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Rare Books: Law

Descriptions of the University of Manitoba's Rare Books Collection as well as educational resources available to those studying related fields.

Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence

Creator / Imprint Title Call Number
Doujat, Jean. (A Paris: Chez Estienne Michallet, MDCLXXXV [1685]) Histoire du droit canonique : avec l'explication des lieux qui ont donné le nom aux conciles, ou le surnom aux auteurs ecclésiastiques, et une chronologie canonique : le tout pour servir d'instruction à l'étude des saints décrets & des autres matières ecclésiastiques & historiques / par Me. J. Doujat ... KBR160 .D68 1685

United Kingdom and Ireland

Creator / Imprint Title Call Number
Great Britain. (London : C Barker, 1587.) The whole volume of statutes at large, which at anie time heeretofore have been extant in print, since Magna Charta, untill the xxix. yeere of the reigne of our most gratious sovereigne ladie Elizabeth ... KD 130 1215 1587
Great Britain. Court of King's Bench. (London : Worrall, 1766-80.) Reports of cases adjudged in the Court of King's bench since the time of Lord Mansfield's coming to preside in it / by Sir James Burrow ; with tables, of the names of the cases, and of the matter contained in them ; beginning with [Michaelmas term 30 Geo. 2. 1756] and ending at Easter term 12 Geo. 3. 1772, (exclusive). KD200 1756.B87 A2
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. (London : Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan, Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1774.) Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, decimo quarto : at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the tenth day of May, anno domini 1768, in the eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c., and from thence continued, by several prorogations, to the thirteenth day of January, 1774; being the seventh session of the thirteenth parliament of Great Britain. KD2463 .A3 1774
Reading, Nathaniel, (London : Robert Pawlet, 1679.) The tryal of Nathaniel Reading, Esq., for attempting to stifle the King's evidence as to the horrid plot : had before the commissioners of oyer and terminer at the Kings-Bench-Barr at Westminster, on Thursday the 24th. of April 1679 : who being convicted upon full evidence, received judgement to be fined 1000 £, imprisoned for one year, and to be set in the pillory on Monday then next following. KD372.R43 R43 1679
Cowell, John, (Oxoniae : Excudebat HH Academiae typographus impensis F Oxlad, Sen, & Ed Forrest, 1676.) Institutiones juris Anglicani, ad methodum et seriem institutionum imperialium compositae & digestae : opus non solum juris Anglicani Romanique in hoc regno studiosis, sed omnibus qui politeian & consuetudines inclyti nostri imperii penitius scire cupiunt, utile & accommodatum / auctore Johanne Cowello ... ; cum duplici indice, quorum alter titulos ordine alphabetico, alter obscuras juris Angl. dictiones, earumque explicationem, continet. KD600 .C68 1676
Book (England, 1775.) Letter of indenture, 1775 : manuscript fragment. KD979 .I52 1775


Creator / Imprint Title Call Number
New France. (Québec, Québec : sn, 1803-06) Édits, ordonnances royaux, déclarations et arrêts du Conseil d'État du Roi, concernant le Canada / mis par ordre chronologique, et publiés par ordre de Son Excellence Sir Robert Shore Milnes, Baronet, Lieutenant Gouverneur de la Province du Bas-Canada, en conséquence de deux différentes adresses de la Chambre d'assemblée, en date des 5e et 7e mars, 1801. KEQ48 

United States

Creator / Imprint Title Call Number
Blackstone, William, (London : Printed by A. Strahan and W. Woodfall for T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1793-1795.) Commentaries on the laws of England : in four books / by William Blackstone. KF385.ZC2 B43 1793
Blackstone, William, (Dublin : Printed by L White, P Byrne, and J Rice, 1796.) Commentaries on the laws of England / by William Blackstone. KF385.ZC2 B43 1796
Blackstone, William, (Dublin : John Exshaw et al, 1771.) Commentaries on the laws of England / by Sir William Blackstone. KF385.ZC2 B435 1771
United States. (Philadelphia : From the press of Carey, Stewart, and Co, MDCCXCI [1791]) The Constitutions of the United States, according to the latest amendments : to which are annexed, The Declaration of Independence, and The Federal Constitution, with the amendments thereto. KF4530.A15 C66 1791
Zenger, John Peter, (London, J Wilford, 1738.) The tryal of John Peter Zenger, of New-York, printer; who was lately try'd and acquitted for printing and publishing a libel against the government. With the pleadings and arguments on both sides. KF9345 .Z4
Great Britain. (Edinburgh : Printed by Alexander Kincaid, 1765.) Anno regni Georgii III. Regis Magnae Britanniae, Franciae, & Hiberniae, quinto : at the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the nineteenth day of May, anno Dom. 1761, in the first year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third ... : and from thence continued by several prorogations to the tenth day of January, 1765, being the fourth session of the twelfth Parliament of Great Britain. KF962 .A328 1765 A2 1765


Creator / Imprint Title Call Number
Justinian (Lugduni [Lyon] : apud G Rouillium, 1571.) Authenticorum, seu, Novellarum constitutionum Iustiniani principis pars altera : quae reliquas quinque collationes, ut vocant, complectitur. KJA1252.2 1571
Eden, Robert, (Oxonii [Oxford] : e theatro Sheldoniano, MDCCXLIV [1744]) Jurisprudentia philologica, sive Elementa juris civilis, secundum methodum et seriem Institutionum Justiniani, in brevem & facilem ordinem redacta, notis classicis, & historicis : nec non parallelis juris anglicani locis, illustrata. Quibus accessit Prooemium de jure civili Romanorum ante Justinianum, et de libris juris civilis Romanorum per Justinianum compositis. In usum juventutis academicæ / per Robertum Eden, S.T.B., Archidiaconum Wintoniensem, & non ita pridem, Coll. Univ. Oxon. Socium. KJA147 .E33 1744
Agylaeus, Henricus, (Lugduni [Lyon] : Apud Gulielmum Rouillium, 1581.) Iustiniani imperatoris edicta. Item Iustini, Tiberii ac Leonis Augustorum novellae constitutiones / Henrico Agylaeo interprete. KJA195 .A49 1581
Sigonio, Carlo, (Lutetiae [Paris] : Apud Iacobum Du Puys, 1576.) Caroli Sigonij De antiquo iure populi Romani libri vndecim ; De republica Atheniensium libri IIII. ; De Atheniensium, Lacedaemoniorúmque temporibus liber I. : in eosdem rerum, & verborum indices copiosi ... KJA2066.9.A3 D426 1576
Aimo, Battista, (Venetiis : Apud Franciscum Zilettum, 1581.) Tractatus de fluviis alluvionibus : deq[uam] ijs, quae ex alluvione nascuntur commodis & incommodis ... / Baptista Aymo Parmensi auctore ... KJA2489.R57 A55 1581
Desgodets, Antoine Babuty, ([Paris? : sn, 1748.) Les loix des bâtiments, suivant la Coutume de Paris, traitant de ce qui concerne les servitudes réelles, les rapports des jurés-experts, les réparations locatives, douairieres, usufruitieres, bénéficaiales, &c. / enseignées par m. Desgodets ; avec les notes de m. Goupy. KJV1232 .D47 1748
Book ([France], 7 juin 1768.) Contract de 150. de Rente due par le Sr. Viratel de puiselet du 7 juin 1768. KJV5710 .C66 1768