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Systematic Review Workshop Series: Home

Learn more about the 6-part series on Systematic Reviews offered by the Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Libraries

Systematic Review Workshop Series

Eligible participants who attend the entire series can obtain Co-Curricular Record 

logo for systemtic review workshop seriesAre you considering starting a systematic, scoping, or rapid review but don’t knowUniversity of Manitoba Co-Curricular Seal how to get started? Attend our 6-part series that explores all aspects of comprehensive searching for a knowledge synthesis project. These sessions will be hands-on and focus on the actual skills needed to complete the documenting,searching, translation, deduplication, and screening processes of a systematic, scoping, rapid, or other large-scale comprehensive review. Participants will gain a solid understanding of what is needed to complete a systematic review and why they are an essential part of evidence-based practice.

Contact Mê-Linh Lê at if you have any questions

Part 1: Introduction to Systematic Reviews

This session delves into what is really involved in completing a systematic review. It explores the role that systematic reviews play in in the evidence-based decision-making process while also discussing other knowledge synthesis products. The session introduces participants to a six-step process for completing a systematic review and identifies tools and resources to assist in the process.

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Define what a systematic review is
  • Review the standard process of a systematic review
  • Identify the tools and resources needed to complete a systematic review

Part 4: Translation

This session provides practical, hands-on advice and tips for taking an OVID Medline search strategy and translating it for use in other databases. Included will be a discussion of which databases to consider for your systematic review, how to document and search strategies, and exporting your results.

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Identify key databases based on research topic
  • Compare the varying vocabulary and syntax in different databases
  • Practice saving, editing, and documenting searches
  • Translate an Ovid MEDLINE search into EMBASE

Tools To Complete a Systematic Review

Systematic reviews are complex and time-consuming projects, but there are tools out there to help! In this new workshop, we will cover an array of tools and programs to help with writing protocols, developing and translating search strategies, deduplicating search results, screening articles, complete citation chaining, and complete risk of bias assessments.

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Identify at least 5 tools to help complete a systematic review
  • Select the correct tool for the task being completed
  • Locate helpful tools on the Internet
  • Identity the skills and knowledge required in order to be use SR tools correctly

Part 2: Setting Up A Search

This session helps participants understand what they need to do to prepare for a systematic review. This will include setting up accounts in all the relevant programs, folder structures for keeping organized, and tricks and tips for documenting and saving searches for developing a protocol.

By the end of this sessions participants will be able to:

  • Create a file structure to organize all relevant files
  • Outline what information needs to be documented for a systematic review
  • Discuss systematic review protocol formats
  • Explore tips and tricks to ensure proper record keeping


Part 5: Deduplication

This sessions gives participants a chance to import search results from multiple databases into Endnote or Mendeley and learn how to deduplicate the results to prepare for screening. Tips and tricks on finding full-text articles will be included. We will not be covering other reference management systems; however, the techniques are applicable to those other systems.

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Download search results from multiple databases into a citation management program
  • Complete a sample deduplication process in Endnote or Mendeley
  • Locate full-text articles more efficiently

Part 3: Advanced Searching

This workshop will provide practical, hands-on advice and tips for advance searching in OVID Medline, including: Subject heading searches; adjacency searching; field codes; frequency search; nesting; and filters. We’ll also look at searching and considerations when exploring grey literature.

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Turn a research question into a searchable topic using a structured concept based approach
  • Explore the differences between controlled vocabulary and keywords
  • Practice using the above techniques to build an advanced search

Part 6: Screening

In this workshop, participants will go through the process of creating a project in a systematic review screening software and using it to screen a sample systematic review. Topics for discussion include pros and cons  the software, importing and exporting records, and ensuring proper blinding protocols are in place.

By the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Upload final search results into a screening program
  • Create a review project in Rayyan that allows for proper screening by a research team
  • Complete proper documentation of the searching and screening process
  • Outline the information needed to complete a PRISMA flowchart