at the IAML 2023 Congress, Cambridge, UK. 

Clark, S. & Penner, K. (2023). Supporting early undergraduate students: Using existing knowledge to develop critical reading skills. In Gascho Rempel & Hamelers (Eds.), Teaching Critical Reading Skills: Strategies for Academic Librarians. Chicago, IL: ACRL Press.

Penner, K., Guise, J., Hristov, M. Nathalie. (2022, July). An Overview of Training for Music Library Staff. Presented at the IAML 2022 Congress, Prague, Czech Republic. 

Heinrichs, C. & Penner, K. (2022). Speed Databasing: A Database Workshop for Public Services Staff. Poster presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference, Virtual. 

Johnson, B., Hiebert, C., Penner, K., & Weiser, M. (2020, June). On a high note: Arts administration [Video]. Presented as part of the Desautels Faculty of Music On a High Note series. YouTube.

Penner, K. (2019, May). The New (insert subject here) Librarian: Fostering IL Engagement with a New Department. Presented at the WILU 2019 Conference, Winnipeg, MB. 

Penner, K. & Penner, T. (2018, May). Where You Keep Your Rolling Stones Records: Pre-Recorded Music and the Evolution of Wes Anderson. Presented at the Film Studies Association of Canada Conference, Regina, SK. 

Penner, K. (2018, May). Library Services for Faculty Producing Creative Works. Presented at the Canadian Association of Music Libraries (CAML) Conference, Regina, SK. 

Guise, J. & Penner, K. (2017, June). Counterpoint: An 8-year Mentoring Relationship. Presented at the Congress of the International Association of Music Libraries (IAML), Riga, Latvia.

Guise, J. & Penner, K. (2017, May). A Place in this Faculty: Building Community through Teaching and Mentorship. Presented at the Canadian Association of Music Libraries (CAML) Conference, Toronto, ON.

Clark, S. & Penner, K. (2017). Assessing an event: Mixin' it up with the Long Night Against Procratination. In A. W. Dobbs (Ed.). The Library Assessment Cookbook. Chicago, IL: ACRL Press.