If you have extensively used Personal Note or customizable fields in RefWorks or require any additional support to migrate your RefWorks references, please contact:
If you have mostly more traditional types of references such as books, journal articles, book chapters, then this will be the easiest of the options
3. Choose the Bibliographic Software export format and then click on Export References.
NOTE: if you have a lot of references, this may take some time.
4. Depending on your browser, it may just save the file that is created or it may display it as a tagged text file in your browser (pop-ups may have to be disabled depending on browser). If it displays in your browser, use your browser file saving options to save this as a .txt file.
5. Open Mendeley Desktop
6. Make sure you have "All Documents" selected in the left-hand panel.
7. From the Mendeley Desktop "File" menu, choose "Add Files".
9. Locate the file you exported from RefWorks and press the "Open" button.
10. Your references will now appear in your Mendeley Library.
1. Open RefWorks and view the contents of the first folder you wish to migrate.
2. In the top left, select References --> and choose Export.
3. Choose Bibliographic Software export format and select All in List and then click on Export References.
4. Depending on your browser, it may just save the file that is created or it may display it as a tagged text file in your browser (pop-ups may have to be disabled depending on browser). If it displays in your browser, use your browser file saving options to save this as a .txt file. To make things easier when importing to Mendeley, name the .txt file the same as your folder.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for each of your folders in RefWorks. This means you will end up with one .txr file for every folder.
NOTE 1: If you have some references that you have not yet put in folders, make sure to export your "Not in Folder" list as well, or you will lose those items.
NOTE 2: If a citation is in more than one folder, then it will be exported multiple times, once for each folder that it is in. This will create duplicate citations when you import the files into Mendeley, but Mendeley can manage the duplicate items for you.
6. Open Mendeley Desktop.
7. Mendeley will automatically import references into whatever folder is currently open, so you will just need to creat the folder first. Click on Create Folder.
8. Rename the new "Untitled Folder" to have the name of the folder you're importing from RefWorks.
9. Click on Add Files and browse to where you saved the .txt file for that folder. Select the file and click Open. Your references will now be in Mendeley and should be in the folder you just created.
10. Repeat steps 7-9 for each fo the .txt files you saved from RefWorks.
11. Your references will now be added to your Mendeley Library and will appear within the folder you created in step. 7.