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Aboriginal Law: Online Resources

Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Project: Canadian Agreements
The Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements with Indigenous Peoples in Settler States: The aim of this project is to examine treaty and agreement-making decisions with Indigenous Peoples from a variety of jurisdictions (including Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

American Indian Law Collection (Hein)
With nearly 800 unique titles and more than 800,000 pages dedicated to American Indian Law, this collection includes an expansive archive of treaties, federal statutes and regulations, federal case law, tribal codes, constitutions and jurisprudence.

Indigenous Studies Portal
Hosted by the University of Saskatchewan, this is a free database containing resources dealing specifically with First Nations issues in Canada, including land claims, treaty information and aboriginal rights.

International Human Rights and Canada Database
A database that provides access to international human rights resources, including treaties, resolutions, Government of Canada documents and related jurisprudence.

National Aboriginal Document Database
The National Aboriginal Document Database offers access to research materials dealing with land claims, treaties, government documents and court decisions.

Indigenous Law Centre
Organised by the University of Saskatchewan, the Indigenous Law Centre website contains a blog, information on programs and projects, as well as details on publications and other resources. There is also a searchable database on pleadings.

Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada (CIRNAC)
Provides information on Indigenous peoples and communities; Treaties and agreements; Northern affairs and new Arctic and Northern Policy Framework; Indigenous rights and self-determination; New permanent bilateral mechanisms; Truth and Reconciliation Commission calls to action; Indian Residential Schools Reconciliation; National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Indigenous Justice Strategy: Documents and Resources
Indigenous Justice Strategy is an initiative of Justice Canada, in consultation with Indigenous partners, justice practitioners, and others, to address systemic discrimination and the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the justice system. The webpage includes existing reports and studies, as well as documents and resources to help the public engage with Justice Canada and communities on the Indigenous Justice Strategy.

Indigenous Services Canada
Provides information on Indian status cards; Indigenous health; Jordan's Principle; Education; First Nations community water, housing, and infrastructure; Social programs; Fiscal relationship; Emergency management.

Justice Laws Canada/Lois et règlements codifiés du Canada
Justice Laws (Canada), formerly known as Statutes of Canada, is an online source of federal consolidated Acts and regulations. Find the most current version of a statute or regulation, get point-in-time searches of statutes and regulations, as well as track changes and amendments. Browse regulations, statutes, or other documents (orders, proclamations) by title, or browse annual statutes.

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP)
RCAP was established by Order in Council on August 26, 1991 to investigate and propose solutions to the challenges affecting the relationship between Aboriginal peoples (First Nations, Inuit, Métis Nation), the Canadian government and Canadian society as a whole. The Report was submitted in October 1996 and appears in 5 volumes. Supporting documents can be accessed in the RCAP database

Assembly of First Nations
The online resource for the main lobby group of Aboriginal Peoples in Canada. The website contains information on the activities, initiatives and policies of the AFN.

Centre for First Nations Governance
The Centre for First Nations Governance is a non-profit organization that supports the movement towards First Nations self-governance.

Centre for Human Rights Research - Aboriginal Law Resources
Juris Doctor student, Carlie Kane, has compiled an extensive timeline for Aboriginal Law which includes detailed legal and historical information and provides a rich list of resources and references.

Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
The Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) is one of five National Aboriginal Representative Organizations recognized by the Government of Canada.

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
Website for the national organization representing the interests and rights of Inuit People in Canada.

Métis Nation
The Métis National Council is the main lobby group for the Métis nation. Their website contains information on Métis treaty rights, with links to the Pawley and Blais cases.

Native Women's Association of Canada
The NWAC deals with current issues facing Aboriginal women. Information is provided on their website pertaining to women's health and violence against women.

National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
Located at the University of Manitoba, this database contains the proceedings of the Truth and Reconciliation commission, as well as government records pertaining to residential schools.

Indian Residential School Settlement
This web resource provides detailed information and resources related to the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement.

The 94 Calls to Action (EN)
The 94 Calls to Action are divided into multiple categories (education, child welfare, justice, etc.) and provide a blueprint for government to follow when attempting the process of reconciliation.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission Reports (in full)
Courtesy of the National Network for Equitable Library Service, this database provides access (in both official languages) to every report published from Canada's Residential Schools, The Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Law Librarians

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Donna Sikorsky


Law Librarian

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Matthew Renaud