What are Microforms?
Many back issues of newspapers, magazines, journals and government publications are available as microforms at Elizabeth Dafoe Library. Unlike many online text only versions of back issues, microforms offer copies of the original publication and include images, illustrations and advertisements. Microforms come in two main formats, Microfiche (transparent cards) and Microfilm (35mm rolls of film). Both formats can be viewed using scanners located in the library. The Libraries' scanning software includes OCR technology so you can search text. You can also easily convert image scans to digital formats such as jpg, png, and pdf.
Searching for Microforms
Microform collections are included in search results when you use One Stop Search. All microforms are stored in cabinets on the main floor of Dafoe Library. The microforms area has a card catalogue that will tell you which cabinet stores the publication you are searching for.
For example, if you are looking for the Globe and Mail microfilm collection find the record for Globe and Mail in the card catalogue. In the upper right corner of the record you will see the number for the cabinet where it can be found. The Globe and Mail microfilm is found in cabinets 36-38.
In each cabinet publications are arranged alphabetically and by date. When you find the correct microfiche card or microfilm roll you can take them to be viewed on the scanners in the same room. When you are finished please return the card or film to library staff for reshelving.
Notable Microform Collections
Newspapers in Microform
Popular Magazines in Microform