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Rare Books: Books Printed prior to 1800

Descriptions of the University of Manitoba's Rare Books Collection as well as educational resources available to those studying related fields.

General Works

Philosophy. Psychology. Religion

 Nieuwentyt, Bernard, (London :  M Senex in Fleetstreet, W Innys, T Longman and T Shewell, in Pater-Noster-Row, 1745.) The religious philosopher, or, The right use of contemplating the works of the Creator : designed for the conviction of atheists and infidels ... / Dr. Nieuwentyt ; translated from the Low-Dutch by John Chamberlayne. To which is prefixed a Letter to the translator, by J.T. Desaguliers. BL180 .N513 1745
 Wollaston, William, (London,  John and Paul Knapton, 1738.) The religion of nature delineated ... to which is added a preface, containing a general account of the life, character, and writings of the author. BL180 .W6 1738
 Burnet, Thomas, (London :  H Lintot, at the Cross-Keys against St Dunstans-Church in Fleet-street, [1734?]) The sacred theory of the earth : containing an account of the original of the earth, and of all the general changes which it hath undergone, or is to undergo till the consummation of all things. In four books... ; with a review of the theory, and of its proofs ; especially in reference to Scripture. As also the author's defence of the work, from the exceptions of Mr. Warren, and the examination of Mr. Keil. And an Ode to the author by Mr. Addison. BL224 .B82 1734 v.1 bk.1-2
 Megerlin, David Friedrich, (Franckfurt am Mayn : Johann Gottlieb Garbe, 1772.) Die türkische Bibel, oder des Korans / allererste teutsche Uebersetzung aus der arabischen Urschrift selbst verfertiget ... von David Friedrich Megerlin. BP115 1772
 Wilson, Thomas, (London :  John Rivington, bookseller to the Society for promoting Christian knowledge, at the Bible and Crown (no 62) St Paul's church-yard, 1776.) The knowledge and practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities, or, An Essay towards an instruction for the Indians : which will likewise be of use to all  such who are called Christians, but have not well considered the meaning of the religion they profess, or who profess to know God, but in works do deny him , in twenty dialogues : together with directions and prayers for the heathen world, missionaries, catechumens, private persons, families, of parents for their children, for Sundays, etc. / by Thomas, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. -- BR120 .W55 1776
 Wilson, Thomas, (London :  JF and C Rivington, booksellers to the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge at the Bible and Crown (No 62) in St Paul's Church-yard, 1787.) The knowledge and practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities, or, An Essay towards an instruction for the Indians : which will likewise be of use to all such who are called Christians, but have not well considered the meaning of the religion they profess, or who profess to know God, but in works do deny him, in twenty dialogues : together with directions and prayers for the heathen world, missionaries, catechumens, private persons, families, of parents for their children, for Sundays, etc. / by Thomas, Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man. BR120 .W55 1787
 Amat de Graveson, Ignace Hyacinthe, (Bassani : sed prostant Venetiis apud Romondini, 1793.) Historia ecclesiastica variis colloquiis digesta ... Opus novem tomis comprehensum  / auctore Ignatio Hyacintho Amat de Graveson. -- BR142 .A4 1793
 Rinaldi, Odorico, (Romae : excudebat Mascardus, 1646-1663.) Annales Ecclesiastici ab anno MCXCVIII vbi Card. Baronivs desinit / avctore Odorico Raynaldo Tarvisino congregationis oratorii Presbytero. BR143 .B3
 Baronio, Cesare, (Antverpiae : Ex officina Plantiniana, 1597-1612.) Annales ecclesiastici / auctore Caesare Baronio Sorano ex congreg. oratorii S.R.E. Presbytero Cardinali ... BR143 .B3
 Gregory, G. (London :  C and G Kearsley, 1790.) An history of the Christian church from the earliest periods to the present time / [by G. Gregory]. BR143 .G8 1790
 Eusebius, (London :  C Rivington, at the Bible and Crown, in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1729.) The Ecclesiastical histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, and Theodorit faithfully translated and abridg'd from the originals : together with a brief account of the lives of these historians : and several useful notes and illustrations, and a copious index / by Mr. Parker ; to which is now added, by a friend, An Abridgment of the History of Evagrius Scholasticus. BR160.A1 E32 1729
 Eusebius, ([London? : sn, 16--?]) Ecclesiastical history. [First volume]. BR160.E5 E5 1600z v. 1
 Eusebius, (London, printed by Abraham Miller and are to be sold by Simon Miller , 1663.) The ancient ecclesiastical histories of the first six hundred years after Christ. Written in the Greek tongue by three learned historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates and Evagrius ... Whereunto is annexed Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyrus, of the lives and ends of the prophets, apostles, and LXX disciples. All which authors are faithfully translated out of the Greek tongue by Meredith Hammer ... Last of all, herein is comprized a brief chronography collected by the said translator, with a copious index of the principal matters throughout all the histories. Hereunto is added Eusebius his life of Constantine, in four books with Constantines Oration to the clergy. -- BR160.E5 E5 1663
 Foxe, John, (London :  the Company of Stationers, 1641.) Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable happening in the Church with an universall Historie of the same : wherein is set forth... / by the author, Mr. Iohn Fox, the eights time newly Imprinted... BR1600 .F62 1641
 Cotton, Clement. (London :  R Roberts, 1685.) The Mirror of martyrs : the first and second part : lively expressing (in a short view) the force of their faith, the fervency of their love, the wisdom of their sayings, the patience of their sufferings, etc. : with their prayers and preparation for their last farewell : whereunto are added two godly letters written by Master Bradford / [Clement Cotton]. BR1607 .C68 1685
 Du Pin, Louis Ellies, (London (England) :  A Swall and T Childe, at the Unicorn, 1693-1699.) A new history of ecclesiastical writers : containing an account of the authors of the several books of the Old and New Testament, and the lives and writings of the primitive fathers : an abridgement and catalogue of all their works, censures determining the genuine and spurious, a judgment upon their style and doctrine, and the various editions of their writings : to which is added, a compendious history of the councils and many necessary tables and indexes / written in French by Lewis Ellies du Pin. BR161 .D813 1693
 Voltaire, (London :  T Becket and PA de Hondt, 1764.) A treatise on religious toleration / translated from the French of Mr. De Voltaire by the translator of Eloisa, Emilius & c. BR1610 .V82 1764
 King, Peter King, (London :  J Wyat at the Rose, 1713.) An enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity and worship of the primitive Church, that flourish'd within the first three hundred years after Christ : faithfully collected out of the extant writings of those ages / by an impartial hand. BR165 .K55 1713
 Cave, William, (London : Printed by AC for Richard Chiswel, 1677.) Apostolici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles, as also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years : to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church / by William Cave. BR1705.A2 C38 v. 1
 Cave, William, (London : printed by JR for Richard Chiswel at the Rose and Crown in S Paul's Church-yard, 1682.) Apostolici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles, as also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years : to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church / by William Cave. BR1705.A2 C38 v. 1 1682
 Cave, William, (London : printed by BW for Richard Chiswel at the Rose and Crown in S Paul's Church-yard, 1687.) Apostolici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles, as also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years : to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church / by William Cave.

BR1705.A2 C38 v. 1 1687


 Cave, William, (London : Printed by JR for Richard Chiswel, 1683.) Ecclesiastici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, & writings of the most eminent fathers of the church, that flourisht in the fourth century ... / by William Cave. BR1705.A2 C38 v. 2
 Hermant, Godefroy, (A Paris : chez Pierre Auboüyn , MDCLXXII [1672].) La vie de St. Athanase, patriarche d'Alexandrie ... / par M. Godefroy Hermant ... BR1720.A7 H4 1672
 Du Pin, Louis Ellies, (London :  A and J Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, and Tim Child, at the White Hart at the West End of St Paul's-Church-Yard, 1703-1706.) A new ecclesiastical history of the sixteenth century : containing an impartial account of the reformation of religion and other ecclesiastical affairs : especially the rise and progress of the doctrines of Luther, Calvin, Zuinglius, &c. : together with the lives and writings of the ecclesiastical authors, who flourished in that time / written in French by Lewis Ellies Du Pin. BR304 .D813 1703
 Du Pin, Louis Ellies, (Oxford : printed by L Lichfield, for T Combes, at the Bible and Dove in Pater Noster Row, London, and A Peisley, Bookseller in Oxford, 1725.) A new ecclesiastical history of the seventeenth century : containing an account of the controversies in religion, the lives and writings of ecclesiastical authors, an abridgment of their works, and a judgment on their style and doctrine : also, a compendious history of all affairs transacted in the Church / written in French by Lewis Ellies Dupin ; translated and illustrated with additional annotations, by Digby Cotes. BR304 .D8213 1725
 Sleidanus, Johannes, (London : Printed by E Jones, for A Swall and H Bonwicke, 1689.) The general history of the Reformation of the church, from the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome : begun in Germany by Martin Luther, with the progress thereof in all parts of Christendom, from the year 1517, to the year 1556 / written in Latin by John Sleidan ; and faithfully Englished, to which is added, a continuation to the end of the Council of Trent, in the year 1562, by Edmund Bohun. -- BR304 .S5413 1689
 Luther, Martin, (Salfeld : Gedruckt bey Gottfried Bohmern, 1738-1742.) Das nutzbareste aus denen gesamten erbaulichen Schriften des seligen Herrn D. Martini Lutheri / in umstandlichen Auszugen mit nothigen und nutzlichen Registern ... nebst einer Vorrede auch den gemeinen und armen Leuten zum Druck ubergeben von Benjamin Lindnern. BR331.A3 L55 1738
 Heylyn, Peter, (London :  H Twyford, T Dring, J Place, W Palmer , 1661.) Ecclesia restaurata, or, the history of the Reformation of the Church of England : containing the beginning, progress, and successes of it, the counsels, by which it was conducted, the rules of piety, and prudence, upon which it was founded, the several steps, by which it was promoted, or retarded, in the change of times, from the first preparations to it by King Henry the Eight, untill the legal settling, and establishment of it under Queen Elizabeth : together with the intermixture of such civil actions, and affairs of state, as either were co-incident with it, or related to it / by Peter Heylyn. BR375 .H4 1661
 Knox, John, (Edinburgh : Printed by R Fleming, and sold at the shops of J MacEuen etc, 1732.) The historie of the reformatioun of religioun within the realm of Scotland : conteining the manner and be quhat persons the lycht of Chrystis Evangell has bein manifested unto this realme, after that horribill and universal defectioun from the treuth, whiche has come by the means of that Romane Antichryst.  Together with the life of Iohn Knoxe the author, and several curious pieces wrote by him, particularly the most rare and scarce one, intitled The first blast of the trumpet against the monstruous regiment of women, and a large index and glossary. BR385 .K659 1732
 Augustine, (Parisiis : excudebat Franciscus Muguet, 1683-1700.) Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi operum ... : post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manuscriptos codices gallicanos, vaticanos, anglicanos, belgicos, & c. nec non ad editiones antiquiores & castigatiores / opera et stvdio monachorvm ordinis S. Benedicti è congregatione S. Mauri. BR65 .A5 1683
 Hilary, (Parisiis : Franciscus Muguet, 1693.) Sancti Hilarii pictavorum episcopi Opera : ad manuscriptos codices Gallicanos, Romanos, Belgicos, necnon ad veteres editiones castigata; aliquot aucta opusculis, praeviis in locos difficiles disputationibus, praefationibus, admonitionibus, notis, novâ S. Confessoris vitâ, & copiosissimis scripturarum, rerum, glossarum indicibus locupletata & illustrata / studio et labore monachorum. BR65 .H75 1693
 Peter, ([Bologna] : Io Baptista Phaellus Bononien Bononiae impressit, 1534.) Diui Petri Chrysologi Archiepiscopi Rauennatis Sermones. BR65 .P423 1534
 Tertullian, (Parisiis : apud Antonium Dezallier, 1695.) Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani opera / ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem sedulo emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii J.C. ; cum ejusdem annotationibus integris & variorum commentariis, seorsim anteà editis ; Ph. Priorius argumenta & notas in libros omnes de novo adjecit, et dissertationem apprimè utilem concinnavit ; accedunt Novatiani tractatus, de Trinitate, & cibis Judaïcis, cum notis, ut in editione Pamelii; item ... accessit carmen de Jona & Ninive. BR65 .T3 1695
 Tertullian, (Genevae : Apud Petrum & Iacobum Chouët, 1625.) Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani Ad nationes libri duo : hactenus inediti : nunc primùm, post M.CCCC. annos, ad exemplar Agobardi Lugdunensis episcopi, publicati, notis etiam additis / à Iacobo Gothofredo. BR65 .T35 1625
 Theodoret, (Lutetiae Parisiorum : Sumptibus Claudii Sonii & Dionysii Bechet, 1642.) Makariou Theodōritou Episkopou Kyrou hapanta = Beati Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri Opera omnia : in quatuor tomos distributa : quorum plurima Græce, quædam etiam Latinè nunc primùm prodeunt : Græca cum manuscriptis exemplaribus diligenter collata, Latinæ versiones ad Græcorum normam exactæ & recognitæ / cura & studio Iacobi Sirmondi. BR65 .T75 1642
 Clement (Oxonii : Excudebat Iohannes Lichfield Academiae Typographus, 1633.) Klementos pros Korinthious epistole prote = Clementis ad Corinthios epistola prior / ex laceris reliquiis vetustissimi exemplaris Bibliothecæ Regiæ, eruit, lacunas explevit, Latinè vertit, & notis brevioribus illustravit Patricius Iunius. BR65.C54 C6 1633
 Clement (Oxoniae : Excudebat A & L Lichfield, 1669.) Tou en hagios patros hēmon kai hieromartyros Klēmentos pros Korinthious epistolē = S. patris & martyris Clementis ad Corinthios epistola. BR65.C54 C7 1669
 Pseudo-Macarius. (London, W. Taylor, W. and J. Innys [etc.] 1721.) Primitive morality: or, The spiritual homilies of St. Macarius the Egyptian. Full of very profitable instructions concerning that perfection, which is expected from Christians, and which it is their duty to endeavour after. Done out of Greek into English, with several considerable emendations, and some enlargements from a Bodleian manuscript, never before printed. By a presbyter of the Church of England ... BR65.P823 S6513 1721
 Fuller, Thomas, (London :  Iohn Williams, 1655.) The church history of Britain : from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year MDCXLVIII / endeavoured by Thomas Fuller. BR742 .F8 1655
 Geaves, William. (London :  Philip Chetwin, 1674.) The history of the Church of Great Britain : from the birth of our Saviour, untill the year of our Lord, 1667 : with an exact succession of the Bishops and the memorable acts of many of them : together with an addition of all the english cardinals : and the several orders of English monks, friars, and nuns, in former ages. BR742 .G4 1674
 Parsons, Robert, ([St. Omer? : F Bellet?, 1603-04.) A treatise of three conversions of England from paganisme to Christian religion : the first under the apostles ... the second under Pope Eleutherius and K. Lucius ... the third, under Pope Gregory the Great, and K. Ethelbert ... / by N.D. author of the Ward-word ... BR746 .P37 1603
 Bingham, Joseph, (London :  Robert Knaplock at the Bishop's Head in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1726.) The works of the learned Joseph Bingham. BR75 .B63 1726
 Rainerius, ([Augsburg : Günther Zainer, 1474.) Pantheologia sive Summa theologiae. BR95 .R34 1474b
 Rogers, John, ([Antwerp? :  R Grafton and E Whitchurch, 1537]) [The Bible, which is all the Holy Scripture : in whych are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament truly and purely translated into Englysh / by Thomas Matthew]. BS 150 1537
 Roycroft, Thomas, (Londini : Imprimebat Thomas Roycroft, 1655-1657.) Biblia Sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales / edidit Brianus Waltonus. BS1 1655
 Lye, Edward, (Oxonii : e Typographeo Clarendoniao, 1750.) Sacrorum Evangeliorum versio Gothica ex Codice argenteo emendata atque suppleta : cum interpretatione latina & annotationibus Erici Benzelii / edidit, observationes suas adjecit, et grammaticam gothicam praemisit Edwardus Lye. BS105 .B389 1750
 Cotton, Clement. (London : printed by H L and RY for NN and are to be sold at the Popes-head-Alley, 1627.) A Concordance to all the bookes of the Old Testament, according to the translation allowed by His late Ma'tie of Great Brittain : in which the most materiall words thereof are exactly gathered into their proper places, according to the order of the alphabet ... / [Clement Cotton]. BS1125 .C7 1627
 Jugge, Richard, ([London : Imprinted by Richard Iugge, 1566?]) [The Newe Testament of our Sauiour Iesus Christe : faithfully translated out of the Greke, with the notes and expositions of the darke places therin]. BS140 1566
 Bythner, Victorinus, (Londini : typis Jacobi Flesher prostat verò venalis apud Gul Morden Cantabrigiæ, 1664.) Lyra prophetica Davidis regis, sive, Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum : in qua omnes & singulæ voces Hebrææ in Psalterio contentæ, tam propriæ quàm appellativæ, (nullâ exceptâ) ad Regulas artis revocantur : earúmque significationes genuinæ explicantur : elegantiæ linguæ propriæ evolvuntur : insuper Harmonia Hebræi textus cum paraphrasi chaldæa, & versione græca LXXII interpretum, in locis, sententiis discrepantibus, fideliter confertur : cui ad calcem addita est brevis institutio linguae hebraeae & chaldaeae / studio & vigiliis Victorini Bythneri. -- BS1429 .B95 1664
 Romaine, William, (London :  J Worral and B Tovey, 1767.) A Practical comment on the Hundred and Seventh Psalm : preached at the Thursday's lecture, at St. Dunstan's Church in the West, London / by William Romaine. BS1450 107th .R65 1767
 Smith, Samuel, ([London] :  J Clarke et al, 1745.) David's repentance; : or, a plain and familiar exposition on the 51st psalm, first preach'd, and now published, for the benefit of God's church ... -- BS1450 51st .S6 1745
 Okes, John, (London : Printed by I Okes, and are to be sold by H Overton and Iohn Rothwell , 1638.) Lacrymæ Germaniæ, or, The teares of Germany : unfolding her woefull distresse by Jerusalems calamity ; in a sermon preached at a generall assembly in the maiden-towne of Norenberg in Germany, before the Lords the States, and many others of quality there met together, to humble themselves before the Lord. BS1515 .L32 1638
 Vitringa, Campegius, (Leovardiae : Excudit Henricus Halma, 1724.) Commentarius in librum prophetiarum Jesaiæ : quo sensus orationis eius sedulo investigatur, in veras visorum interpretandorum hypotheses inquiritur, & ex iisdem facta interpretatio antiquæ historiæ monumentis confirmatur atque illustratur : cum prolegomenis ... / cura & studio Campegii Vintringa, Th. & H.S. Professoris. BS1515 .V5 1724
 Vitringa, Campegius, (Leovardiae : Excudit Henricus Halma, 1724.) Commentarius in librum prophetiarum Jesaiæ : quo sensus orationis eius sedulo investigatur, in veras visorum interpretandorum hypotheses inquiritur, & ex iisdem facta interpretatio antiquæ historiæ monumentis confirmatur atque illustratur : cum prolegomenis ... / cura & studio Campegii Vintringa, Th. & H.S. Professoris. BS1515 .V5 1724
 Cranmer, Thomas, ([London : Prynted by Thomas Petyt, and Roberte Redman, for Thomas Berthelet, 1540]) [The Byble in Englyshe, that is to say, the content of all the Holye Scrypture, bothe of the Olde and Newe Testament]. BS160 1540
 Whittingham, William, ([Geneva : Printed by Rovland Hall, 1560]) [The Bible and Holy Scriptvres conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament]. BS170 1560
 Barker, Christopher, (London : Imprinted by C Barkar, 1577.) The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptvres conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament : translated according to the Ebrewe and Greeke and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages, with most profitable annotations ... BS170 1577
 Barker, Robert, (London : By Robert Barker, 1606.) The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptvres conteined in the Old and New Testament : translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. BS170 1606
 Barker, Robert, (London : by Robert Barker, 1608.) The Bible : translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers languages : with most profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance, as may appeare in the epistle to the reader : and also a most profitable concordance for the ready finding out of anything in the same contained. BS170 1608
 Jugge, Richard, ([London : R Iugge, 1568.]) [The Holie Bible : conteyning the Old Testament and the Newe]. BS175 1568
 Haydock, Geo. Leo (New York : P F Collier pub, [ca. 1899].) The Holy Bible : translated from the Latin Vulgate : diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers languages : the Old Testament first published by the English College at Douay, A.D. 1609 and the New Testament first published by the English College at Rheims, A.D. 1582 / with notes, critical, historical, and explanatory selected from the most eminent commentators and critics by Rev. George Haydock ; revised and corrected under the superintendence of the very Rev. Frederick Canon Oakeley, with the approbation of His Eminence, the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, and imprimatur, John Card, M'Closkey, Archbishop of New York. BS180 1899li
 Smith, Miles, (London : by Robert Barker, 1611.) [The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New : newly translated out of the originall tongues, & with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by His Maiesties speciall cõmandement : appointed to be read in churches]. BS185 1611 .L65
 Barker, Robert, (London : By Robert Barker, anno 1617.) The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his Maiesties speciall commandement. BS185 1617 .L66
 Barker, Robert, (London : By Robert Barker and by the assignes of Iohn Bill, 1630.) The Holy Bible, contayning the Old Testament and the New : newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with the former translations / diligently compared and reuised, by His Maiesties speciall commandement. BS185 1630
 Barker, Robert, (London : Printed by Robert Barker, and by the assignes of John Bill, 1640.) The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New / newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesties speciall commandment ; appointed to be read in churches. BS185 1640
 Field, John, (Cambridge : Printed by John Field, 1657.) The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. BS185 1657 .C35
 Baskett, John, (Oxford : Printed by John Baskett, 1738.) The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments : newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised.

BS185 1738 .O93


 Nelson, Robert, (Dublin: Printed by R Reilly, for R Gunne, and R Owen, Booksellers, 1737.) A companion for the festivals and fasts of the Church of England: with collects and prayers for each solemnity. BV30 .N44 1737
 Burnet, Gilbert, (London :  D Midwinter and B Cowse, 1713.) A discourse of the pastoral care / written by the Right Reverend father in God, Gilbert, lord bishop of Sarum. BV4009 .B8 1713
 Clarke, Samuel, (London, : printed by Will, Botham, for James Knapton, at the Crown in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1706.) A demonstration of the being and attributes of God : more particularly in answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, and their followers: wherein the notion of liberty is stated, and the possibility and certainty of it proved, in opposition to necessity and fate. Being the substance of eight sermons preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, in the year 1704 at the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle / by Samuel Clark. -- BV4253 .C557 1706
 Clarke, Samuel, (London, : John Knapton, 1732.) A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, : the obligations of natural religion, and thr truth and certainty of the Christian revelation. In answer to Mr. Hobbs, Spinoza, the author of the Oracles of reason, and other deniers of natural and revealed religion. Being fifteen sermons, preach'd ... in the years 1704, and 1705 ... In which is inserted a discourse concerning the connexion of the prophecies in the old testament, and the application of them to Christ. There is also, an answer to a seventh letter, concerning, the argument a priori, in proof of the being of God / by Samuel Clarke. -- BV4253 .C56 1732
 Spinckes, Nathaniel, (London :  John and Francis Rivington , MDCCLXXV [1775]) The sick man visited ; and furnished with instructions, meditations, and prayers, for putting him in mind of his change ; for supporting him under his distemper ; and for preparing him for, and carrying him through, his last conflict with death / by Nathanael Spinckes. BV4335 .S64 1775
 Allestree, Richard, (London : Printed only for Alexr Hogg, [ca. 1790]) The new and complete Whole duty of man : containing a clear and full account of the faith as well as practice of a Christian ... BV4500 .A44 1790
 Howe, John, (London : printed by A Maxwell, for Sa Gellibrand, at the Ball in St Paul's Church-yard, 1674.) A treatise of delighting in God : in two parts / by John Howe. BV4500 .H683 1674
 Scougal, Henry, (Philadelphia : printed by Ormrod & Conrad, 1795.) [The life of God, in the soul of man, or, The nature and excellency of the Christian religion / by Henry Scougal ; to which is subjoined, Rules for a holy life, by Robert Leighton.] BV4500 .S3 1795
 Sherman, John, (London : Printed by E Cotes, for R Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1654.) White salt, or, A sober correction of a mad world : in some wel-wishes to goodness / by John Sherman, B.D. BV4500 .S53 1654
 Whitfield, Henry, (London, :  John Bartlet, 1636.) Some helps to stirre up to Christian duties : wherein is explained the nature of duty of stirring up ourselves ... / by Henry Whitfeld. BV4520 .W4
 Burkitt, William, ([London? : sn, 1693?].) An help and guide to Christian families : containing doctrinal instructions for the right informing of their judgements ... unto which are added Principles of religion ... with Forms of prayer for families and single persons, also divine hymns on several occasions / by William Burkitt. BV4526 .B87 1693
 Allestree, Richard, (London, : Printed by R Norton for Robert Pawlett, 1675.) The causes of the decay of Christian piety ; or, An impartial survey of the ruiness of Christian religion undermin'd by unchristian practice [and Private devotions referring to the several parts of the before-going treatise]. Written by the author of the whole duty of man / Richard Allestree. -- BV4625 .A5 1675
 Birchley, William, (London : Edinburgh : Printed by W Sands, A Murray, and J Cochran for T Longman, Pater-Noster-Row 1765.) Devotions, in the ancient way of offices : with psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. Reformed by a person of quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. / John Austin. -- BV4811 .A88
 Thomas, (London :  J Ilive et al, 1733.) The Christian's pattern, or, A Treatise of the imitation of Jesus Christ : in four books / written originally in Latin by Thomas a Kempis ; now render'd into English ; to which are added, Meditations and prayers for sick persons, by George Stanhope. BV4821 .A1 1733
 Bennet, Benjamin, (London :  John Gray, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1732.) The Christian oratory, or, The Devotion of the closet display'd / by Benjamin Bennet. BV4831 .B5 1732
 Hervey, James, (London :  W Justins, Shoemaker Row, Blackfriars 1791.) Meditations and contemplations / by James Hervey. BV4831 .H4 1791
 Tersteegen, Gerhard, (Biel : in Verlag der Heilmannischen Buchh, 1766.) Geistliches Blumen-Gärtlein inniger seelen; oder Kurze schluss-reimen betrachtungen und lieder über allerhand wuahrheten des inwendigen Christenthums; zur Erweckung, stärckung und Erquickung in dem verborgenen Leben mit Christo in Gott. BV4834 .T38 1766
 Brokesby, Francis, (London : printed by W B for W Taylor, etc 1712.) An history of the government of the primitive church : for the three first centuries and the beginning of the fourth : shewing that the Church in those first ages, as it has been ever since, was governed by bishops ... ; wherein also the suggestions of David Blondel to the contrary are considered / by Francis Brokesby. BV648 .B76 1712
 Sclater, William, (London :  Geo Strahanand J Bowyer, 1717.) An original draught of the primitive church : in answer to a discourse entituled, An Enquiry into the constitution, discipline, unity, and worship of the primitive church, that flourish'd within the first three hundred years after Christ / by a presbyter of the Church of England. BV648 .S352 1717
 Hooker, Richard, (London : printed by William Stansbye and are to be sold by George Lathum, [1632?]) Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie : eight bookes / by Richard Hooker. BV649 .H8 1632
 Hooker, Richard, (London :  John Walthoe, George Conyers, etc, 1723.) The works of that learned and judicious divine, Mr. Richard Hooker, in eight books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity ... : to which are added, several other treatises by the same author ... BV649 .H8 1723
 Stennett, Samuel, (London :  J Buckland, G Keith, W Harris, 1775.) An answer to the Christian minister's Reasons for baptizing infants : in a series of letters to a friend / by Samuel Stennett. BV813.A2 S84 1775
 King, William, (London :  A Bettesworth, at the Red Lyon in Paster-Noster-Row, 1726.) A discourse concerning the inventions of men in the worship of God / by William King, D.D., now Lord Archbishop of Dublin. BV9 .K5 1726
 Barrow, Isaac, (London : printed by M Flesher for B Aylmer, 1683?-1687.]) [The works of the learned Isaac Barrow] / published by the Reverend Dr. Tillotson. BX 5037 B3 1683 RBR
 Hall, Joseph, (London : Printed by IH for Ed Brewster, [1622?].) The works of Joseph Hall, B. of Exceter : with a table newly added to the whole worke. BX 5037 H26 1622 RBR
 Joachim, (Venetiis, : apud Hieronymum Porrum, 1589.) Vaticinia, siue prophetiae abbatis Joachimi et Anselmi episcopi marsicani, cum imaginibus aere incisis, correctione et pulcritudine, plurium manuscriptorum exemplariu ope ... Qvibvs rota, et oraculum turcicum maxime considerationis adiecta sunt. Vna cum praefatione et adnotationibus Paschalini Regiselmi. --

BX 890 J6 1589



 Fabricii, Principio, (Roma, : B Grassi, 1588.) Delle allvsioni : imprese et emblemi del Principio Fabricii da Teramo, sopra la vita, opere et attioni de Gregorio XIII / Principio Fabrizi. BX1334 .F33
 Clement (London :  T Becket, 1777.) Interesting letters of Pope Clement XIV (Ganganelli) : to which are prefixed anecdotes of his life / translated from the French edition published at Paris by Lottin le Jeune. BX1357 .A3 1777
 Saint-Vallier, Jean-Baptiste de la Croix de Chevrières de, (Paris : Chez Robert Pepie, ruë S Jacques, à l'image S Basile, au dessus de la Fontaine S Severin, 1688.) Estat présent de l'église et de la colonie française dans la Nouvelle-France / par l'évêque de Québec. BX1420 .S38 1688
 Limborch, Philippus van, (London : sold by J Gray, at the Cross-Keys in the Poultry, 1731.) The history of the Inquisition / by Philip a Limborch, Professor of Divinity amongst the Remonstrants ; translated into English by Samuel Chandler. BX1710 .L5 1731
 Vacandard, Elphège, (London ; Toronto : Longmans, Green and Co, 1915, c1907.) The Inquisition : a critical and historical study of the coercive power of the church / by E. Vacandard ; translated from the second edition by Bertrand L. Conway. -- BX1711 .B3213 1915
 Thomas, (Venetiis : Ex officina Damiani Zenarij, 1587.) Compendium absolutissimum totius Summae theologiae D. Thomae Aquinatis, doctoris angelici ... / auctore Lodovico Carbone. BX1749 .T36 1587
 Thomas, (Antverpiæ : ex officina Christophori Plantini, Architypographi Regii, MDLXXV [1575]) Secunda secundae Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, opus plane aureum omnium quae ad moralem scientiam ; hoc est, ad virtutem et vitiorum, notitiam spectant, particularem eamque eruditissimam explicationem continens : ... nunc primum ... per theologos Lovanienses recens factam, ... excusum. BX1749 .T48 1575
 Niccolò, ([ca. 1438]) [Lectura super quinto Decretalium] [manuscript] / [Niccolò de Tedeschi]. BX1749.N52 L45 1438
 Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, (Rouen : P Machuel, 1780.) Recueil des oraisons funebres / prononcées par Jacq. Bénigne Bossuet. BX1756 .B7 1780
 Attendorn, Peter. ([Strassburg : Johannes Pruss, fur Peter Attendorn, after Oct. 25, 1489]) Directoriu[m] statuu[m], seu verius Tribulatio seculi. BX1756.A2 D57 1489
 Edward (London : Printed by JD for Jonathan Robinson , 1682.) K. Edward the VIth his own arguments against the Pope's supremacy : wherein several popish doctrines and practices, contrary to God's word, are animadverted on, and the marks of anti-Christ are applied to the Pope of Rome / translated out of the original, written with the King's own hand in French, and still preserved ; to which are subjoined some remarks upon his life and reign, in vindication of his memory, from Dr. Heylin's severe and unjust censure. BX1763 .E3 1682
 Jewel, John, (London : By Henry Wykes, 1565.) A replie unto M. Hardinges answeare : by perusinge whereof the discrete, and diligent reader may easily see, the weake, and unstable groundes of the Romaine religion, whiche of late hath beene accompted catholique / by Iohn Iewel bishoppe of Sarisburie. BX1763 .J48 1565
 Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, ([London? : sn, 15--?]) The bee hiue of the Romish Church. BX1763 .M37 1500z
 Catholic Church. (Veneunt Parisijs : Joanni Kerbriand uulgo Huguelin, [April 1531]) Breuiariu[m] ad sacrosancte Romane Ecclesie usum : longe elimatioribus q[uem] antea typis excusum non mediocri labore ac industria a mendis q[ui]bus undiq[ue] scatebat nouissime recognitu[m] : Presbyteris secularibus Romanu[m] usum obserua[n]tibus maxime necessarium. -- BX2000 .A2 1531
 Catholic Church. (Antverpias, : C Plantini, 1577.) Missale romanvm, ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii tridentini restitutum, Pii V. pont. max. -- BX2015 .A2 1577
 Catholic Church. (Salmanticae [Salamanca] : Excudebat Guillelmus Foquet, MDLXXXVIII [1588].) Missale romanum : ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum Pii V. Pontif. BX2015 .A2 1588
 Gavanti, Bartolommeo, (Rouen : C Malassis, 1651.) Abregé du thresor des cérémonies ecclésiastiques du R.P. Gavantus / compose en latin, traduit et augmente par le R.P. Claude Arnaud. -- BX2015 .G284 1651
 Catholic Church. ([Poland?], [between 1401 and 1499?]) 15th-century Christian prayer book. BX2080 1400z
Book ([not after 1729]) Marianisches Blumen-Gärtlein, das ist Tagzeiten der Unbeflekten Empfängniss Maria, wie auch Morgen Abend Mess-Beicht Komünion, und andere kleine schöne Gebetchen ... BX2160.A2 M37 1729
 Cassian, John, (Impresse Basilee : J Amerbach, 1485.) De institutis cenobiorum, origi[n]e causis et remediis vitiorum, collationib[us] patrum / Cassianus. -- BX2430 .C37 1485
 Martène, Edmond, (Venetiis, Baptista Novelli, 1783.) De antiquis ecclesiae ritibus libri tres, ex variis insigniorum ecclesiarum pontificalibus, sacramentariis, missalibus, breviariis, ritualibus, sive manualibus, ordinariis seu conseutudinariis, cum manuscriptis, tum editis, ex diversis conciliorum decretis, episcoporum statuconciliorum decretis, episcoporum statutis, aliisque probatis auctoribus permultis, collecti atque exornati a Reverendo Patre Domno Edmundo Martene. -- BX2435 .M3
 Martène, Edmond, (Venetiis, Baptista Novelli, 1783.) De antiquis ecclesiae ritibus libri tres, ex variis insigniorum ecclesiarum pontificalibus, sacramentariis, missalibus, breviariis, ritualibus, sive manualibus, ordinariis seu conseutudinariis, cum manuscriptis, tum editis, ex diversis conciliorum decretis, episcoporum statuconciliorum decretis, episcoporum statutis, aliisque probatis auctoribus permultis, collecti atque exornati a Reverendo Patre Domno Edmundo Martene. -- BX2435 .M3
 Rycaut, Paul, (London :  John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleet-street, near Temple-Bar, 1679.) The present state of the Greek and Armenian Churches, anno Christi, 1678 / written at the command of his Majesty by Paul Ricaut. BX320 .R9 1679
 Monk, Maria, (Philadelphia : TB Peterson, 101 Chestnut Str, between 1836 and 1854, 189- printing.) Awful disclosures of Maria Monk / illustrated with 40 engravings. And the startling Mysteries of a convent exposed! / [by a celebrated Methodist preacher]. -- BX4216.M6 A3 1836f
 Marie de l'Incarnation, (A Paris : Chez Louis Billaine , MDCLXXXI [1681].) Lettres de la venerable Mere Marie de l'Incarnation, Premiere Superieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France : divisées en deux parties. BX4543.6.Q3 M37 1681
 Eisenschmid, Gottfried Benjamin. (Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth 1795.) Geschichte der vornehmsten Kirchengebräuche der Protestanten : ein Beytrag zur Verbesserung der Liturgie / von Gottfried Benjamin Eisenschmid. BX4809 .E438 1795
 Mestrezat, Jean, (A Paris : Chez Edme Martin, 1655.) Dispute touchant le schisme et la separation que Luther et Calvin ont faite de l'église romaine / entre Iean Mestrezat & Louis du Laurens. -- BX4819 .M47 1655
 Heylyn, Peter, (London : printed by M Clark, for Charles Harper at the Flower-de-Luce over against St Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, 1681.) Keimelia ekklesiastika : the historical and miscellaneous tracts of the reverend and learned Peter Heylyn now collected into one volume, and, An account of the life of the author never before published, with an exact table to the whole. BX5037 .H49 1681
 Kettlewell, John, (London :  D Browne and 14 others, 1719.) A compleat collection of the works of ... John Kettlewell ... : to which is prefixed the life of the author ... many remarkable transactions of his time / compiled from the collections of George Hickes ... and Robert Nelson ... with an appendix of several original papers. -- BX5037 .K47 1719
 Romaine, William, (London :  T Chapman, Fleet-street, 1796.) Works of the late Reverend William Romaine : rector of Saint Andrew by the Wardrobe and Saint Ann, Blackfriars, and Lecturer of St. Dunstan in the West. BX5037 .R652 1796
 Secker, Thomas, (Dublin :  J Williams, 1775.) The works of Thomas Secker, LL.D., late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury / published from the original manuscripts, by Beilby Porteus and George Stinton. BX5037 .S435 1775
 Butler, Joseph, (London :  Robert Horsfield at the Crown in Ludgate-Street, 1765.) Fifteen sermons preached at the Rolls Chapel / by Joseph Butler. BX5037.B98 F4 1765
 Beveridge, William, (London : W Innys, 1748.) Private thoughts : in two parts complete / by William Beveridge. -- BX5130 .B484 1748
 Allestree, Richard, (London : Printed only for John Hinton, 1761.) The New whole duty of man, containing the faith as well as practice of a Christian : made easy for the practice of the present age, as the old Whole duty of man was designed for those unhappy times in which it was written : and supplying the articles of the Christian faith, which are wanting in that book, tho' essentially necessary to salvation ... : with devotions proper for several occasions and a help to the reading of the Holy Scriptures. -- BX5130 .N48 1761
 Stillingfleet, Edward, (London :  H Mortlock , 1681.) A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion : being a vindication of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Relation of a conference, &c. from the pretended answer by T.C. : wherein the true grounds of faith are cleared, and the false discovered, the Church of England vindicated from the imputation of schism, and the most important particular controversies between us and those of the Church of Rome throughly [sic] examined / by Edward Stillingfleet ...

BX5130.L3 S8 1681


 Seed, Jeremiah, (London :  M Seed and sold by R Manby and HS Cox, on Ludgate-hill, 1750.) The posthumous works of Jeremiah Seed : consisting of sermons, letters, essays, etc. / published from the author's original manuscripts by Joseph Hall. BX5133 .S36 1750
 Tillotson, John, (London :  B Aylmer at the Three Pigeons against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, and W Rogers at the Sun against St Dunstan's Church in Fleet Street, 1671-1694.) Sermons preach'd upon several occasions / by John, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. -- BX5133 .T5 1671
 Tillotson, John, (London :  Ric Chiswell at the Rose and Crown in St Paul's Church-yard, 1695-1704.) [Sermons] / by John Tillotson ; published from the originals by Ralph Barker. BX5133 .T5 1695
 Tillotson, John, (London :  C Hitch et al, 1757.) The works of the most Reverend Dr. John Tillotson, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, in twelve volumes : containing two hundred and fifty four sermons and discourses on several occasions : together with the Rule of faith, prayers composed by him for his own use, a discourse to his servants before the Sacrament, and a form of prayer, composed by him for the use of King William. BX5133 .T5 1757
 Young, Edward, (London : R Knaplock in St Paul's Church-Yard 1720.) Sermons on several occasions / by E. Young. BX5133 .Y599 1720
 Mearne, Samuel, (London : Printed by TR for Samuel Mearne and for Robert Pawlet, 1676.) Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches, in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : and now thought fit to be reprinted by authority from the Kings most excellent majesty. BX5133.A1 A3 1676
 Parker, Peter, (Oxford : printed at the Theatre, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, at the Leg and Star over against the Royal exchange in Cornhil, London, 1683.) Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : and now thought fit to be reprinted by authority from the Kings most Excellent Majesty. BX5133.A1 A3 1683
 Wells, George, (London :  George Wells, Abel Swall, and George Pawlett, 1687.) Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : and now re the use of private families. BX5133.A1 A3 1687
Book ([London? : sn, 1663?]) Farewell sermons of the ejected ministers in 1662. BX5133.A1 A4 1663
 Donne, John, (London : printed by TN for James Magnes in Russel-street near the Piazza in Covent-Garden, 1660.) XXVI sermons preached by that learned and reverend Divine, John Donne. BX5133.D6 T9 1660
 Latimer, Hugh, (London, : Imprinted by John Day, 1562.) 27 sermons preached by the ryght Reverende father in God and constant Matir of Jesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer, as well as such in tymes past have bene printed, as certayne other commyng to our handes of late, whych were yet never set forth in print / Hugh Latimer. -- BX5133.L3 T84 1562
 Playfere, Thomas, ([London? : sn, 1621?]) The path-way to perfection : a sermon preached at Saint Maries Spittle in London on wednesday in Easter-weeke, 1593 ; The meane in mourning : the text ; Nine sermons / by Thomas Playfere. BX5133.P52 P3 1621
 Sherlock, Thomas, (London :  J Whiston and B White et al, 1764.) Several discourses preached at the Temple Church / by Tho. Sherlock. BX5133.S5 S4 1764
 Sherlock, William, (London :  Will Rogers, 1692.) A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, June 26, 1692 / by William Sherlock. -- BX5133.S53 S43
 Tillotson, John, (London :  Ri Chiswell, 1704.) Of sincerity and constancy in the faith and profession of the true religion : in fifteen sermons / by John Tillotson : being the first volume, published from the originals, by Ralph Barker. BX5133.T5 O3 1704
 Tillotson, John, (London :  Brabazon Aylmer and William Rogers, 1680.) The Protestant religion vindicated, from the charge of singularity and novelty : in a sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, April the 2d, 1680 / by John Tillotson. BX5133.T52 P7
 Tillotson, John, (London : Printed by JD for Brabazon Aylmer and William Rogers, 1678.) A sermon preached November 5, 1678, at St. Margarets Westminster, before the honourable House of Commons / by John Tillotson. -- BX5133.T52 S4
 Stillingfleet, Edward, (London : Printed by Rob White for Henry Mortlock, 1665.) A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion : being a vindication of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Relation of a conference ... / by Edward Stillingfleet. BX5136 .S74 1665
 Church of England. ([London : R Iugge, 1573?]) [The booke of common prayer]. BX5145 .A4 1573
 Church of England. (London : by Robert Barker, 1605.) The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. -- BX5145 .A4 1605
 Church of England. (London : by Robert Barker, 1607.) The booke of common prayer ; with, The Psalter or Psalmes of David : of that translation which is appointed to be used in churches. BX5145 .A4 1607
 Church of England. (London : printed by Charles Bill, 1697.) The book of common prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church : according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. -- BX5145 .A4 1697
 Church of England. (London : Printed by the assigns of His Majesty's printer, and of Henry Hills, deceased, MDCCXXIX [1729].) The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches : and the form or manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests and deacons. BX5145 .A4 1729
 Church of England. ([London : T Baskett, 1753?]) [The book of common prayer]. BX5145 .A4 1753
 Church of England. (Cambridge : London : printed by John Baskerville 1760.) The Book of common prayer and administration of the Sacraments : and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. BX5145 .A4 1760
 Church of England. (Cambridge, : Printed by John Baskerville, 1761.) The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches. -- BX5145 .A4 1761
 Church of England. (Cambridge : J Bentham, 1766.) The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other ceremonies of the church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches. -- BX5145 .A4 1766
 Church of England. (Oxford : Printed by T Wright and W Gill, 1772.) The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church, according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches. BX5145 .A4 1772
 Brent, W. (London : printed by Assignment for W Brent, at the King's Arms, Paternoster Row, [1785].) The new week's preparation for a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper, as recommended and appointed by the Church of England : Consisting of meditations and prayers for the morning and evening of every day of the week, with forms of examinations and confession of sins, & a Companion at the altar... Also Meditations to enable us to live well after receiving the Holy Sacrament. -- BX5145 .A4 1785
 Church of England. (Cambridge : printed by J Archdeacon and J Burges, and sold by C Dilly, R & C Rivington, an B & J White in London, and J & J Merrill in Cambridge, 1795.) The book of common prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church : according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. BX5145 .A4 1795b
 Wheatly, Charles, (Oxford : printed at the Theater for Anth Peisley , 1714.) The Church of England man's companion, or, A rational illustration of the harmony, excellency, and usefulness of the Book of Common Prayer, etc. : wherein all the rubricks, prayers, rites and ceremonies, etc. are explain'd and vindicated, and compar'd with the ancient liturgies, and the practices of the primitive church : to which is prefix'd an introductory discourse, shewing the lawfulness and necessity of a national precompos'd liturgy / by Charles Wheatley. BX5145 .W54 1714
 Church of England. (Londra : Appresso Moise Pitt libraro nel Cimitero di San Paolo, MDCLXXXV [1685].) Il Libro delle preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de sacramenti, ed altri riti e cerimonie della chiesa, secondo l'uso della Chiesa anglicana ; insieme col Saltero over i salmi di David, come hanno da esser recitati nelle chiese. E la forma e modo di fare, ordinare e consacrare vescovi, presbiteri e diaconi. BX5145.A6 I88 1685
 Church of England. (Londini : J Bonwicke et al, 1759.) Liturgia, seu, Liber precum communium, et administrationis sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum et ceremoniarum in Ecclesia Anglicana receptus: itémque forma et modus creandi, ordinandi, et consecrandi episcopos, presbyteros, et diaconos. Epistolae, evangelia, et psalmi inferuntur juxta Sebastiani Castellionis versionem. -- -- BX5145.A6 L3 1759
 Wharton, Henry, (Londini : Impensis Richardi Chiswel , 1691.) Anglia sacra : sive collectio historiarum, partim antiquitas, partim recenter scriptarum, de archiepiscopis & episcopis Angliae, a prima fidei christianae susceptione ad annum MDXL nunc primùm in lucem editarum. BX5176 .W43 1691
 Brett, Thomas, (London : Printed by J Bettenham for C Hitch and W Russel, 1748.) The life of the late Reverend John Johnson, vicar of Cranbrook, in Kent. Together with three of Mr. Johnson's posthumous tracts... / by the late Reverend Thomas Brett, LL.D. BX5199.J65 B74 1748
 Leland, Thomas, (Dublin : London : printed by George Bonham, for William M'Kenzie, bookseller, in Dame Street 1788.) Sermons on various subjects : in three volumes / by the late Rev. Thomas Leland. BX5530 .L45 1788
 Sovereign, A. H. ([Toronto?] : Centenary Committee of the Canadian Churches, [194-?]) Ambassador of the frozen way, Most Rev. Isaac O. Stringer, D.D., Archbishop of Rupert's Land / by A.H. Sovereign. BX5620.S77 S6
 Barclay, Robert, ([London? : 17--?].) [An apology for the true Christian divinity : as the same is held forth and preached by the people called in scorn Quakers]. BX7730 .B3 1701
 Barclay, Robert, (London : Printed and sold by T Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, 1736.) An apology for the true Christian divinity, as the same is held forth and preached by the people called, in scorn, Quakers : being a full explanation and vindication of their principles and doctrines ... / written in Latin and English by Robert Barclay. BX7730 .B3 1736
 Gleditsch, Johann Ludwig, (Leipzig : Bey Johann Ludwig Gleditsch, 1703.) Concordia : christliche wiederholete einmüthige Bekäntniss nachbenannter Chur-Fürsten, Fürsten und Stände Augspurgischer Confession, und derselben Theologen Lehre und Glaubens ... Alles ietzo neu wiederum auffgelegt und mit denen Visitations-Artickeln vermehret, auch mit einem besondern Anhange versehen. BX8068 .A2 1703
 Jón Vídalín, (Hoolum, 1753.) Ut af Drottenns vors Jesu Christi Pijningar historiu sio Predikaner af hvorium sex eru giordar af ... Saal. Mag. Jone Thorkelssyne Vidalin, en su siounda af ... Saal. Mag. Steine Jonssyne, Biskupe Hoola Stiptis. Sio andlegir Psalmar nefnder Pijslar Minning ut af Pijnu og Dauda Drottens vors ... ordter af ... Sr. Jone Magnussyne. BX8068.A1 I3 1748
 Jón Vídalín, (Hoolum i Hialltadal : Af Gudmunde Jons Syne, 1782.) Ut af Drottens vors Jesu Christi pijningar historiu, sjo predikaner / hvoriar fyrstu sex giordt hefur ... Jon Þorkels son Widalin ; Enn þondu ... Steinn Jons Son. BX8068.A1 I3 1782
 Sarpi, Paolo, (London : Printed by J Macock, for Sam Mearne, John Martyn, and Henry Herringman, 1676.) The history of the Council of Trent : containing eight books, in which besides the ordinary acts of the Council are declared many notable occurrences which happened in Christendom, during the space of forty years and more, and particularly the practices of the court of Rome, to hinder the Reformation of their errours, and to maintain their greatness / written in Italian by Pietro Soave Polano, and faithfully translated into English by Sir Nathaniel Brent ; whereunto is added the life of the learned author, and The history of the Inquisition. -- BX830 1545 .S323
 Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, (London : Printed and sold by Mary Hinde, 1769.) The Archbishop of Cambray's dissertation on pure love : with an account of the life and writings of the lady, for whose sake the Archbishop was banish'd from court ... - BX890 .F47 1769
 Heylyn, Peter, (London : Oxford : printed by Robert Battersby for Christopher Wilkinsonand Thomas Archer 1672.) Aërius redivivus, or, The history of the Presbyterians : containing the beginnings, progresse, and successes of that active sect, their oppositions to monarchical and episcopal government, their innovations in the Church, and their imbroilments of the kingdoms and estates of Christendom in the pursuit of their designs : from the year 1536 to the year 1647 / by Peter Heylyn. BX8930 .H4 1672
 Scott, Ephraim, (Montreal : J Lovell & Son, 1928.) Church union and the Presbyterian Church in Canada / by Ephraim Scott. -- BX9001 .S36
 Erskine, Ralph, (Falkirk : printed by Patrick Mair, for Peter Muirhead, Hugh Mitchell, bookseller, and the Revd John Stewart, the publishers, 1794-96.) The Sermons and other practical works of the late reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine : consisting of above one hundred and fifty sermons, besides his poetical pieces ... : to which is prefixed an Account of the author's life and writings, with an Elegiac poem, and large contents. BX9178 .E78 1794
 Blair, Hugh, (London :  A. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1792.) Sermons / by Hugh Blair. Volume the second. BX9178.B52 S473 1792
 Blair, Hugh, (London ; Edinburgh :  A. Strahan and T. Cadell in the Strand ; and W. Creech, 1792.) Sermons / by Hugh Blair, D.D.F.R.S., One of the Ministers of the High Church, and Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University, of Edinburgh. BX9178.B52 S473 1792a
 Logan, John, (Edinburgh :  Bell & Bradfute and GGJ and J Robinson, London, MDCCXCIII [1793]) Sermons by the late Reverend John Logan, F.R.S. Edin., one of the ministers of Leith. BX9178.L7 S4 1793
 Manton, Thomas, (London :  Brabazon Aylmer , 1678.) Sermons preached by the late reverend and learned divine, Thomas Manton ... BX9178.M36 S47 1678
 Neal, Daniel, (London :  J Buckland, 1754.) The history of the Puritans or Protestant non-conformists, : from the Reformation under King Henry VIII to the Act of Toleration under King William and Queen Mary ; with an account of their principles, their attempts for a further reformation in the church ; and the lives and characters of their most considerable divines / by Daniel Neal. BX9333 .N4 1754
 Neal, Daniel, (London :  J Buckland, 1754.) The history of the Puritans or Protestant non-conformists, : from the Reformation under King Henry VIII to the Act of Toleration under King William and Queen Mary ; with an account of their principles, their attempts for a further reformation in the church ; and the lives and characters of their most considerable divines / by Daniel Neal. BX9333 .N4 1754
 Calvin, Jean, (Genevae : Apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1576.) Ioannis Calvini epistolae et responsa : quibus interiectae sunt insignium in ecclesia Dei virorum aliquot etiam epistolae. BX9420 .E6 1576
 Calvin, Jean, (Genevae, : Apud Iohannem le Preux, 1590.) Institutio Christianae religionis, : Iohanne Calvino authore. Quae ad superiores editiones hâc postremâ, omnium emendatissima locupletissimaque, recèns addita sunt, statim post ipsius authoris Epistolam ad Regem Christianiss, subiecta lectorem admonitio breuiter indicat. BX9420 .I58 1590
 Calvin, Jean, (London : In White Crosse strete by Richarde Harrison, Anno. 1562.) The institution of Christian religion / written in Latine by maister Iohn Calvine, and translated into Englishe accordyng to the authors last edition, by T.N. wherunto is added a table, to fynde the principall matters entreated of in thys boke, conteyning by order of common places, the summe of the whole doctrine taught in the same. BX9420 .I613 1562
 Turrettini, François, (Genevae : Apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1679-1685.) Institutio theologiae elencticae : in qua status controversiae perspicue exponitur, praecipua orthodoxorum argumenta proponuntur & vindicantur, & fontes solutionum aperiuntur / authore Francisco Turrettino. BX9421 .T85 1679