This page highlights some of our German Language & Literature print materials.
The following selection of bibliographies, handbooks and surveys is meant as an introductory guide to the library collection in the field of German literature. For help in using the catalogue, or any of the material mentioned in the guide, consult the library staff on duty at the Service Desk, Elizabeth Dafoe Library: 474-9844
Dietzel, Thomas. Deutsche literarische Zeitschriften, 1880-1945. New York: K.G. Saur, 1988. 5 v. Alphabetical arrangement of German literary periodicals of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Comprehensive author/title index in v. 5.
REF Z 2225 .D53 1988
Just, K. Von der Grunderzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Geschichte der deutschen Literatur seit 1871. Bern: Francke, 1973.
Part of Handbuch der deutschen Literaturgeschichte. Abt.1 "Darstellungen". Substantial and well indexed.
Available at Elizabeth Dafoe Library Second Floor (PT 401 .J89)
Raabe, P. Die Autoren und Bücher des literarischen Expressionismus: ein bibliographisches Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1985.
Bio-biographical guide to authors and publications related to this important literary movement. Well indexed.
In Storage, Available by Request.
Raabe, P. Die Zeitschriften und Sammlungen des literarischen Expressionismus, 1910-1921. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1964.
Annotated bibliography of journals and collections of the expressionist period.
In Storage, Available by Request.
Soergel, A., und C. Hohoff. Dichtung und Dichter der Zeit vom Naturalismus bis zur Gegenwart. Leipzig: Voigtlander, 1911-1934. 3 v.
A good survey of 19th-century German literature, still recommended today.
Available at Elizabeth Dafoe Library Dewey Collection (830.904 .S68 Di)
Deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart. Hrsg., Dietrich Weber. Stuttgart: Kroner,
1968-1977. 2 v.
Volume 1 covers authors from 1945 to 1960, volume 2 those flourishing since 1960.
Available at Elizabeth Dafoe Library Second Floor (PT 403 .D39 1976)
Hennecke, H. und H. Kunisch. Handbuch der deutschen Gegenwartsliteratur. Munchen: Nymphenburger, 1969-1970. 3 v.
An author dictionary also including long articles describing literary trends. V. 3 lists bibliographical information about individual authors.
Available at Elizabeth Dafoe Library Second Floor (PT 403 .H244 1969)
Kindlers Literaturgeschichte der Gegenwart. Zurich: Kindler, 1973- 1978. 5 v.
Library has v. 1-2 which cover BRD, DDR, Austrian and Swiss authors, and literary developments since 1945. A complete and updated 12 volume ed. (Fischer, 1980) is also available in the stacks (same call number).
In Storage, Available by Request.
King, Janet. Literarische Zeitschriften 1945-1970. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1974.
Descriptive bibliography of selected literary journals published in German-speaking countries since 1945.
Available at Elizabeth Dafoe Library Second Floor (Z 2225 .K56)
Kritisches Lexikon zur deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (KLG). Hrsg., Heinz Ludwig Arnold. Munchen: Text+Kritik, 1978-
A loose-leaf dictionary of contemporary authors of German- speaking countries. Entries are very lang, and contain bibliographies. Presently in 8 folders.
REF PT 41 .K741
Modern German Literature. Comp., A.K. Domandi. New York: Ungar, 1972. 2 v.
A useful compilation of 20th century criticism in excerpts, concerning more than 200 German authors who flourished between 1900 and the 1960s.
Available at Elizabeth Dafoe Library Second Floor (PT 401 .D6 1972)