All research team members who are to interact with the content deposited in UM Dataverse must have an account. The Admin to the Dataverse (project) will then assign each member to a role so that each member can access the content respective to their assignment.
NOTE: if you encounter any difficulties signing up for an account or logging in, please contact us and we'll help you troubleshoot access.
If you are to be an Admin to a Dataverse (project), contact the RSDS unit to have a Dataverse project space created. Be prepared to provide the following information:
The name and identifier you would like for your dataverse
The identifier is an abbreviation that becomes part of the URL for your dataverse. For example, the identifier for the UM Librarians Knowledge Synthesis Repository is “UML_KS_Repository”, which makes the URL for that dataverse.
An estimate of the space (in GB or TB) that will be required for your dataverse.
Information about your REB application(s), if relevant.
Arrange to meet with a Librarian for assistance with UM Dataverse for your research.