World Constitutions Illustrated (HeinOnline)
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals: IFLP (HeinOnline)
WorldLII > Links to Parliaments
WorldLII > Categories > Subjects > Constitutional Law
Foreign Law Guide (BrillOnline)
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
Oxford Reports on International Law
Constitute Project
Offers links to every constitution in the world in English. Content can be filtered, compared and downloaded/exported to Google Docs.
International Constitutional Law - ICL
International Constitutional Law (ICL) provides English translations of constitutional documents and other texts. It also cross-references those documents for quick comparison of constitutional provisions.
U.K. Legislation (The National Archives)
U.K. Constitutional Law Association Blog
Magna Carta (British Library)
University College London: The Constitution Unit
United Kingdom Legal Research Guide (Georgetown Law Library)
The Constitution of the United States of America as amended
(U.S. Government Publishing Office)
Supreme Court of the United States
Legal Information Institute: Constitutional Law
Library of Congress: United States Constitution
Features links to commentaries, historical texts and judicial decisions