The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Ojibwe-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More
Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri; Shamkant B. NavatheFor database systems courses in Computer Science This book introduces the fundamental concepts necessary for designing, using, and implementing database systems and database applications. Our presentation stresses the fundamentals of database modeling and design, the languages and models provided by the database management systems, and database system implementation techniques. The book is meant to be used as a textbook for a one- or two-semester course in database systems at the junior, senior, or graduate level, and as a reference book. The goal is to provide an in-depth and up-to-date presentation of the most important aspects of database systems and applications, and related technologies. It is assumed that readers are familiar with elementary programming and data-structuring concepts and that they have had some exposure to the basics of computer organization.
Call Number: QA76.9.D3 E57 2016
ISBN: 0133970779
Publication Date: 2015-06-08
Fundamentals of Database Systems by Ramez Elmasri; Shamkant B. NavatheClear explanations of theory and design, broad coverage of models and real systems, and an up-to-date introduction to modern database technologies result in a leading introduction to database systems. Intended for computer science majors, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6/e emphasizes math models, design issues, relational algebra, and relational calculus. A lab manual and problems give students opportunities to practice the fundamentals of design and implementation. Real-world examples serve as engaging, practical illustrations of database concepts. The Sixth Edition maintains its coverage of the most popular database topics, including SQL, security, and data mining, and features increased emphasis on XML and semi-structured data.
Call Number: QA 76.9 D3 E57 2011
ISBN: 0136086209
Publication Date: 2010-03-30
Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan; Johannes GehrkeDatabase Management Systems provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the fundamentals of database systems. Coherent explanations and practical examples have made this one of the leading texts in the field. The third edition continues in this tradition, enhancing it with more practical material. The new edition has been reorganized to allow more flexibility in the way the course is taught. Now, instructors can easily choose whether they would like to teach a course which emphasizes database application development or a course that emphasizes database systems issues. New overview chapters at the beginning of parts make it possible to skip other chapters in the part if you don't want the detail. More applications and examples have been added throughout the book, including SQL and Oracle examples. The applied flavor is further enhanced by the two new database applications chapters.
Call Number: QA 76.9 D3 R237 2003
ISBN: 0072465638
Publication Date: 2002-08-14
Database System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz; Henry F. Korth; S. SudarshanDatabase System Concepts by Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan is now in its 6th edition and is one of the cornerstone texts of database education. It presents the fundamental concepts of database management in an intuitive manner geared toward allowing students to begin working with databases as quickly as possible. The text is designed for a first course in databases at the junior/senior undergraduate level or the first year graduate level. It also contains additional material that can be used as supplements or as introductory material for an advanced course. Because the authors present concepts as intuitive descriptions, a familiarity with basic data structures, computer organization, and a high-level programming language are the only prerequisites. Important theoretical results are covered, but formal proofs are omitted. In place of proofs, figures and examples are used to suggest why a result is true.
Call Number: QA 76.9 D3 S5637 2011
ISBN: 9780073523323
Publication Date: 2010-01-27
Database Systems: The Complete Book by Hector Garcia-Molina; Jeffrey D. Ullman; Jennifer WidomDatabase Systems: The Complete Book is ideal for Database Systems and Database Design and Application courses offered at the junior, senior and graduate levels in Computer Science departments. A basic understanding of algebraic expressions and laws, logic, basic data structure, OOP concepts, and programming environments is implied. Written by well-known computer scientists, this introduction to database systems offers a comprehensive approach, focusing on database design, database use, and implementation of database applications and database management systems. The first half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer. It covers the latest database standards SQL:1999, SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, JDBC, ODL, and XML, with broader coverage of SQL than most other texts. The second half of the book provides in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the DBMS implementor. It focuses on storage structures, query processing, and transaction management. The book covers the main techniques in these areas with broader coverage of query optimization than most other texts, along with advanced topics including multidimensional and bitmap indexes, distributed transactions, and information integration techniques.
Call Number: QA 76.9 D3 G3653 2009
ISBN: 9780131873254
Publication Date: 2008-06-05
Reference Material
Data Quality and High-Dimensional Data Analytics by Al; Chee-Yong ChanPoor data quality is known to compromise the credibility and efficiency of commercial and public endeavours. Also, the importance of managing data quality has increased manifold as the diversity of sources, formats and volume of data grows. This volume targets the data quality in the light of collaborative information systems where data creation and ownership is increasingly difficult to establish.
Call Number: QA 76.9 E95 I57 2008
ISBN: 9789814273480
Publication Date: 2009-02-19
Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining by John WangThis encyclopedia offers thorough exposure to the issues of importance in the changing field of data warehousing and mining. It informs decision makers, problem solvers, and data mining specialists in business and other settings with over 300 entries on theories, methodologies, functionalities, and applications.
Call Number: QA 76.9 D37 E52 2009
ISBN: 9781605660103
Publication Date: 2008-08-31
Encyclopedia of Database Systems by Ling Liu (Editor); M. Tamer Özsu (Editor)This revised and expanded edition of Encyclopedia of Database Systems provides easy access to crucial concepts relevant to all aspects of very large databases, data management, and database systems, including areas of current interest and research results of historical significance. This comprehensive reference is organized alphabetically and each entry presents basic terminology, concepts, methods and algorithms, key results to date, references to the literature, and cross-references to other entries. Topics for the encyclopedia--including areas of current interest as well as research results of historical significance--were selected by a distinguished international advisory board and written by world-class experts in the field. New entries that reflect recent developments and technological advances in very large databases include: big data, big data technology, cloud computing, cloud data centers, business analytics, social networks, ranking, trust management, query over encrypted data, and more. Entirely new entries include database systems, relational database systems, databases, multimedia databases, bioinformatics, workflow systems, and web data management. Encyclopedia of Database Systems, 2nd edition, is designed to meet the needs of researchers, professors, graduate and undergraduate students in computer science and engineering. Industry professionals, from database specialists to software developers, will also benefit from this valuable reference work.