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Library Search Guide: Search Results



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Search Results

Finding items.


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Search Results

Search results display all the items that match your search query (in this case, "hockey night in canada"). 



The following information displays for each item on your results page:

  • Content/Material Type: the format of the item, such as book, article, journal, and so forth.

  • Title and author: click the title to view additional information about the item.

  • Author, publisher, and date: the item’s author, publisher, and publication date

  • Location: where the item can be accessed. For physical items, the library name and call number will be provided for the item. For electronic items, click the Full text available link to read the item.

  • Pin icon: click the pin icon () next to the title to add or remove the item from your favorites, which will show up in the My Favorites list.

Item Details

If you want to check to see if this is the right edition of a book, find a summary or chapter titles, and other information, check the Details section. When you have found an item you are interested in, click on the item's title and a pop-up window will appear with the item's details.

Scroll down to the Details section to view more information about the item.

You can also use the navigation bar on the left hand side of the page to view item details and other information about the item.

See All Versions

The See all versions link on the results page groups together items that are similar, for example, all editions of the same book. This is important if you would like to see if there is an older or newer edition of the same book.

The See all versions link is located directly below the name of the material, as shown in the below image. See all versions will also state the number of versions from the University of Manitoba Libraries. Please note that the number of versions stated does not mean the number of available copies.

See all versions to see all three versions of the title, "Foundations of Parasitology".

Below is the image with the three versions of the title. Pay attention to the publication dates, which indicate these three results are different editions. Click on the Available at or Checked out from hyperlink to show all the libraries that hold a specific item and the item's call number.

Full Text

Accessing the full text of an online book or article allows you to read the entirety of the item. When you find an online book or article that you want to read, click on the Full text available link, from your search results.

If only one database that we subscribe to has the book or article, you will be brought directly to the full text. If we subscribe to more than one databases that has the article, you will be brought to a new window, where you will need to choose a database. Click on the database's title to be brought to the article (Ovid Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Total Access Collection 2018).  


If you have already clicked on the item to view more information, click on the View It link in the navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen. Note that for physical items, this link will be called Get It.




You can find out if one of the libraries at the University of Manitoba Libraries has a copy of the item and whether it is currently available by looking at Availability. In your search results, for physical items there will be availability information viewable. 

When you click on the link, you will be brought to the Get It section of the item's pop-up window.

Various information is shown which will help you find the item: the library (Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library), the call number (WL 140 G798 2015), how many copies (1 copy), and whether the item is available (available and Item on shelf). 

Map It

To make it easier to find items in the libraries, click on the Map It icon for a map which shows you the location of the item on the shelf.



If you find you need a permanent link for linking to a library resource, use Permalinks. On the search results page, click on the permalink icon ().

Alternatively, under the Send To section in the item's details, click on Permalink to get a permanent, unchanging link to the resource.

Related Reading

If you need some suggestions on other resources, check out the Related Reading section.

Related reading is typically given for journal articles and is viewable on the right-hand side of the pop-up window when you click on an item. Recommendations are based on searches done by other users in specific databases, not searches done by other users of the library search.

Virtual Browse

When you click on a title of an item in our catalogue, near the bottom of the pop-up window is Virtual Browse. This area displays print materials that are located near the material you are looking at.  This will show you materials on the same subject area.  Note: The Virtual Browse shows all materials for all library locations.