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How to search CINAHL: Overview


CINAHL stands for Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. As the name implies, this is the primary database for Nursing Literature.  However, it is also an important database for many health sciences programs such as:

The UM Libraries currently subscribes to CINAHL Full-Text which provides the full text for more than 610 journals indexed in CINAHL® dating back to 1981.

Accessing CINAHL

You can access CINAHL if you are a current University of Manitoba student, staff or faculty member.

To access CINAHL:

  1. Go to the main UM Libraries home page.
  2. Click Databases A-Z.
  3. Click "C" from the alphabet list.
  4. Scroll down until you see CINAHL and click on the link.
  5. If you are accessing CINAHL from home, you will be asked to login with your UMNetID and password. These are the same credentials you use to access your UM email account.

On the How to search CINAHL library guide, click on the Access CINAHL link on the left-hand side of this guide.