The Metrics Toolkit explore by different types of publications and select metrics for particular types of impact, research and discipline.
Library Services on these topics see the Scholarly Communication section of Research Services & Digital Strategies unit:
Author-level metrics are presented usually to demonstrate scholarly output of that individual. Institution affiliation associated with an author are used to create co-authorship or collaboration maps but this is not considered a metric but a visualization of the relationships of an author (or group of authors).
The two most common indexes for author output is:
h-index calculation: "A scientist has index h if h of his/her Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np − h) papers have no more than h citations each." [For details in calculation, see Hirsch, 2005]
m-index calculation: the h-index divided by the number of years from the point of first publication
**These limitations indicate that this metric is not normalized for discipline citing behaviours and so should not be used for comparison purposes.**
Search by author name and select 'Citation Report' in results
Search by author name and see h-index in author results
Search by author and see h-index in Overview or Benchmarking