EndNote X2 and later versions can find full text articles with the Open URL Link which connects your EndNote record to the University of Manitoba Libraries GetIt@UML menu. EndNote X3 and later can also automatically locate articles and download them into your EndNote library. Some articles cannot be located using EndNote's Find Full Text feature but may still be available at the University of Manitoba Libraries. To check for full text using Open URL right click on an EndNote reference and select Open URL Link.
Configuring EndNote to work with Find Full Text in X3 and higher:
- Click on File > Edit > Preferences.
- Click on Find Full Text.
- Checkmark all the Find Full text boxes.
- In the OpenURL path box type or copy and paste the URL for your Group:
Base URL
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Virtual Library
5. In the Authenticate with box type or copy/paste:
Group |
University of Manitoba |
https://uml.idm.oclc.org/login?url= |
Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Virtual Library |
https://umlwrha.idm.oclc.org/login?url= |
6. Click on Apply then OK.
On campus instructions: To find the full text for EndNote citations
- Make sure your account is configured (see instructions above)
- Click / highlight the desired citations (shift or ctrl click to select multiple citations) then right-mouse click and select Find Full Text.
- This will bring up a window showing you a menu of links. You can ignore this and just click on Done.
- You should now see a Find Full Text grouping at the bottom of your My Library showing that EndNote is searching then finding or not the full text.
- Three groups will be created: Found PDF, Found URL and Not Found. For each PDF found, the PDF file will be added to your EndNote Library and a link to the PDF will display when you view the full EndNote record.
Off campus instructions: To find the full text for EndNote citations
- Make sure your account is configured (see instructions above)
- Click / highlight the desired citations (shift or ctrl click to select multiple citations) then right-mouse click and select Find Full Text.
- This will bring up a window where you need to type in your U of M staff/student ID and PIN and click Login. It will then open another window showing you a menu of links. You can ignore this and click Continue. (Authentication is needed only once per session).
- You should now see a Find Full Text grouping at the bottom of your My Library showing that EndNote is searching then finding or not the full text.
- Three groups will be created: Found PDF, Found URL and Not Found. For each PDF found, the PDF file will be added to your EndNote Library and a link to the PDF will display when you view the full EndNote record.