The University of Manitoba Libraries provide support for 3 citation management products: EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero. However, there are many more products and tools that are available for free or purchase. While we don't offer any support for these tools, they may be useful to you.
Reference Manager is no longer available for sale. Users can still receive support from Thomson Reuters. Reference Manager databases can be easily converted to EndNote. This video shows how to convert a Reference Manager database into EndNote.
Papers is a popular program that specializes in managing pdfs of scientific articles. Within Papers, search major scientific article databases, including PubMed, IEEE Xplore, and Web of Science. Papers will import the relevant metadata (author, journal title, etc.) for you. In the Reader window you can annotate your PDFs by highlighting or underling in different colors and adding notes.
Get Papers:
A free 30-day trial is available from the Papers website for Mac or PC. Papers can be downloaded from the web for a fee, and students get a discount. A Papers application for the iPhone is also available.
PaperPile has a free citation app for Google Docs which can also be used for collaborative writing. For more information look at the Paperpile cheat sheet.
JabRef is an open source bibliography reference manager that can be used to create BibTex files.
Some features available in JabRef include: