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The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Ojibwe-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More

Scholar Identity and Research Impact

This guide describes the digital scholarship landscape, how to build and manage your research identity, and the different methods and tools for tracking the impact of scholarship.

Alternative 'Alt' Metrics

Alternative metrics are based on counts generated by the use of and interaction with digital information, such as number of downloads and pageviews from a publisher, repository, or online reference manager, or  mentions in online venues such as Reddit or blogs. Alternative metrics can be used to complement traditional metrics, to measure engagement with broader public, news media or social scholarly forums.

The types of metrics include:

  • bookmarks
  • citations
  • views
  • shares
  • downloads
  • mentions
  • "likes" or votes



Specific Tools

Article-level metrics and online activity across media, repository, public and scholarly forums. The Altmetric Bookmarklet is a free browser extension tool that enables viewing of Altmetric data for a published research output with a DOI.

Helps scholars explore and share impacts of all their research products. Including journal articles, blog posts, datasets, and software.

  • Publish or Perish


Data Tools

View metrics are available in Overview and Benchmarking modules.