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Rare Books: Books Printed prior to 1700

Descriptions of the University of Manitoba's Rare Books Collection as well as educational resources available to those studying related fields.

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Location Call number Title Date of publication
Rare Book Room AC6 .D5 1669 Of bodies, and of mans soul. To discover the immortality of reasonable souls. With two discourses Of the powder of sympathy, and Of the vegetation of plants / By Sir Kenelm Digby. 1669.
Rare Book Room B1155 1653 Francisci Baconi de Verulamio Scripta in natvrali e vniversali philosophia. 1653.
Rare Book Room B1170 1624 Francisci Baronis de Verulamio, vice-comitis Sancti Albani : De dignitate et augmentis Scientiarum, libri IX. Ad regum suum. Iuxta exemplar Londini Impressum. 1624.
Rare Book Room, OS B1173.E5 W3 1674 Of the advancement and proficiencie of learning: 1674.
Rare Book Room B1294 .L6 1697 A letter to the Right Reverend Edward Ld Bishop of Worcester : concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke's Essay of humane understanding, in a late discourse of his lordships, in Vindication of the Trinity / by John Locke.-- 1697.
Rare Book Room, OS B485 .M33 1481 Incipiu[n]t questiones perutiles super tota phi[losophi]a magistri Joa[n]nis Magri doctoris parisie[n]sis : cum explanatio[n]e textus Aristotelis secundum mente[m] doctoris subtilis Scoti. anno d[omi]nici natalis 1481 die vo. xij.a mensis Decembris.
Rare Book Room B659 .D47 1501 De philosophico consolatu, sive, De consolatio[n]e philosophi[a]e : cu[m] figur[is] ornatissimis nouit[er] expolit[is] / Boetius. 1501.
Rare Book Room B659.C2 E6 1695 Of the consolation of Philosophy : in five books / Anicius Manlius Severinus Boetius ; made English and illustrated with notes by Richard Preston. 1695.
Rare Book Room BF1517.F5 A75 1693 Histoire des diables de Loudun, ou, De la possession des religieuses Ursulines, et de la condamnation & du supplice d'Urbain Grandier curé de la même ville. 1693.
Rare Book Room BF840 .P65 1593 De humana physiognomonia ... libri IIII; qui ab extimis, quae in hominum corporibus conspiciuntur signis, ita eorum naturas, mores & consilia (egregiis ad vivum expressis iconibus) demonstrant, ut intimos animi recessus penetrare videantur ... 1593.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI BJ 1551 A42 1687 The gentleman's calling / written by the author of The whole duty of man. 1687.
Rare Book Room BJ1051 .C35 1657 De la sagesse / par Pierre Charron, suivant la vrage copie de Bourdeaux en trois livres. 1657.
Rare Book Room, OS BJ1520 .F33 1670 Resolves, divine, moral, political / by Owen Felltham. 1670.
Rare Book Room, OS BR143 .B3 Annales Ecclesiastici ab anno MCXCVIII vbi Card. Baronivs desinit / avctore Odorico Raynaldo Tarvisino congregationis oratorii Presbytero. 1646-1663.
Rare Book Room, OS BR143 .B3 Annales ecclesiastici / auctore Caesare Baronio Sorano ex congreg. oratorii S.R.E. Presbytero Cardinali ... 1597-1612.
Rare Book Room, OS BR160.E5 E5 1663 The ancient ecclesiastical histories of the first six hundred years after Christ. Written in the Greek tongue by three learned historiographers, Eusebius, Socrates and Evagrius ... Whereunto is annexed Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyrus, of the lives and ends of the prophets, apostles, and LXX disciples. All which authors are faithfully translated out of the Greek tongue by Meredith Hammer ... Last of all, herein is comprized a brief chronography collected by the said translator, with a copious index of the principal matters throughout all the histories. Hereunto is added Eusebius his life of Constantine, in four books with Constantines Oration to the clergy. -- 1663.
Rare Book Room, OS BR1600 .F62 1641 Acts and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable happening in the Church with an universall Historie of the same : wherein is set forth... / by the author, Mr. Iohn Fox, the eights time newly Imprinted... 1641.
Rare Book Room BR1607 .C68 1685 The Mirror of martyrs : the first and second part : lively expressing (in a short view) the force of their faith, the fervency of their love, the wisdom of their sayings, the patience of their sufferings, etc. : with their prayers and preparation for their last farewell : whereunto are added two godly letters written by Master Bradford / [Clement Cotton]. 1685.
Rare Book Room, OS BR161 .D813 1693 A new history of ecclesiastical writers : containing an account of the authors of the several books of the Old and New Testament, and the lives and writings of the primitive fathers : an abridgement and catalogue of all their works, censures determining the genuine and spurious, a judgment upon their style and doctrine, and the various editions of their writings : to which is added, a compendious history of the councils and many necessary tables and indexes / written in French by Lewis Ellies du Pin. 1693-1699.
Rare Book Room, OS BR1705.A2 C38 v. 1 1677 Apostolici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles, as also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years : to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church / by William Cave. 1677.
Rare Book Room, OS BR1705.A2 C38 v. 1 1682 Apostolici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles, as also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years : to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church / by William Cave. 1682.
Rare Book Room, OS BR1705.A2 C38 v. 1 1682 Apostolici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles, as also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years : to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church / by William Cave. 1682.
Rare Book Room, OS BR1705.A2 C38 v. 1 1687 Apostolici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, and martyrdoms of those who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles, as also the most eminent of the primitive fathers for the first three hundred years : to which is added, a chronology of the three first ages of the church / by William Cave. 1687.
Rare Book Room, OS BR1705.A2 C38 v. 2 1683 Ecclesiastici, or, The history of the lives, acts, death, & writings of the most eminent fathers of the church, that flourisht in the fourth century ... / by William Cave. 1683.
Rare Book Room BR1720.A7 H4 1672 La vie de St. Athanase, patriarche d'Alexandrie ... / par M. Godefroy Hermant ... MDCLXXII [1672].
Rare Book Room, OS BR304 .S5413 1689 The general history of the Reformation of the church, from the errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome : begun in Germany by Martin Luther, with the progress thereof in all parts of Christendom, from the year 1517, to the year 1556 / written in Latin by John Sleidan ; and faithfully Englished, to which is added, a continuation to the end of the Council of Trent, in the year 1562, by Edmund Bohun. -- 1689.
Rare Book Room, OS BR375 .H4 1661 Ecclesia restaurata, or, the history of the Reformation of the Church of England : containing the beginning, progress, and successes of it, the counsels, by which it was conducted, the rules of piety, and prudence, upon which it was founded, the several steps, by which it was promoted, or retarded, in the change of times, from the first preparations to it by King Henry the Eight, untill the legal settling, and establishment of it under Queen Elizabeth : together with the intermixture of such civil actions, and affairs of state, as either were co-incident with it, or related to it / by Peter Heylyn. 1661.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI BR50 .S73 1616 Tomus singularis insignium auctorum, tam Graecorum quam Latinorum : quos ex variis bibliothecis accersitos nunc primum in lucem prodire, & publicè prodesse / iussit Petrus Steuartius ... Anno Domini MDCXVI [1616]
Rare Book Room, OS BR65 .A5 1683 Sancti Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi operum ... : post Lovaniensium theologorum recensionem castigatus denuo ad manuscriptos codices gallicanos, vaticanos, anglicanos, belgicos, & c. nec non ad editiones antiquiores & castigatiores / opera et stvdio monachorvm ordinis S. Benedicti è congregatione S. Mauri. 1683-1700.
Rare Book Room, OS BR65 .H75 1693 Sancti Hilarii pictavorum episcopi Opera : ad manuscriptos codices Gallicanos, Romanos, Belgicos, necnon ad veteres editiones castigata; aliquot aucta opusculis, praeviis in locos difficiles disputationibus, praefationibus, admonitionibus, notis, novâ S. Confessoris vitâ, & copiosissimis scripturarum, rerum, glossarum indicibus locupletata & illustrata / studio et labore monachorum. 1693.
Rare Book Room BR65 .P423 1534 Diui Petri Chrysologi Archiepiscopi Rauennatis Sermones. 1534.
Rare Book Room, OS BR65 .T3 1695 Q. Septimii Florentis Tertulliani opera / ad vetustissimorum exemplarium fidem sedulo emendata, diligentia Nic. Rigaltii J.C. ; cum ejusdem annotationibus integris & variorum commentariis, seorsim anteà editis ; Ph. Priorius argumenta & notas in libros omnes de novo adjecit, et dissertationem apprimè utilem concinnavit ; accedunt Novatiani tractatus, de Trinitate, & cibis Judaïcis, cum notis, ut in editione Pamelii; item ... accessit carmen de Jona & Ninive. 1695.
Rare Book Room BR65 .T35 1625 Q. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani Ad nationes libri duo : hactenus inediti : nunc primùm, post M.CCCC. annos, ad exemplar Agobardi Lugdunensis episcopi, publicati, notis etiam additis / à Iacobo Gothofredo. 1625.
Rare Book Room, OS BR65 .T75 1642 Makariou Theodōritou Episkopou Kyrou hapanta = Beati Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri Opera omnia : in quatuor tomos distributa : quorum plurima Græce, quædam etiam Latinè nunc primùm prodeunt : Græca cum manuscriptis exemplaribus diligenter collata, Latinæ versiones ad Græcorum normam exactæ & recognitæ / cura & studio Iacobi Sirmondi. 1642.
Rare Book Room BR65.C54 C6 1633 Klementos pros Korinthious epistole prote = Clementis ad Corinthios epistola prior / ex laceris reliquiis vetustissimi exemplaris Bibliothecæ Regiæ, eruit, lacunas explevit, Latinè vertit, & notis brevioribus illustravit Patricius Iunius. 1633.
Rare Book Room BR65.C54 C7 1669 Tou en hagios patros hēmon kai hieromartyros Klēmentos pros Korinthious epistolē = S. patris & martyris Clementis ad Corinthios epistola. 1669.
Rare Book Room, OS BR742 .F8 1655 The church history of Britain : from the birth of Jesus Christ until the year MDCXLVIII / endeavoured by Thomas Fuller. 1655.
Rare Book Room BR742 .G4 1674 The history of the Church of Great Britain : from the birth of our Saviour, untill the year of our Lord, 1667 : with an exact succession of the Bishops and the memorable acts of many of them : together with an addition of all the english cardinals : and the several orders of English monks, friars, and nuns, in former ages. 1674.
Rare Book Room BR746 .P37 1603 A treatise of three conversions of England from paganisme to Christian religion : the first under the apostles ... the second under Pope Eleutherius and K. Lucius ... the third, under Pope Gregory the Great, and K. Ethelbert ... / by N.D. author of the Ward-word ... 1603-04.
Rare Book Room, OS BR95 .R34 1474b Pantheologia sive Summa theologiae.



Rare Book Room, OS BS 150 1537 [The Bible, which is all the Holy Scripture : in whych are contayned the Olde and Newe Testament truly and purely translated into Englysh / by Thomas Matthew]. 1537]
Rare Book Room, FO   BS1 1655 Biblia Sacra polyglotta, complectentia textus originales / edidit Brianus Waltonus. 1655-1657.
Rare Book Room BS1125 .C7 1627 A Concordance to all the bookes of the Old Testament, according to the translation allowed by His late Ma'tie of Great Brittain : in which the most materiall words thereof are exactly gathered into their proper places, according to the order of the alphabet ... / [Clement Cotton]. 1627.
Rare Book Room, Icelandic BS1158.I2 D53 1591 [Summaria yfer þad Gamla Testamentid ; Summaria yfer þad Nyia Testamentid]. -- þann XI. Tag Januarij, 1591.
Rare Book Room BS140 1566 [The Newe Testament of our Sauiour Iesus Christe : faithfully translated out of the Greke, with the notes and expositions of the darke places therin]. 1566?]
Rare Book Room BS1429 .B95 1664 Lyra prophetica Davidis regis, sive, Analysis critico-practica Psalmorum : in qua omnes & singulæ voces Hebrææ in Psalterio contentæ, tam propriæ quàm appellativæ, (nullâ exceptâ) ad Regulas artis revocantur : earúmque significationes genuinæ explicantur : elegantiæ linguæ propriæ evolvuntur : insuper Harmonia Hebræi textus cum paraphrasi chaldæa, & versione græca LXXII interpretum, in locis, sententiis discrepantibus, fideliter confertur : cui ad calcem addita est brevis institutio linguae hebraeae & chaldaeae / studio & vigiliis Victorini Bythneri. -- 1664.
Rare Book Room, Icelandic BS1443.I2 J65 1662 Psalltare Þess Konunglega Spamans Dauids / Huørn sa heidarlege og Gudhrædde Kiesaaluge S. Jon Thorsteins son ... med argumentis Ambrosij Lobwassers yfer Slerhun[n]rn Psalm ... 1662.
Rare Book Room BS1515 .L32 1638 Lacrymæ Germaniæ, or, The teares of Germany : unfolding her woefull distresse by Jerusalems calamity ; in a sermon preached at a generall assembly in the maiden-towne of Norenberg in Germany, before the Lords the States, and many others of quality there met together, to humble themselves before the Lord. 1638.
Rare Book Room, OS BS160 1540 [The Byble in Englyshe, that is to say, the content of all the Holye Scrypture, bothe of the Olde and Newe Testament]. 1540]
Rare Book Room BS170 1560 [The Bible and Holy Scriptvres conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament]. 1560]
Rare Book Room BS170 1577 The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptvres conteined in the Olde and Newe Testament : translated according to the Ebrewe and Greeke and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages, with most profitable annotations ... 1577.
Rare Book Room BS170 1606 The Bible, that is, the Holy Scriptvres conteined in the Old and New Testament : translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in diuers languages. 1606.
Rare Book Room BS170 1608 The Bible : translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, and conferred with the best translations in divers languages : with most profitable annotations upon all the hard places, and other things of great importance, as may appeare in the epistle to the reader : and also a most profitable concordance for the ready finding out of anything in the same contained. 1608.
Rare Book Room, OS BS175 1568 [The Holie Bible : conteyning the Old Testament and the Newe]. 1568.]
Rare Book Room, OS BS185 1611 .L65 [The Holy Bible, conteyning the Old Testament, and the New : newly translated out of the originall tongues, & with the former translations diligently compared and reuised, by His Maiesties speciall cõmandement : appointed to be read in churches]. 1611.
Rare Book Room, OS BS185 1617 .L66 The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his Maiesties speciall commandement. anno 1617.
Rare Book Room BS185 1630 The Holy Bible, contayning the Old Testament and the New : newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with the former translations / diligently compared and reuised, by His Maiesties speciall commandement. 1630.
Rare Book Room, OS BS185 1640 The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New / newly translated out of the originall tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesties speciall commandment ; appointed to be read in churches. 1640.
Rare Book Room BS185 1657 .C35 The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New : newly translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. 1657.
Rare Book Room BS1965 1580 Iesu Christi, D.N. Nouů Testamentů, Gr. & Lat. / Theodoro Beza interprete. 1580.
Rare Book Room BS1990 1562 Testamentum novum ex Des. Erasmi Roterodami versione : ac eiusdem recognitione postrema. 1562.
Rare Book Room BS1990 1581 Iesv Christi D. N. Novvm Testamentvm : additae sunt summae breues doctrinae in Euangelistas, & Acta apostolorum, item, methodus apostolicarum epistolarum ab eodem autore, cum breui phraseon, & locorum difficiliorum expositione, ex ipsius autoris maioribus annotationibus desumpta, paucis etiam additis ex Ioch. Camerarij notationibus in Euangelistas & Acta. Interprete Theodoro Beza. 1581.
Rare Book Room, OS BS2080 1617 The text of the New Testament of Iesus Christ, translated out of the vulgar Latine by the Papists of the traiterous seminarie at Rhemes ... : whereunto is added the translation out of the original Greeke, commonly used in the Church of England, with a confutation of all such arguments, glosses, and annotations, as conteine manifest impietie, or heresie, treason, and slander, against the Catholicke Church of God, and the true teachers thereof, or the translations used in the Church of England : the whole work perused and enlarged in diuers places ... more amply then in the former editions / by W. Fulke. 1617.
Rare Book Room BS2085 1631 .L6 1631 The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : newly translated out of the originall Greeke, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Maiesties speciall commandement. 1631.
Rare Book Room BS2335 .E713 1551 The first [-second] tome or volume of the Paraphrases of Erasmus upon the Newe Testament : conteinyng the fower Euangelistes, with the Actes of the Apostles : eftsones conferred with the Latine and throughly corrected as it is by the kinges highnes iniunccions commaunded to be had in euerie churche of this royalme : there is also added in the ende of the booke an exact table ... with a perfecte concordaunce diligently gathered / by Nicolas Udall. 1551-1552.
Rare Book Room, OS BS2340 .H3 1653 A paraphrase and annotations upon all the books of the New Testament : briefly explaining all the difficult places thereof / by H. Hammond. 1653.
Rare Book Room, OS BS2430 .T3 1678 Antiquitates Christianae, or, The history of the life and death of the Holy Jesus : as also the lives, acts & martyrdoms of his apostles : in two parts, the first part, containing the life of Christ / written by Jer. Taylor : the second, containing the lives of the apostles ... / by William Cave. 1678.
Rare Book Room, OS BS2440 .C3 1684 Antiquitates Apostolicae, or, The history of the lives, acts and martyrdoms of the Holy Apostles of our Saviour, and the two evangelists, SS. Mark and Luke : to which is added an introductory discourse concerning the three great dispensations of the Church, Patriarchal, Mosaical, and Evangelical : being a continuation of Antiquitates Christianae, or, The Life and death of the Holy Jesus / by William Cave. 1684.
Rare Book Room, Icelandic BS248 1584 Biblia : það er Øll Heilög Ritning vtlögð a Norraenu : með formalum Doct. Martini. Lutheri. 1584.
Rare Book Room, OS BS248 1644 Biblia, þad er / Øll Heilog Ritning / vtløgd a norrænu. 1644
Rare Book Room, Icelandic BS248 1644b Biblia, þad er / Øll Heilog Ritning / vtløgd a norrænu. 1644
Rare Book Room BS2577 .E72 1544 In Evangelivm Matthaei D. Erasmi Rot. paraphrasis. 1544.
Rare Book Room BS305 1666 Domini nostri Iesu Christi Testamentum Novum Turcice redditum / opera Gu. Seaman. 1666.
Rare Book Room BS425 .M47 1550 A concorda[n]ce : that is to saie, a worke wherein by the ordre of the letters of the A.B.C. ye maie redely finde any worde conteigned in the whole Bible, so often as it is there expressed or mencioned. Anno. MDL.
Rare Book Room, OS BS485 .C75 1660 Critici sacri, sive, Doctissimorum virorum in SS. Biblia annotationes, & tractatus / opus summâ curâ recognitum, & in novem tomos divisum ; quid in hoc opere praestitum sit praefatio ad lectorem ostendit. 1660.
Rare Book Room, OS BS485 .P6 1684 Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacræ Scripturæ interpretum et commentatorum / summo studio et fide adornata indicibusque necessariis instructa a Matthaeo Polo, Londinensi ; ex recensione Johannis Leusden. 1684-86.
Rare Book Room, OS BS485 .P6 1684b Synopsis criticorum aliorumque Sacræ Scripturæ interpretum et commentatorum / summo studio et fide adornata indicibusque necessariis instructa a Matthaeo Polo, Londinensi ; ex recensione Johannis Leusden. 1684-86.
Rare Book Room BS490 .D5 1643 Pious annotations upon the Holy Bible : expounding the difficult places thereof learnedly and plainly  : with other things of great importance / by the reverend, learned and godly divine, Mr. John Diodati. 1643.
Rare Book Room BS525 .L4 1650 Critica sacra : in two parts : the first containing Observations on all the radices, or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament, in order alphabetical ... the second edition corrected, and much enlarged by the authour : the second Philologicall and theologicall observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament, in order alphabetical ... / by Edward Leigh. 1650.
Rare Book Room BS525 .L4 1662 Critica sacra : in two parts : the first containing Observations on all the radices or primitive Hebrew words of the Old Testament, in order alphabetical ... the third edition, corrected and much enlarged by the authour, with an addition of a supplement to both parts : the second Philological and theological observations upon all the Greek words of the New Testament, in order alphabetical ... / by Edward Leigh. 1662.
Rare Book Room BS741 .F5 Hē Palaia Diathēkē kata tous Hevdomēkonta = Vetus Testamentum Graecum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum : juxta exemplar Vaticanum Romae editum. 1665.
Rare Book Room BS741 .F5 1663 Hē Palaia Diathēkē kata tous Hebdomēkonta = Vetus Testamentum Græcum ex versione Septuaginta interpretum : juxta exemplar Vaticanum Romæ editum. 1653.
Rare Book Room, OS BS75 1478b Incipit ep[isto]la sancti Hieronimi ad Paulinu[m] presbiter[um] de o[mn]ibu[s] diuine historie libris. 1478.
Rare Book Room, OS BS75 1518 Biblia cū coc̄ordantijs veteris & noui testamēti & sacrorū canonum : necnō & additionib[us] in marginibus varietatis diuersorū textuū: ac etiā canonib[us] antiq[ui]s quatuor euāgeliorum. Nouissime autem addite sunt concordantie ex viginti libris Iosephi ... 1518, 10 Maij.
Rare Book Room BS85 .E87 1552 Ad censuras theologorum Parisiensium, quibus Biblia à Roberto Stephano typographo Regio excusa calumniosè notarunt, eiusdem Roberti Stephani responsio. MDLII [1552]
Rare Book Room BS90 1664 Biblia sacra Veteris et Novi Testamenti. 1664.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI BT 1100 S18165 1698 Fe estabelecida sobre a cruz de Christo triunfante : livro aureo / composto pelo Hieronymo Savonarola de Ferrara, em lingua Latina & Toscana ; traduzido na Castelhana por Joaõ Lourenço Otananti ; & na Portugueza, & acrescentado pelo P.M. Fr. Roque de Santa Theresa. 1698.
Rare Book Room BT1100 .C48 1620 Les trois veritez ... / par M. Pierre le Charron, Parisien. MDCXX [1620].
Rare Book Room BT1100 .G7 1696 De veritate religionis Christianæ / Hugo Grotius. -- 1696.
Rare Book Room, Slavic Ephemera BT378.P8 P74 1622 Pritchi Blūdnago Sӯna. [1622?]
Rare Book Room BT992 .P3 1659 An exposition of the Creed / by John Pearson. 1659.
Rare Book Room BT992 .P3 1662 An exposition of the Creed / by John Pearson. 1662.
Rare Book Room, OS BT992 .P3 1683 An exposition of the Creed / by John Lord Bishop of Chester. 1683.
Rare Book Room BT992 .W6 1681 Hermanni Witsii Exercitationes sacrae in symbolum quod Apostolorum dicitur. 1681.
Rare Book Room BV4500 .H683 1674 A treatise of delighting in God : in two parts / by John Howe. 1674.
Rare Book Room BV4500 .S53 1654 White salt, or, A sober correction of a mad world : in some wel-wishes to goodness / by John Sherman, B.D. 1654.
Rare Book Room BV4520 .W4 1636 Some helps to stirre up to Christian duties : wherein is explained the nature of duty of stirring up ourselves ... / by Henry Whitfeld. 1636.
Rare Book Room BV4526 .B87 1693 An help and guide to Christian families : containing doctrinal instructions for the right informing of their judgements ... unto which are added Principles of religion ... with Forms of prayer for families and single persons, also divine hymns on several occasions / by William Burkitt. 1693?].
Rare Book Room BV4625 .A5 1675 The causes of the decay of Christian piety ; or, An impartial survey of the ruiness of Christian religion undermin'd by unchristian practice [and Private devotions referring to the several parts of the before-going treatise]. Written by the author of the whole duty of man / Richard Allestree. -- 1675.
Rare Book Room BV649 .H8 1632 Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie : eight bookes / by Richard Hooker. [1632?]
Rare Book Room BX 5037 B3 1683 RBR [The works of the learned Isaac Barrow] / published by the Reverend Dr. Tillotson. 1683?-1687.]
Rare Book Room BX 5037 H26 1622 RBR The works of Joseph Hall, B. of Exceter : with a table newly added to the whole worke. [1622?].
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI BX 825 R52 1680 Historia conciliorum generalium : in quatuor libros distributa / auctore, Edmundo Richerio. 1680-1681.
Rare Book Room BX 890 J6 1589 Vaticinia, siue prophetiae abbatis Joachimi et Anselmi episcopi marsicani, cum imaginibus aere incisis, correctione et pulcritudine, plurium manuscriptorum exemplariu ope ... Qvibvs rota, et oraculum turcicum maxime considerationis adiecta sunt. Vna cum praefatione et adnotationibus Paschalini Regiselmi. -- 1589.
Rare Book Room BX1334 .F33 1588 Delle allvsioni : imprese et emblemi del Principio Fabricii da Teramo, sopra la vita, opere et attioni de Gregorio XIII / Principio Fabrizi. 1588.
Rare Book Room BX1420 .S38 1688 Estat présent de l'église et de la colonie française dans la Nouvelle-France / par l'évêque de Québec. 1688.
Rare Book Room BX1749 .T36 1587 Compendium absolutissimum totius Summae theologiae D. Thomae Aquinatis, doctoris angelici ... / auctore Lodovico Carbone. 1587.
Rare Book Room BX1749 .T48 1575 Secunda secundae Sancti Thomae Aquinatis, opus plane aureum omnium quae ad moralem scientiam ; hoc est, ad virtutem et vitiorum, notitiam spectant, particularem eamque eruditissimam explicationem continens : ... nunc primum ... per theologos Lovanienses recens factam, ... excusum. MDLXXV [1575]
Rare Book Room, FO   BX1749.N52 L45 1438 [Lectura super quinto Decretalium] [manuscript] / [Niccolò de Tedeschi]. [ca. 1438]
Rare Book Room BX1756.A2 D57 1489 Directoriu[m] statuu[m], seu verius Tribulatio seculi. after Oct. 25, 1489]
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI BX1756.H33 P54 1695 Philippicae sive Invectivae LX : in notorios peccatores : pro singulis totius anni Dominicis : ad illud, Increpa eos durè, utsani sint. Tit.I.V.13 / authore, Philippo Harttung. 1695.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI BX1756.V56 B42 1675 Beati Vincentii natione Hispani, professione sacri Praedicatorum ordinis, theologiaeque doctoris, et Evangelicae doctrinae praedicatoris celeberrimi, conciones selectae in Dominicas et festa Sanctorum totius anni ... 1675.
Rare Book Room BX1763 .E3 1682 K. Edward the VIth his own arguments against the Pope's supremacy : wherein several popish doctrines and practices, contrary to God's word, are animadverted on, and the marks of anti-Christ are applied to the Pope of Rome / translated out of the original, written with the King's own hand in French, and still preserved ; to which are subjoined some remarks upon his life and reign, in vindication of his memory, from Dr. Heylin's severe and unjust censure. 1682.
Rare Book Room BX1763 .J48 1565 A replie unto M. Hardinges answeare : by perusinge whereof the discrete, and diligent reader may easily see, the weake, and unstable groundes of the Romaine religion, whiche of late hath beene accompted catholique / by Iohn Iewel bishoppe of Sarisburie. 1565.
Rare Book Room BX2000 .A2 1531 Breuiariu[m] ad sacrosancte Romane Ecclesie usum : longe elimatioribus q[uem] antea typis excusum non mediocri labore ac industria a mendis q[ui]bus undiq[ue] scatebat nouissime recognitu[m] : Presbyteris secularibus Romanu[m] usum obserua[n]tibus maxime necessarium. -- [April 1531]
Rare Book Room BX2015 .A2 1577 Missale romanvm, ex decreto sacrosancti Concilii tridentini restitutum, Pii V. pont. max. -- 1577.
Rare Book Room BX2015 .A2 1588 Missale romanum : ex decreto sacrosancti concilii tridentini restitutum Pii V. Pontif. MDLXXXVIII [1588].
Rare Book Room BX2015 .G284 1651 Abregé du thresor des cérémonies ecclésiastiques du R.P. Gavantus / compose en latin, traduit et augmente par le R.P. Claude Arnaud. -- 1651.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI BX2050.J4 S24 1609 Thesaurus precum et exercitiorum spiritualium : in usum presertim Sodalitatis / auctore R.P. Thoma Sillio ; additae breves apologiae, eidem subservientes. 1609.
Rare Book Room, OS BX2430 .C37 1485 De institutis cenobiorum, origi[n]e causis et remediis vitiorum, collationib[us] patrum / Cassianus. -- 1485.
Rare Book Room BX320 .R9 1679 The present state of the Greek and Armenian Churches, anno Christi, 1678 / written at the command of his Majesty by Paul Ricaut. 1679.
Rare Book Room BX4543.6.Q3 M37 1681 Lettres de la venerable Mere Marie de l'Incarnation, Premiere Superieure des Ursulines de la Nouvelle France : divisées en deux parties. MDCLXXXI [1681].
Rare Book Room, OS BX4819 .M47 1655 Dispute touchant le schisme et la separation que Luther et Calvin ont faite de l'église romaine / entre Iean Mestrezat & Louis du Laurens. -- 1655.
Rare Book Room, OS BX5037 .H49 1681 Keimelia ekklesiastika : the historical and miscellaneous tracts of the reverend and learned Peter Heylyn now collected into one volume, and, An account of the life of the author never before published, with an exact table to the whole. 1681.
Rare Book Room BX5130.L3 S8 1681 A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion : being a vindication of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Relation of a conference, &c. from the pretended answer by T.C. : wherein the true grounds of faith are cleared, and the false discovered, the Church of England vindicated from the imputation of schism, and the most important particular controversies between us and those of the Church of Rome throughly [sic] examined / by Edward Stillingfleet ... 1681.
Rare Book Room BX5133 .T5 1671 Sermons preach'd upon several occasions / by John, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. -- 1671-1694.
Rare Book Room BX5133 .T5 1695 [Sermons] / by John Tillotson ; published from the originals by Ralph Barker. 1695-1704.
Rare Book Room, OS BX5133.A1 A3 1676 Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches, in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : and now thought fit to be reprinted by authority from the Kings most excellent majesty. 1676.
Rare Book Room, OS BX5133.A1 A3 1683 Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : and now thought fit to be reprinted by authority from the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1683.
Rare Book Room BX5133.A1 A3 1687 Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches in the time of Queen Elizabeth of famous memory : and now reprinted for the use of private families. 1687.
Rare Book Room BX5133.A1 A4 1663 Farewell sermons of the ejected ministers in 1662. 1663?]
Rare Book Room BX5133.D6 T9 1660 XXVI sermons preached by that learned and reverend Divine, John Donne. 1660.
Rare Book Room BX5133.L3 T84 1562 27 sermons preached by the ryght Reverende father in God and constant Matir of Jesus Christe, Maister Hugh Latimer, as well as such in tymes past have bene printed, as certayne other commyng to our handes of late, whych were yet never set forth in print / Hugh Latimer. -- 1562.
Rare Book Room BX5133.P52 P3 1621 The path-way to perfection : a sermon preached at Saint Maries Spittle in London on wednesday in Easter-weeke, 1593 ; The meane in mourning : the text ; Nine sermons / by Thomas Playfere. 1621?]
Rare Book Room BX5133.S53 S43 1692 A sermon preached before the Queen at White-Hall, June 26, 1692 / by William Sherlock. -- 1692.
Rare Book Room BX5133.S53 S45 1692 A sermon preached at the Temple-Church, May 29, 1692 : and printed at the desire of the Bench-Table of the Honourable Society of the Inner-Temple / by William Sherlock. -- 1692.
Rare Book Room BX5133.T52 P7 1680 The Protestant religion vindicated, from the charge of singularity and novelty : in a sermon preached before the King at White-Hall, April the 2d, 1680 / by John Tillotson. 1680.
Rare Book Room BX5133.T52 S4 1678 A sermon preached November 5, 1678, at St. Margarets Westminster, before the honourable House of Commons / by John Tillotson. -- 1678.
Rare Book Room, OS BX5136 .S74 1665 A rational account of the grounds of Protestant religion : being a vindication of the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's Relation of a conference ... / by Edward Stillingfleet. 1665.
Rare Book Room BX5145 .A4 1573 [The booke of common prayer]. 1573?]
Rare Book Room BX5145 .A4 1605 The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England. -- 1605.
Rare Book Room BX5145 .A4 1607 The booke of common prayer ; with, The Psalter or Psalmes of David : of that translation which is appointed to be used in churches. 1607.
Rare Book Room BX5145 .A4 1697 The book of common prayer, and administration of the Sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church : according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in Churches. -- 1697.
Rare Book Room BX5145.A6 I88 1685 Il Libro delle preghiere publiche ed amministrazione de sacramenti, ed altri riti e cerimonie della chiesa, secondo l'uso della Chiesa anglicana ; insieme col Saltero over i salmi di David, come hanno da esser recitati nelle chiese. E la forma e modo di fare, ordinare e consacrare vescovi, presbiteri e diaconi. MDCLXXXV [1685].
Rare Book Room, OS BX5176 .W43 1691 Anglia sacra : sive collectio historiarum, partim antiquitas, partim recenter scriptarum, de archiepiscopis & episcopis Angliae, a prima fidei christianae susceptione ad annum MDXL nunc primùm in lucem editarum. 1691.
Rare Book Room BX5199.F8 F4 1662 The life and death of that reverend divine, and excellent historian, Doctor Thomas Fuller. 1662.
Rare Book Room, Icelandic BX8070.L67 S6 1691 Sa Store catechismus, Þad er, Søn[n], Einfolld og lios utskyring Christelig ra Fræda, sem er Grundvøllur Truar vorrar og Saaluhialpar Lærdoms, af þ[ei]m hellstu Greinum heilagrar Bibliu, hen[n]ar Historium og Bevijsingum samanteken[n], Gude Almaattugum til Lofs og Dyrdar, en[n] Almwganum til Gagns & Goda / utlagdur a Islenskt Tungum maal, af Herra Gudbrande Thorlaks- syne fordum Biskupe Holostiptis, Loflegrar Min[n]ingar. 1691.
Rare Book Room, OS BX830 1545 .S323 1676 The history of the Council of Trent : containing eight books, in which besides the ordinary acts of the Council are declared many notable occurrences which happened in Christendom, during the space of forty years and more, and particularly the practices of the court of Rome, to hinder the Reformation of their errours, and to maintain their greatness / written in Italian by Pietro Soave Polano, and faithfully translated into English by Sir Nathaniel Brent ; whereunto is added the life of the learned author, and The history of the Inquisition. -- 1676.
Rare Book Room, OS BX8930 .H4 1672 Aërius redivivus, or, The history of the Presbyterians : containing the beginnings, progresse, and successes of that active sect, their oppositions to monarchical and episcopal government, their innovations in the Church, and their imbroilments of the kingdoms and estates of Christendom in the pursuit of their designs : from the year 1536 to the year 1647 / by Peter Heylyn. 1672.
Rare Book Room BX9178.M36 S47 1678 Sermons preached by the late reverend and learned divine, Thomas Manton ... 1678.
Rare Book Room, OS BX9420 .E6 1576 Ioannis Calvini epistolae et responsa : quibus interiectae sunt insignium in ecclesia Dei virorum aliquot etiam epistolae. 1576.
Rare Book Room, OS BX9420 .I58 1590 Institutio Christianae religionis, : Iohanne Calvino authore. Quae ad superiores editiones hâc postremâ, omnium emendatissima locupletissimaque, recèns addita sunt, statim post ipsius authoris Epistolam ad Regem Christianiss, subiecta lectorem admonitio breuiter indicat. 1590.
Rare Book Room, OS BX9420 .I613 1562 The institution of Christian religion / written in Latine by maister Iohn Calvine, and translated into Englishe accordyng to the authors last edition, by T.N. wherunto is added a table, to fynde the principall matters entreated of in thys boke, conteyning by order of common places, the summe of the whole doctrine taught in the same. Anno. 1562.
Rare Book Room BX9421 .T85 1679 Institutio theologiae elencticae : in qua status controversiae perspicue exponitur, praecipua orthodoxorum argumenta proponuntur & vindicantur, & fontes solutionum aperiuntur / authore Francisco Turrettino. 1679-1685.
Rare Book Room, Slavic Books BX944 .K84 1695 Roczne dzieie koscielne od roku Pańskiego 1198 az do lat naszych / przez X. Iana Kwiatkiewicza, Societatis Jesu, wydane. Roku P. 1695 [-1706].
Rare Book Room D158 .F9 1640 The historie of the holy warre / by Thomas Fuller. 1640.
Rare Book Room D18 .P45 1694 D. Petavii Aurelianensis e Societate Jesu, Rationarium temporum : in partes duas, libros tredecim, distributum : in quo ætatum omnium sacra profanaque historia chronologicis probationibus munita summatim traditur. 1694.
Rare Book Room D267.P7 G43 1636 Gegrundete Ablehnung etlicher wider den Pragischen Frieden-Schluss motivirter dubiorum : wo bey zugleich befindlich, was in warender Tradation, bey einem und dem andern Punct auff beyden Seiten angefuhret, so wohl bey der Schliessung in consideration gehalten worden / dem Gemeinen Wesen zu gute in Druck gegeben von einem Liebhaber des Friedens. 1636.
Rare Book Room D915 .G64 1631 Abrah. Gölnitzi, Dantisc : Vlysses Belgico-Gallicvs, fidus tibi dux et Achates / per Belgium Hispan: regnvm Galliae, dvcat. 1631.
Rare Book Room DA130 .G73 1569 A chronicle at large, and meere history of the affayres of Englande, and kinges of the same : deduced from the creation of the vvorlde, vnto the first habitation of thys islande : and so by contynuance vnto the first yere of the reigne of our most deere and souereigne lady Queene Elizabeth / collected out of sundry aucthors, whose names are expressed in the next page of this leafe. anno 1569.
Rare Book Room DA142 .J66 1655 The most notable antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-heng on Salisbury Plain / restored by Inigo Jones Esquire, Architect Generall to the late King. 1655.
Rare Book Room DA152 .V4 1628 A restitvtion of decayed intelligence, in antiquities : concerning the most noble and renowned English nation / by the studie and trauell of R.V. 1628.
Rare Book Room DA175 .W34 1574 Ypodigma Neustriæ vel Normanniæ / per Thomam de Walsingham : ab irruptione Normannorum vsq[ue] ad annum. 6. regni Henrici quinti. 1574.
Rare Book Room, OS DA28.1 .S26 1677 A genealogical history of the kings of England, and monarchs of Great Britain, &c., from the Conquest, Anno 1066, to the year, 1677 ... / by Francis Sandford. -- 1677.
Rare Book Room, OS DA30 .B165 1679 A chronicle of the Kings of England from the time of the Romans government unto the death of King James : whereunto is added, the reign of King Charles the First, and the first thirteen years of His Sacred Majesty, King Charles the Second that now reigneth. All which additions are revised in this seventh impression and freed from many errors and mistakes of the former editions / by Sir Richard Baker, Knight. -- 1679.
Rare Book Room, OS DA315 .B32 1676 The history of the reigns of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, and Queen Mary / the first written by the Right Honourable Francis Lord Verulam, Viscount St. Alban ; the other three by the Right Honourable and Right Reverend Father in God, Francis Godwyn, Lord Bishop of Hereford. MDCLXXVI [1676].
Rare Book Room DA334.W8 C37 1667 The life and death of Thomas Woolsey, Cardinal, once Arch Bishop of York and Lord Chancellour of England : containing, 1. the original of his promotion and the way he took to obtain it, 2. the continuance in his magnificence, 3. his negotiations concerning the peace with France and the Netherlands, 4. his fall, death, and burial ... / written by one of his own servants, being his gentleman usher. 1667.
Rare Book Room DA350 .C22 1635 Annals, or, The History Of The Most Renowned and Victorious Princesse Elizabeth, Late Queene of England. Contayning, All the Important and Remarkable Passages of State both at Home and Abroad, during Her Long and Prosperous Reigne. Written in Latin by the Learned Mr. William Camden. Translated into English by R.N. Gent. Together with divers Additions of the Authors never before published. [1635?]
Rare Book Room DA350 .C22 1639 Rerum anglicarum et hibernicarum annales, regnante Elisabetha / auctore Guilielmo Camdeno. -- 1639.
Rare Book Room DA385 .S48 1622 The Belgicke Pismire: Stinging the slothfull Sleeper, And Avvaking the Diligent To Fast, Watch, Pray; And Worke Ovt Their Owne Temporall and Eternall Salvation With Feare and Trembling. ... (3 lines). 1622.
Rare Book Room DA391 .E53 [Pardon granted by James I, King of Great Britain to Thomas Wyke, 1604 : manuscript with the Great Seal attached]. 1604.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI DA391 .T7 1651 Truth brought to light and discovered by time, or, A discourse and historicall narration of the first XIIII yeares of King James reigne. 1651.
Rare Book Room, OS DA396.S8 A15 1700 The tryal of Thomas, Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an impeachment of high treason by the Commons assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves, and of all the Commons of England, begun in Westminster Hall, the 22 of March 1640, and continued until judgement was given until the 10th of May, 1641. Shewing the form of parliamentary proceedings in an impeachment of treason. To which is added a short account of some other matters of fact transacted in both houses of Parliament, precedent, concomitant and subsequent to the tryal : with some special arguments in law relating to a bill of attainder / faithfully collected, and impartially published, without observation or reflection by John Rushworth. 1700.
Rare Book Room DA396.S8 P9 The declaration of John Pym Esquire upon the whole matter of the charge of high treason, against Thomas, Earle of Strafford, April 12. 1641: with An argument of law concerning the bill of attainder of high treason of the said Earle of Strafford, before a committee of both Houses of Parliament, in Westminster hall, by Mr St Iohn His Majesties solicitor generall, on Thursday, April 29. 1641. anno domini 1641.
Rare Book Room DA398 1630 .W2 1630 The English Spanish pilgrime. Or, A nevv discovery of Spanish popery, and Iesviticall stratagems : VVith the estate of the English pentioners and fugitiues vnder the King of Spaines dominions, and else where at this present. Also laying open the new order of the Iesuitrices and preaching nunnes / Composed by James Wadsworth Gentleman, newly conuerted into his true mothers bosome, the Church of England, with the motiues why he left the Sea of Rome; a late pentioner to his Maiesty of Spaine, and nominated his captaine in Flanders: sonne to Mr. Iames Wadsworth, Bachelor of Diuinity, sometime of Emanuell Colledge in the Vniuersity of Cambridge, who was peruerted in the yeere 1604. and late tutor to Donia Maria Infanta of Spaine. 1630.
Rare Book Room DA400 .C488 1649 Eikōn basilikē : the pourtraicture of His Sacred Majestie in his solitudes and sufferings. 1648 [i.e. 1649].
Rare Book Room DA400 .G68 1644 Things now-a-doing, or, The churches travaile of the child of reformation now-a-bearing : in a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons, at their solemne fast, Iuly 31. 1644 / by Stanley Gower, sometimes Rector of Brompton-Brian in the County of Hereford, now Preacher of Gods Word at Martins Ludgate, London, and one of the Reverend Assembly of Divines. 1644.
Rare Book Room DA410 .M49 1647 The history of the Parliament of England: which began November the third, 1640 : with a short and necessary view of some precedent yeares / written by Thomas May. 1647.
Rare Book Room DA447.H18 B8 1682a The life and death of Sir Matthew Hale, kt. Sometime Lord Chief Justice of His Majesties court of Kings bench. 1682.
Rare Book Room DA447.R6 B9 1680 Some passages of the life and death of the Right Honourable John, earl of Rochester, who died the 26th of July, 1680 / written by his own direction on his death-bed, by Gilbert Burnet. 1680.
Rare Book Room, OS DA448 .P675 1678 Popish Plot Pamphlets. 1678-1682.
Rare Book Room DA50 .O7 Histoire des revolutions d'Angleterre depuis le commencement de la Monarchie / par le Pére d'Orleans de la Compagnie de Jesus. -- 1693-4.
Rare Book Room, OS DA610 .C168 1610 Britain, or, A chorographicall description of the most flourishing kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the Ilands adioyning, out of the depth of antiqvitie : beavtified with mappes of the severall Shires of England / written first in Latine by William Camden ... ; translated newly into English by Philémon Holland ... ; finally, revised, amended, and enlarged with sundry additions by the said author. 1610.
Rare Book Room DA66 .T73 1698 A short history of standing armies in England. MDCXCVIII [1698]
Rare Book Room DA681 .V5 1667 Gods terrible voice in the city : Wherein you have I. The sound of the voice, in the history of the two late dreadful judgments of plague and fire in London. II. The interpretation of the voice, in a discovery of the cause and design of these judgments / by T. Vincent 1667.
Rare Book Room DA760 .B83 1643 Rerum scoticarum historia / auctore Georgio Buchanano Scoto  ad Jacobum VI Scotorum regem ; accessit ee jure regni apud Scotos dialogus, eodem Georgio Buchanano auctore. 1643.
Rare Book Room DA785 .M53 1683 The memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal-hill : containing an impartial account of the most remarkable affairs of state during the last age, not mention'd by other historians, more particularly relating to the kingdoms of England and Scotland, under the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, Mary Queen of Scots, and King James : in all which transactions the author was personally and publickly concern'd : now published from the original manuscript / by George Scott, Gent. 1683.
Rare Book Room DA785 .M534 1694 Memoires de Jaques [sic] Melvil contenant une exacte relation de quelques évenemens du dernier siécle trés-importans, qui ne se trouvent point dans les autres historiens, principlaement par raport à l'Angleterre & à l'Ecosse, sous le régne de la Reine Elizabeth, de Marie Stuard, et de Jaques I publiez sur le manuscrit de l'auteur, par George Scot [sic], et traduits de l'Anglois par G.D.S. 1694.
Rare Book Room DA803.7.A3 W57 1648 I.G. De rebus auspiciis serenissimi, et potentissimi Caroli Dei gratia Magnæ Britanniæ regis, &c. Sub imperio illustrissimi Iacobi Montisrosarum marchionis, comitis de Kincardin, &c. Supremi Scotiæ gubernatoris anno MDCXLIV, et duobus sequentibus præclarè gestis, commentarius / Interprete A.S. 1648.
Rare Book Room, OS DC113.A3 D78 Les memoires de Mess. Martin du Bellay, Seigneur de Langey : contenans le discours de plusieurs choses aduenües au royaume de France, depuis l'an M.D.XIII. iusques au trespas du roy François Premier ... / oeuure mis nouuellemẽt en lumiere, & presenté au roy par Mess. René du Bellay. 1569.
Rare Book Room DC37 .M4 1676 Abbregé chronologique, ou, Extraict de l'histoire de France / par le Sr de Mezeray. 1676-1686.
Rare Book Room DC611.R282 H47 1656 Expeditio in Ream insulam / authore Edouardo Domino Herbert, Barone de Cherbury in Anglia, & Castri Insulæ de Kerry in Hibernia, & pare utriusq ; regni. Anno. MDCXXX. Quam pnblici [sic] juris fecit Timotheus Balduinus, LL. Doctor è Coll. Omn. Anim. apud Oxonienses, socius. 1656.
Rare Book Room, Slavic Books DD145 .H48 1581 Chronica Slauorum, seu : Annales Helmoldi, presbyteri Buzouiensis in agro Lubecensi: hisque subiectum derelictorum supplementum Arnoldi abbatis Lubecensis. Quæ omnia è diligenti codicum manuscriptorum collatione fideliter restituta, & accessione locupletissima, hoc est sex librorum, adaucta sunt / opera & studio Reineri Reineccii Steinhemii. Cum subiecto indice. Accessit item historia de vita Henrici IIII. Imp. & Hiltebrandi Pont. Rom. cognomento Gregorij VII. M.D. LXXXI. [1581]
Rare Book Room DE5 .D35 1700 A complete dictionary of the Greek and Roman antiquities : explaining the obscure places in classic authors, and ancient historians. 1700.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI DG 468 S45 1631 De principatibus Italiae : Tractatus vary. 1631.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI DG 81 R47 1629 Respublica romana / Honori urbis aeternae P. Scriverius restituit. 1629.
Rare Book Room, OS DG30 .C6 1624 Philippi Clvveri Italia antiqva : opus post omnium curas elaboratissimum ; tabulis geographicis aere expressis illustratum. Ad ser. um Venetiarum principem et ejusdem reip. senatum augustissimum, cum indice locupletissimo. 1624.
Rare Book Room DH186 .B38 1613 Libri tres de indvciis belli Belgici avthore Dominico Bavdio : I.C. primario historiarum professore in Academia Leidensi. 1613.
Rare Book Room, FO   DJ30.5 .V57 1690 Germaniae Inferioris XVII Provinciarum Atlas [cartographic material]. [ca. 1690]
Rare Book Room DK22 .C7 1698 The antient and present state of Muscovy / by J.C.M.D. ; with several sculptures. 1698.
Rare Book Room, OS DK23 .O44 The voyages and travells of the ambassadors sent by Frederick, duke of Holstein, to the great Duke of Muscovy and the King of Persia. 1669
Rare Book Room, Slavic Books DK4305 .K62 1683 Annalium Poloniae / scriptore Vespasiano à Kochow Kochowski. [1683]-1698.
Rare Book Room, Icelandic DL309 .A77 1643 Specimen Islandiae historicvm, et magna ex parte chorographicvm; anno Iesv Christi 874. primum habitari caeptae: quo simul sententia contraria, D. Ioh. Isaci Pontani, in placidam considerationem venit ; per Arngrumvm Ionam W. Islandvm. 1643.
Rare Book Room, Icelandic DL431 .H6 1666 Hird-skraa vdi ded gamle norske sprok, retteligen ofversat paa danske, med de gamle ords forklaring, og merkelige antegnelser til hvert capitel, sammenskrefven og til tröken befordred af Iens Dolmer ... 1666.
Rare Book Room DL646 .L8 1670 Johannis Loccenii Antiqvitatum sveo-gothicarum libre tres : in qvibus prisci sveonum et gothorum mores, statvs regni atqve institvta cum hodiernis, pro re nata, comparantvr; leges patriae passim variaqve auctorvm loca, illvstrantvr et explicantvi. 1670.
Rare Book Room DL971.L2 S7 1678 Histoire de la Laponie, sa description, l'origine : les moeurs, la maniere de vivre de ses habitans, leur religion, leur magie, & les choses rares du païs / traduites du Latin de Monsieur Scheffer. 1678.
Rare Book Room, OS DP65 .M34 1699 The general history of Spain : from the first peopling of it by Tubal, till the death of King Ferdinand, who united the crowns of Castile and Aragon ; with a continuation to the death of Philip III / written in Spanish by John de Mariana ; to which are added two supplements, the first by Ferdinand Camargo y Salcedo, the other by Basil Varen de Soto, bringing it down to the present reign ; the whole translated from the Spanish by John Stevens. 1699.
Rare Book Room DP65 .O8 1621 Historiae catholicae iberniae compendium / ad. Philippo Osullevano Bearro Iberno. 1621.
Rare Book Room Dysart 01 [Antiphonarium of the Abbey of Saint Bartholomew near Ferrara] [manuscript]. -- [14--]
Rare Book Room Dysart 03 [Psalterium commentaria] [manuscript]. -- [ca. 1300]
Rare Book Room Dysart 04 Julii Celsi commentaria de bellis et victoriis Iulii Caesaris in Galliis [manuscript]. [146-?]
Rare Book Room Dysart 07 [Doctor's diploma presented to Gaudentius Carnerius, 31st Jan. 1684] [manuscript]. -- January 31, 1684.
Rare Book Room Dysart 08 [Carta executoria de Gaspar de Gauna] [manuscript]. -- 1569 May 20.
Rare Book Room Dysart 09 Privilegio al illustrissimo señor Don Henrique de Guzman, Conde de Oliuares ... [manuscript]. -- 1581 Dec. 12.
Rare Book Room Dysart 10 De bellis civilibus  / Appianus ; [translated from the Greek] by Pier Candido Decembrio. -- 1477.
Rare Book Room Dysart 11 Cronecken der Sassen. -- 1492 Mar. 6].
Rare Book Room Dysart 12 [Missale Hildensemense]. -- 1499]
Rare Book Room Dysart 13 Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, ubi humana omnia non nisi somnium esse docet : atque obiter plurima scitu sane quam digna commemorat. 1499].
Rare Book Room Dysart 14 Liber de fide et legibus / [Guillaume d'Auvergne]. -- [1475 or 1476].
Rare Book Room Dysart 15 Apparatus quinq[ue] libroru[m] decretaliu[m] d[omi]ni jnnoce[n]cij pape quarti co[m]posit[us] et publicat[us] in civitate ludunen[si]. 1478.
Rare Book Room Dysart 16 Der Heiligen Leben : Teil I, Sommerteil. am sant Lucas tag [18 Oct.] 1477.
Rare Book Room Dysart 17 Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis historiae liber I [-XXXVII]. -- 1477.
Rare Book Room Dysart 18 Dispositorium moriendi / Joha[n]nis Nyder. -- 1468?]
Rare Book Room Dysart 19 Pantheologia. 1474.
Rare Book Room Dysart 20 Fasciculus temporum / [Werner Rolevinck]. -- 1484 v. calen. Junii [28 May]
Rare Book Room Dysart 21 Liber chronicarum. 12 July 1493.
Rare Book Room Dysart 22 Stultifera nauis : narragonice p[er]fect[i]onis nunq[uam] satis laudata nauis / per Sebastianu[m] Brant ; [vernaculo vulgariq[ue] sermone & rhythmo ... ; Atq[ue] iampridem per Iacobum Locher, cognome[n]to Philomusum, Sueuu[m] in latinu[m] traducta eloquiu[m] & per Sebastianu[m] Brant denuo seduloq[ue] reuisa ...]. -- 1498 Kl'. Martii [1 March]
Rare Book Room Dysart 23 Stultifera navis mortalium : in qua factui affectus, mores, conatus atque studia ... / olim à clariss. viro D. Sebastiano Brant Iurisconsulto, Germanicis rhythmis conscriptus ; & per Iacobum Locher Sueuum Latinitati donatus. -- 1572.
Rare Book Room Dysart 24 Stultifera nauis : qua omnium mortalium narratur stultitia, admodum vtilis & necessaria ab omnibus ad suam salutem perlegenda, è Latino sermone in nostrum vulgarem versa, & iam diligenter impressa = The ship of fooles : wherin is shewed the folly of all states, with diuers other workes adioyned unto the same, very profitable and fruitfull for all men / translated out of Latin into Englishe by Alexander Barclay, Priest. -- 1570.
Rare Book Room Dysart 25 La metamorphose d'Ovide figuree. -- 1564.
Rare Book Room Dysart 26 Andreae Alciati Emblematum libellus. -- 1540.
Rare Book Room Dysart 27 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes maximis impensis et vigiliis elaborati : adiectis earundem vivis plusquam quingentis imaginibus, nunquam antea ad naturæ imitationem artificiosius efictis & expressis / Leonharto Fuchsio autore ; accessit iis succincta admodum uocum difficilium & obscurarum passim in hoc opere occurrentium explicatio ; unà cum quadruplici indicensuorum primus quidem stirpium nomenclaturas Græcas, alter Latinas, tertius officinis seplasiariorum & herbariis usitatas, quartus Germanicas continebit. -- 1542.
Rare Book Room Dysart 28 Gliasolani di Messer Pietro Bembo. March 1515.
Rare Book Room Dysart 32 Officium beate Marie secundum usum Romanum : noviter impressum, in quo multa utilia & deuotione digna, que in aliis antea impressis no[n] habentur, inuenies, vide licet quatuor euangelia, passio sen Joanne[m], suffragia sanctorum, officium Trinitatis, officium sacrosancti sacramenti & officium omnium sanctorum &c̃. -- 1501 vj.kl'. Julÿ.
Rare Book Room Dysart 33 Ces p[re]sentes heures a lusaige de Romme toutes au long sans req[ue]rir : avec les signes de lapocalipse, la vie du sainct ho[m]me thobie, & de la bo[n]ne dame iudic, les accide[nt]s de lho[m]me, le triu[m]phe de cesar, les miracles nostre dame & plusieurs austres belles hystoires ont este faites a Paris pour Symo[n] Vostre libraire, demoura[n]t pres la grand esglise. -- [ca. 1515]
Rare Book Room Dysart 34 Due trattati, uno intorno alle otto principali arti dell'oreficeria, l'altro in materia dell'arte della scultura : doue si veggono infiniti segreti nel lauorar le figure di marmo, & nel gettarle di bronzo / composti da M. Benvenuto Cellini, scultore Fiorentino. -- 1568.
Rare Book Room Dysart 34 Due trattati, uno intorno alle otto principali arti dell'oreficeria, l'altro in materia dell'arte della scultura : doue si veggono infiniti segreti nel lauorar le figure di marmo, & nel gettarle di bronzo / composti da M. Benvenuto Cellini, scultore Fiorentino. -- 1568.
Rare Book Room Dysart 35 Opera divi Caecilii Cypriani episcopi Carthaginensis : ab innumeris mendis repurgata, adiectis nonnullis libellis ex uetustissimis exemplaribus, quae hactenus no[n] habebantur, ac semotis ijs, quae falsò uidebantur inscripta, unà cu[m] annotatiunculis ; atq[uae] haec omnia nobis praestitit ingenti labore suo Erasmus Roterodamus, vir iuuandis optimis studijs natus. -- 1521.
Rare Book Room Dysart 36 Orontii Finaei, Delphinatis, regii mathematicarum professoris, De rebus mathematicis, hactenus desideratis, libri III : quibus inter caetera, circuli quadratura centum modis, & suprà, ... 1556.
Rare Book Room Dysart 38 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable happenyng in the Church with an Universall history of the same : wherein is set forth by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord), Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good Reader to helpe him with thy prayer, APOC VII. Salus sedenti super thronum & agno. An. 1583, Mens. Octobr.
Rare Book Room Dysart 39 Tabulae Gregorianae : motuum octauae sphaerae ac luminarium ad vsum calendarij ecclesiastici, & ad urbis Romae meridianum supputatae / per Iosephum Moletium, mathematicas disciplinas in celeberrimo gymnasio Patauino prositentem. -- 1580
Rare Book Room Dysart 40 Opera del preclarissimo poeta misser Francescho Petrarcha : con el co[m]mento de misser Bernardo Lycinio sopra li triu[m]phi : con misser Fra[n]cescho Philelpho, misser Antonio de tempo, misser Hieronymo Alexa[n]drino sopra li Soneti & Canzone nouamente historiate : & correcte per misser Nicolo Peranzone : azonte molte notabele & excelente additione. -- 1515 Adi. xx. Mazo.
Rare Book Room Dysart 41 The lives of the noble Grecians and Romanes / compared together by that grave learned philosopher and historiographer, Plutarke of Chaeronea ; translated out of Greeke into French by Iames Amiot ... and out of French into English by Thomas North. -- 1595.
Rare Book Room Dysart 42 Emblemata Nicolai Reusneri ic. : partim ethica, et physica : partim verò historica, & hieroglyphica ... : quibus agalmatum, sive emblematum sacrorum liber unus superadditus / ex recensione Ieremiae Reusneri Leorini. -- 1581.
Rare Book Room Dysart 43 Cornelius Tacitus exacta cura recognitus, et emendatus : copiosus index rerum, locorum, et personarum, de quibus in his libris agitur : varia lectio, in calce operis impressa. mense Nouembri, M.D. XXXIIII [1534]
Rare Book Room Dysart 44 Der newe grosz römisch Calender : mit seinen Ausszlegungen, Erclärungen, unnd Regeln ... / ytzundt von dem Hochgelerten der Astronomey und Mathematic Meynster [sic! for Meister?] Johann Stöffler vonn Justingen, der loblichen Uniuersitet Tubingen Ordinarius: auss Latin in teütsche Sprach verwandelt. -- 1522.
Rare Book Room Dysart 45 [Opera] / [Publius Vergilius Marus]. -- [1517, 1514].
Rare Book Room Dysart 46 Di Lucio Vitruuio Pollione De architectura libri dece traducti de Latino in vulgare affigurati : commentati & con mirando ordine insigniti. 1521.
Rare Book Room Dysart 47 [Biblia Latina]. -- 1481.
Rare Book Room Dysart 48 [Biblia Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra]. -- VI Id. Sext. (8 Aug.) 1489.]
Rare Book Room Dysart 48 supp [Biblia Latina cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra]. -- 6 Sept. 1497.]
Rare Book Room Dysart 51 The Workes of Ovr Ancient and learned English Poet, Geoffrey Chavcer, newly Printed. 1602.
Rare Book Room Dysart 52 The herball, or, Generall historie of plantes / gathered by John Gerarde of London, master in chirurgerie ; very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarye of London. 1633.
Rare Book Room Dysart 53 The surveyor : in four bookes / by Aaron Rathborne. -- 1616.
Rare Book Room Dysart 57 Erycii Puteani Suada attica, sive, Orationum selectarum syntagma. Item Palaestra bonae mentis, prorsus innovata. -- 1644.
Rare Book Room F1030 .L663 1612 Relation dernière de ce qvi s'est passé av voyage dv Sieur Povtrincovrt en la Nouuelle-France depuis 20 mois en ça / par Marc Lescarbot. 1612.
Rare Book Room FC362.1.H4 A3 1697 Nouvelle découverte d'un très grand pays situé dans l'Amérique, entre le Nouveau Mexique et la mer Glaciale : avec les cartes, & les figures necessaires, & de plus l'histoire naturelle & morale, & les avantages qu'on en peut tirer par l'établissement des colonies : le tout dedie à Sa Majesté Britannique Guillaume III / par le R.P. Louis Hennepin. 1697.
Rare Book Room, OS G1006 .T5 1575 Theatrum orbis terrarum : opus nunc denuo ab ipso auctore recognitum, multisque locis castigatum & quamplurimis novis tabulis atque commentariis auctum / [ab Abrahamo Ortelio elaboratum]. 1575.
Rare Book Room, FO   G1015 .B42 1640 [Le théâtre du monde, ou, Nouvel atlas contenant les chartes et descriptions de tous les paı̈s de la terre / mis en lumière par Guillaume et Iean Blaeu]. 1640-1643?]
Rare Book Room, OS G114 .H625 1677 Cosmography in four books : containing the chorography and history of the whole world : and all the principal kingdoms, provinces, seas and isles thereof / by Peter Heylyn ; with an accurate and an approved index of all the kingdoms, provinces, countries, inhabitants, people, cities, mountains, rivers, seas, islands, forts, bays, capes, forests. &c. of any remarque in the whole world : much wanted and desired in the former, and now annexed to this last impression, revised and corrected by the author himself immediately before his death ... 1677.
Rare Book Room G120 .D99 1686 Mémoires geographiques de tous les pays du monde : avec plusieurs observations historiques / par P. Duval D'Abbeville. 1686.
Rare Book Room, OS G87 .S88 1620 Strabonis Rerum geographicarum libri XVII / Isaacus Casaubonus recensuit ... emendauit, ac commentariis illustrauit ... ; adiuncta est etiam Gulielmi Xylandri ... latina versio ab eodem Casaubono recognita ; accessere Fed. Morelli ... in eundem geographum obseruatiunculae ... 1620.
Rare Book Room H33 .T3 1690z [Miscellanea : the first part / by William Temple. --] 169-?]
Rare Book Room HG6111 .L45 Reflections upon what the world commonly call good-luck and ill-luck, with regard to lotteries, and of the good use which may be made of them / written originally in French by Monsieur Le Clerk; done into English. 1699.
Rare Book Room JA79 .S25 1653 Modern policies, taken from Machiavel, Borgia, and other choice authors / by an eye-witnesse. 1653.
Rare Book Room, OS JC139 .B6 1578 Les six livres de la republique de I. Bodin Angevin. A monseigneur du Favr ... 1578.
Rare Book Room JC145 .L35 1595 Vindiciae contra tyrannos : sive, De principis in populum, populique in principem, legitima potestate / Stephano Iunio Bruto Celta, auctore. 1595.
Rare Book Room JC153 .F48 1679 The free-holders grand inquest, touching our Sovereign Lord the King and his Parliament : to which are added observations upon forms of government : together with directions for obedience to governours in dangerous and doubtful times / by the Learned Sir Robert Filmer ... Printed in the year MDCLXXIX. [1679]
Rare Book Room JC158 .B7 1656 I raggvagli di Parnasso: or, Advertisements from Parnassus; in two centvries. With The politick tovch-stone. Written originally in Italian, by that famous Roman, Trajano Bocalini; and now put into English by the Right Honourable, Henry, Earl of Monmovth. 1656.
Rare Book Room JC328.5 .D53 1647 The unlawfulnesse of subjects taking up armes against their soveraigne, in what case soever. : Together with an answer to all objections scattered in their severall bookes. And a proofe that notwithstanding such resistance as they plead for, were not damnable, yet the present warre made upon the King is so, because those cases, in which onely some men have dared to excuse it, are evidently not now; His Majesty fighting onely to preserve himselfe, and the rights of the subjects / written by Dudley Diggs, Gentleman: late fellow of All-Soules Colledge in Oxford. Printed in the yeare of our Lord, 1647. Since the 25. day of March.
Rare Book Room JN194 1615 .J3 Declaration dv serenissime roy Iacqves I. roy de la Grand' Bretaigne & Irlande, defenseur de la foy : povr le droit des rois & independance de leurs couronnes, contre la Harangve de l'Illvstrissime Cardinal du Perron, prononcée en la chambre du tiers estat le 15. de Ianuier 1615. 1615.
Rare Book Room JN339 .A5 1695 The debate at large, between the House of Lords and House of Commons, at the free conference, held in the Painted Chamber, in the session of the convention, anno 1688 : relating to the word, abdicated and the vacancy of the throne in the Common's vote. 1695.
Rare Book Room KBR160 .D68 1685 Histoire du droit canonique : avec l'explication des lieux qui ont donné le nom aux conciles, ou le surnom aux auteurs ecclésiastiques, et une chronologie canonique : le tout pour servir d'instruction à l'estude des saints decrets & des autres matieres ecclesiastiques & historiques / par Me. J. Doujat ... MDCLXXXV [1685]
Rare Book Room KD 130 1215 1587 The whole volume of statutes at large, which at anie time heeretofore have been extant in print, since Magna Charta, untill the xxix. yeere of the reigne of our most gratious sovereigne ladie Elizabeth ... 1587.
Rare Book Room KD600 .C68 1676 Institutiones juris Anglicani, ad methodum et seriem institutionum imperialium compositae & digestae : opus non solum juris Anglicani Romanique in hoc regno studiosis, sed omnibus qui politeian & consuetudines inclyti nostri imperii penitius scire cupiunt, utile & accommodatum / auctore Johanne Cowello ... ; cum duplici indice, quorum alter titulos ordine alphabetico, alter obscuras juris Angl. dictiones, earumque explicationem, continet. 1676.
Rare Books, Law KF385.ZC2 C65 1685 An abridgment of the Lord Coke's commentaries upon Littleton, being a brief explanation of the grounds of the common law, composed by that famous and learned lawyer Sir Humphrey Davenport, knight, fome time Lord Chief Baron of the Honourable Court of the Exchequer at Weftminfter, with a table of the moft remarkable things therin contained. -- 1685.
Rare Book Room KJA1252.2 1571 Authenticorum, seu, Novellarum constitutionum Iustiniani principis pars altera : quae reliquas quinque collationes, ut vocant, complectitur. -- 1571.
Rare Book Room KJA195 .A49 1581 Iustiniani imperatoris edicta. Item Iustini, Tiberii ac Leonis Augustorum novellae constitutiones / Henrico Agylaeo interprete. 1581.
Rare Book Room, OS KJA2066.9.A3 D426 1576 Caroli Sigonij De antiquo iure populi Romani libri vndecim ; De republica Atheniensium libri IIII. ; De Atheniensium, Lacedaemoniorúmque temporibus liber I. : in eosdem rerum, & verborum indices copiosi ... 1576.
Rare Book Room KJA2489.R57 A55 1581 Tractatus de fluuiorum alluuionibus : deq[uam] ijs, quæ ex alluuione nascuntur commodis & incommodis ... / Baptista Aymo Parmensi auctore ... 1581.
Rare Book Room LF3573 .A1247 1656 Diploma from the University of Padua to Ioannis, baptista Cisterninus of Spilimbergo, for the degrees of Doctor of Law, both ecclesiastical and civil, 1656 : manuscript. 1656.
Miniscore M517 .M8 K.452 Quintet, E>b major, for piano, oboe, clarinet, horn, and bassoon. 1260.
Microforms MFICHE JC 381 D5 Dialogue du royaume [microform] : auquel est discouru des vices & vertus des roys, & de leur establissement, de l'estat de la monarchie & république, & de leurs changemens ... -- 1589.
Annex Storage ML171 .Z37 Dimostrationi harmoniche del r.m. Gioseffo Zarlino ... Nelle quali realmente si trattano le cose della musica: & si risoluono molti dubij d' importanza. Opera molto necessaria à tutti quelli, che desiderano di far buon profitto in questa nobile scienza. Con la tauola della materie notabili contenute nell' opera ... 1571.
Rare Book Room N7740 .S3 1648 Emblemata Florentii Schoonhovii I.C. Goudani : partim moralia partim etiam civilia : cum latiori eorundem ejusdem auctoris interpretatione : accedunt et alia quaedam poëmatia in alijs poem̈atum suorum libris non contenta. 1648
Rare Book Room, OS NA2515 .S5 1551 [Architettvra] / di M. Sebastiano Serlio, Bolognese. 1551.
Rare Book Room NA2515 .S5 1566 [Architettvra] / di Sebastiano Serlio, Bolognese. 1566.
Rare Book Room NA2515 .S5 1584 [Architettvra] / di Sebastiano Serlio, Bolognese. 1584.
Rare Book Room, OS NA2515 .S513 1611 The first[-fifth] booke of architecture / made by Sebastian Serly ; translated out of Italian into Dutch, and out of Dutch into English. 1611.
Rare Book Room NA2515 .V6 1522 M. Vitrvvii De architectvra libri decem : nuper maxima diligentia castigati atq : excusi, additis, Iulij Frontini De aqueductibus libris propter materiae affinitatem. 1522.
Rare Book Room NA2515 .V6 1550 M. Vitrvvii Pollionis, viri svae professionis peritissimi, De architectvra libri X : ad Avgvstum Cæsarem accuratissime conscripti, & locis quamplurimis hac editione emendati / adiunctis nunc primum Gvlielmi Philandri Castilionii Galli ... castigationibvs atque annotationibus in eosdem ... ; vna cum lib. II. Sex. Ivlii Frontini De aqvaedvctibvs vrbis Romae, & Nicolai Cvsani Dialogo de staticis experimentis, cum Græco pariter & Latino indice, dispositione copiaq, elaboratissimo. mense Augusto anno 1550.
Rare Book Room NA2515 .V6 1552 M. Vitrvvii Pollionis De architectvra libri decem ad Caesarem Avgvstvm. 1552.
Rare Book Room NA2515 .V616 1629 I dieci libri dell'architettvra / di M. Vitruvio ; tradotti & commentati da Daniel Barbaro ; all'illustrissimo & reuerendillimo Sforza Ponzone. 1629.
Rare Book Room NA310 .S32 1582 Discorsi sopra l'antichità di Roma / di Vicenzo Scamozzi. 1582.
Rare Book Room, FO   NA311 .R67 1699 Romanæ magnitvdinis monvmenta : qvæ vrbem illam orbis dominam velvt redivivam exhibent posteritati, vetervm recentiorvmqve qvotqvot hac de re scripservnt avthoritate probata, qvibus svffragantvr nvmismata, et mvsea principvm præsertim fragmenta marmorea Farnesiana, qvæ vrbis antiqvæ ichnographiam continent, restitvta et avcta, cura, sumptibus ac typis / Dominici de Rubeis, Io:Iacobi haeredis ad Templum S.æ Mariæ de Pace. 1699.
Rare Book Room, OS NA490 .S37 1618 Corona imperiale dell' architettura militare / di Pietro Sardi, Romano. 1618.
Rare Book Room NA7346 .S38 1673 L'architectvre françoise des bastimens particvliers / composée par Me Lovis Savot ; auec des figures & des nottes de M. Blondel. 1673.
Rare Book Room, OS NA7756.R66 P34 1694 Palatiorum Romanorum à celeberrimis sui ævi architectis erectorum. [1694].
Rare Book Room NE476 .O72 1619 Viridarium heiroglyphico-morale. In quo virtutes et vitia, atqve mores aevi secundum tres ordines hierarchicos, ecclesiasticum, politicum, oeconomicum, per definitiones, distributiones, causas adfectiones, adiuncta, effecta &c. pie, prudenter, dextrè ac variè explicantur, & non tantum dictis, & exemplis historiarum veterum ac recentium, ex sacris scripturis, sanctis patribus seu Dd. ecclesiae, poetis philosophis, historicis cum christianorum tum gentilium, sed etiam artificiosissimis eiconibus hieroglyphicis illustrantur. Opusculum novum ac rarum, cuius vsum atc, vtilitatem praefixa praefatio docebit. Per Henricym Oraevu Assenheim ... 1619.
Rare Book Room P361 .C2 1654 Ambrosius Calepinus Passeratii, sive linguarum nouem Romanae, Graecae, Elbraicae, Gallicae, Italicae, Germanicae, Hispanicae, Anglicae, Belgicae dictionarium. 1654.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI PA 6207 A2 1628 Apuleius Madaurensis Platonicus : serio castigatus. 1628.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI PA 6274 A2 1619 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, cum C. Galli fragmentis : serio castigati. 1619.
Rare Book Room PA131 .E72 1531 De recta Latini Graecique sermonis pronuntiatione / Des. Erasmi Rot.  Dialogus Ciceronianus eiusdem per eundem emendatus & auctus. 1531.
Rare Book Room PA2084 .L34 1673 Abrégé de la Nouvelle méthode présentée au roy pour apprendre facilement la langue latine : contenant les rudimens, reduits en un nouvel ordre, avec de petites règles pour bien décliner & conjuguer. Et les règles des genres, des declinaisons, des preterits, de la syntaxe, de la quantité, & des accens latins. Mise en françois dans un ordre trés-clair & trés-abrégé / [Claude Lancelot]. [167-?]
Rare Book Room PA273 .E8 1580 Alphabetum Graecum. 1580.
Rare Book Room PA3969 .A3 1670 Epicteti stoici philosophi Enchiridion : unà cum Cebetis thebani tabula : quibus adjiciuntur hac editione Simplicii commentarius in Enchiridion Epicteti : item Arriani commentariorum de Epicteti disputationibus, Lib. IV / omnia Hieronymo Wolfio interprete ; cum locuplete rerum & verborum in singulis memorabilium indice. 1670.
Rare Book Room PA3972 .E93 De vitis philosophorum et sophistarum / Eunapius Sardianus ; Hadriano Iunio Hornano interprete, Graeca cum mss. Palatinis comparata, aucta, & emendata, Hieronymi Commelini opera ; nunc recens accedunt eiusdem auctoris Legationes, e bibliotheca Andreae Schotti Antverpiani. [1596].
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI PA4001.H4 A4 1544 Herodiani Historiae de imperio post Marcum, vel de suis temporibus / è Graeco translatae Angelo Politiano interprete. 1544.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI PA4230 .A2 1619 Luciani Samosatensis Opera : omnia in duos tomos divisa / Iohannes Benedictus. 1619.
Rare Book Room, OS PA4373 .A1 1600 Plutarchi Chaeronensis : summi et philosophi et historici parallela, id est, vitae illustorium virolrum Graecorum et Romanorum, utilissima historia expositae, atque inter se comparatae. Guiliemo Xylandro Augustano interprete. 1600.
Rare Book Room, OS PA4373 .V6 1558 Plutarchi Chaeronei historici ac philosophi grauissimi, Graecorum, Romanorumque illustrium vitae, ab authore primium Graece conscriptae: postea uero a doctissimis hominibus Latinae factae: nunc tandem ab eruditissimis aliquot uiris summa cura atque diligentia ab innumeris mendis, quibus aeque & Graecum exemplar, & Latina translatio scatebant, recognitae & collatae ... 1558.
Rare Book Room PA6274 .A2 1502 Catullus. Tibullus. Propetius [i.e. Propertius]. mense Ianuario. MDII [1502]
Rare Book Room PA6274 .A2 1515 Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius. 1515.
Rare Book Room, OS PA6278 .A2 1539 M. T. Ciceronis opera. Ex Petri Victorii codicibus maxima ex parte descripta, viri docti et in recensendis authoris huius scriptis cauti & perdiligentis: quem nos industria, quanta potuimus, coseqiuiti, quasdam orationes redintegratas, tres libros De legibvs multo quam antea meliores, & reliquias de commentariis, qui de Repvblica inscripti erant, magno labore collectas vndiquus, descriptasque libris, vobis exhibemus. Eivsdem Victorii explactiones suarum in Ciceraneim castigationum. Index rervm et verborvm. 1539.
Rare Book Room PA6279 .A2 1519 M.T. Ciceronis Orationum volumen primum [-tertium]. mense Ianuario. M.D. XVIIII [-mense Augusto MDXIX]
Rare Book Room PA6297 .A3 1511 [Epistole familiares M.T. Ciceronis : cum Ascensianis introductiunculis & commentariis familiarissimis]. -- 1511]
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI PA6297 .A3 1642 Epistolarum ad familiares : libri XVI / M. Tullii Ciceronis. 1642.
Rare Book Room PA6376 .A2 1520 Quintus Cu[r]tius. mense Julio MDXX [1520]
Rare Book Room PA6446 .A2 1699 D. Junii Juvenalis et A. Persii Flacci satyrae / Interpretatione ac notis Ludovicus Prateus ... 1699.
Rare Book Room, OS PA6447.E5 D7 1693 The satires of Junius Decimus Juvenalis / translated into English verse. By Mr. Dryden, and several other eminent hands. Together with the Satires of Aulus Persius Flaccus. Made English by Mr. Dryden. With explanatory notes at the end of each satire. To which is prefixed a discourse concerning the original and progress of satire. Dedicated to the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Dorset, by Mr. Dryden. 1693.
Rare Book Room PA6447.E5 H7 1673 Decimus Junius Juvenalis and Aulus Persius Flaccus : translated and illustrated, as well with sculpture as notes / by Barten Holyday D.D. and late Arch-Deacon of Oxon. anno Dom. 1673.
Rare Book Room PA6447.E5 S7 1647 Juvenal's sixteen satyrs, or, a survey of the manners and actions of mankind : with arguments, marginall notes, and annotations clearing the obscure places out of the history, lawes and ceremonies of the Romans / by Sir Robert Stapylton. 1647.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI PA6451.L23 D45 1692 Lucii Caecilii Firmiani Lactantii De mortibus persecutorum, cum notis Stephani Baluzii, Tutelensis, qui primus ex veteri codice ms. Bibliothecae Colbertinae vulgavit. 1692.
Rare Book Room, OS PA6452 .A2 1555 T. Livii patavini, historiarum ab urbe condita, libri qui extant, XXXV. CVM vniversae historiae epitomis, A Carolo Sigonio Emendati ; cuius etiam scholia simul eduntur, quibus ijdem libri, atque epitomae partim emendantur, partim etiam explanantur. 1555.
Rare Book Room PA6478 .A2 1545 M. Anneii Lucani De bello civili libri decem : Eiusdem vita in fine operis. 1545.
Rare Book Room PA6479.E5 M3 1631 Lucan's Pharsalia: or The civil warres of Rome, between Pompey the great, and Julius Caesar. The whole tenne bookes, Englished by Thomas May. 1631.
Rare Book Room PA6479.L3 Ma 1640 Supplementum Lvcani / authore Thoma Maio Anglo. 1640.
Rare Book Room PA6518 .O2 1552 Iulii Obseqventis Prodigiorvm liber ab urbe condita usque ad Augustum Cæsarem : cuins tantum extabat fragmentum, nunc demum historiarũ beneficio / per Conradvm Lycostenem Rubeaquensem, integritati suæ restitutus ; Polydori Vergilij Vrbantis De prodigijs libri III ; Ioachimi Camerarij Paberg De ostentis libri II. 1552.
Rare Book Room PA6519 .M2 1598 Ovidii Metamorphoseon, libri XV : in quibus corrigendis, collatis probatissimae fidei exemplaribus, maximam profectò adhibuimus diligentiam. -- 1598.
Rare Book Room PA6555.E5 H6 1635 Aulus Persius Flaccus, his satyres / translated into English by Barten Holyday ... and now newly by him reviewed and amended. 1635.
Rare Book Room PA6563 .A2 1667 Phaedri, Augusti Caesaris liberti, fabularum aesopiarum libri quinque / notis perpetuis illustrati, & cum integris aliorum observationibus in lucem editi a Johanne Laurentio jcto. 1667.
Rare Book Room, OS PA6568 .A2 1518 Marci Actii Plauti linguae latinae principis : comoediae vigı̄ti, viuis pene imaginibus recēs exultae / novissime ex collatiōe florētinae fidelioris ı̄pressionis ... ; una cū luculētissimis cōmentarijs Bernardi Saraceni, Joānis Petri Vallae, & Pyladis Brixiani ; nec nō observationibus Pij Bononiēsis, Ugoleti & Grapaldi scholia, Anselmique epiphillidib ; adiecto insup eleganti ı̄dice nūc primū excogitato, qui oı̄a grammaticalia oı̄a subobscura vocabula, om nes fabulas & historias & quaeque digna cognitu, alphabetice demonstrat. -- 1518.
Rare Book Room PA6568 .A2 1652 M. Acci Plavti comœdiæ superstites XX : accuratissimè editæ. Ao 1652.
Rare Book Room PA6638 .A2 1644 C. Plinii Caecilii Secundi epistolarum libri X / cum Notis Augusti Buchneri. 1644.
Rare Book Room PA6661 .A2 1672 L. Annaei Senecae Opera. 1672.
Rare Book Room PA6664 .A2 1566 L. Annæi Senecae Tragœdiæ / editae emendatiores studio Georgii Fabricii. 1566.
Rare Book Room PA6700 .A2 1543 C. Suetonii Tranquilli XII Caesares : ex vetusto exemplari emendatiores multis locis. MDXLIII [1543].
Rare Book Room PA6700 .A2 1644 Caius Suetonius Tranquillus. MDCXLIV [1644].
Rare Book Room PA6755 .A2 1548 P. Terentii Comoediae sex elegantissimae : cum Donati commentariis, ex optimorum praesertim ueterum exemplariorum collatione emendatae, atque scholijs exactissimis, à multis doctis uiris illustratae, & nunc denuo ab omnibus mendis repurgatae : autorum nomina qui scholia adiecerunt aut loca restituerant, sequens pagella declarabit. anno MDXLVIII [1548].
Rare Book Room PA6755 .A3 1575 Flovvers or eloquent phrases of the Latine speach : gathered out of all the sixe comoedies of Terence / whereof those of the first three were selected by Nicolas Udall ; and those of the latter three, nowe to them annexed by Iohn Higgins. 1575.
Rare Book Room, OS PA6801 .A2 1522 Vergilius cum co̊mětariis [et] figuris : P. Vergilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica, Aeneis, ců Servij co̊mentarijs accuratissime emendatis, in quibus multa quae adhuc deerǎt, sunt adiecta, [et] Graecae dictiones ac versus vbiq[uae] restituti ... 1522.
Rare Book Room, OS PA6801 .A2 1613 Pub. Vergilii Maronis opera, quae quidem extant, omnia: cum ... commentarijs Tib. Donati & Servii Honorati ... a Georgio Fabricio Chemnicensis primo collectis & emendatis. Accesserunt iisdem, probi grammatici, Pomponii Sabini, Phil. Beroaldi, Joan. Hartungi, Iod. Willichii, Georg. Fabricii, Bonfinis, Joan. Ludovici Vivis, Adriarii Barlandi, & aliorum, annotationes utilissimae. Omnia ... castigata: Studio M. Ludovici Lucii, Una cum ... indice. [1613]
Rare Book Room PA6801 .A2 1636 P. Vergilii Maronis opera. Ao 1636.
Rare Book Room PA8123 .S46 1672 Septem illustrium virorum poemata. 1672.
Rare Book Room PA8508.E5 L4 1699 Twenty two select colloquies out of Erasmus Roterodamus : pleasantly representing several superstitious levities that were crept into the church of Rome in his days ... / [translated] by Sir Roger l'Estrange, Knight. 1699.
Rare Book Room PA8508.E5 M2 1671 The colloquies, or, Familiar discourses of Desiderius Erasmus of Roterdam, / rendered into English ... By H.M. gent. 1671.
Rare Book Room PA8570 .P5 1513 Pontani Opera : Urania, sive de stellis libri quinq. : Meteororum liber unus : De hortis Hesperidum libri duo : Lepidina, sive postorales [sic] pompæ septem, Item Meliseus, Mæon, Acon : Hendecasyllaborum libri duo : Tumulorum liber unus : Neniæ duodecim : Epigrammata duodecim : quæ vero in toto opere habeantur in indice, qui in calce est, licet videre. [1513]
Rare Book Room PA8570.R4 A6 1682 Renati Rapini Societ. Jesu Carminum. 1681.
Rare Book Room PC1410 .M36 1627 Elegantiae Aldi Manutii, auctae, gallicae factae, & in accommodatiora capita distributae / Auctore Iacobo Gaulterio ... ; Quibus adiectus est copiesissimus Index. MDCXXVII [1627].
Rare Book Room PD2013 .W67 1636 [Runir], seu, Danica literatura antiqvissima, vulgò Gothica dicta / luci reddita opera Olai Wormii ... ; cui accessit De priscâ Danorum poesi dissertatio. 1636.
Rare Book Room PK6270 .D53 1639 Rudimenta linguæ persicæ / authore Ludovico de Dieu ; Accedunt Duo priora capita Geneseos, ex persica translatione Iac. Tawusi. MDCXXXIX [1639].
Rare Book Room PN2047 .C63 A defence of the Short view of the profaneness and immorality of the English stage ... / Jeremy Colllier 1699.
Rare Book Room PN6420 .R3 1678 A collection of English proverbs : digested into a convenient method for the speedy finding any one upon occasion : with short annotations : whereunto are added local proverbs with their explications, old proverbial rhythmes, less known or exotick proverbial sentences, and Scottish proverbs / by J. Ray. -- 1678.
Rare Book Room PQ1609 .D4 1611 Les oeuures de Philippes Des-Portes, abbé de Thiron. MDCXI [1611]
Rare Book Room PQ1719 .A1 1680 Oeuvres diverses du sieur D***.  Avec Le traité du sublime, ou, Du merveilleux dans le discours, traduit du Grec de Longin. 1680.
Rare Book Room PQ1731.B82 O4 1692 L'ombre de Moliere : comedie. 1692.
Rare Book Room PQ1791 .A1 1665 Les tragedies et comedies de Th. Corneille, reveues & corrigées, & augmentées de diverses pieces nouvelles. 1665-1678.
Rare Book Room PQ1799.G76 H6 1681 Homaïs reyne de Tunis. 1681.
Rare Book Room PQ1826 .A2 1689 Les amans magnifiques : comedie : mesle'e de musique, & d'entrées de balet / par J.B.P. de Moliere. 1689.
Rare Book Room PQ1827 .A1 1679 L'avare : comedie / par J.B.P. de Moliere. 1679.
Rare Book Room PQ1830 .C4 1689 La comtesse d'Escarbagnas : comedie / par J.B.P. de Moliere. 1689.
Rare Book Room PQ1834 .I4 1689 L'impromptu de Versailles : comedie / par J.B.P. de Moliere. 1689.
Rare Book Room PQ1836 .M8 1689 Melicerte : comedie pastorale heroique / par J.B.P. de Moliere. 1689.
Rare Book Room PQ1837 .M7 1684 Monsieur de Pourceaugnac : comedie : faite à Chambord, pour le divertissement du roy / par J.B.P. de Moliere. 1684.
Rare Book Room PQ1840 .S7 1679 Le Sicilien, ou, L'amour peintre : comedie / par J.B.P. Moliere. 1679.
Rare Book Room PQ1840 .S7 1680 Le Sicilien, ou, L'amour peintre : comedie / par J.B.P. Moliere. 1680.
Rare Book Room PQ1842 .A1 1684 L'imposteur, ou, Le Tartuffe : comedie / par J.B.P. de Moliere. 1684.
Rare Book Room PQ1885 1698 Oeuvres de Racine, tome premier ; Tragedies de Racine, tome second. MDCXCVIII [1698].
Rare Book Room PQ1917 .S6 1656 Les oevvres de Monsievr Sarasin. 1656.
Rare Book Room PQ4272.F5 C7 1699 Le songe de Bocace : traduit d'italien en françois, suivant la copie imprimée à Paris. 1699.
Rare Book Room PQ4476 .B33 Il Petrarca. 1533.
Rare Book Room, OS PQ4627.M2 A2 1675 The works of the famous Nicolas Machiavel, citizen and secretary of Florence : written originally in Italian, and from thence newly and faithfully translated into English. 1675.
Rare Book Room PQ4630.P22 F67 1545 Bernardini parthenii foroivliensis pro lingva Latina oratio. 1545.
Rare Book Room PR2206 .A3 1632 The essays or covnsels, civill and morall, of Francis Lo. Vervlam, Viscount St. Alban. 1632.
Rare Book Room PR2223 .A1 1624 The anatomy of melancholy : what it is, with all the kindes, causes, symptomes, prognostickes, and severall cures of it : in three maine partitions, with their seuerall sections, members, and subsections, philosophically, medicinally, historically opened and cut up / by Democritus Iunior ; with a satyricall preface, conducing to the following discourse. ao. Dom. 1624.
Rare Book Room PR2350 1609 The Faerie Qveene : Disposed into XII. Bookes, Fashioning twelue Morall Vertues / [(by the Queen's) most humble seruant Edmund Spencer]. [1609-1613].
Rare Book Room PR2350 1617 The Faerie Qveen ; The Shepheards Calendar: Together With The Other Works of England's Arch-Poet, Edm. Spenser: Collected into one Volume, and carefully corrected. Anno Dom.1617.
Rare Book Room, OS PR2380 .A1 1630 All the workes of Iohn Taylor the water-poet. Being Sixty and three in number. 1630.
Rare Book Room PR2439.C8 A6 1651 Comedies, tragi-comedies, with other poems / by Mr. William Cartwright, late student of the Christ-church in Oxford, and proctor of the University. The ayres and songs set by Mr. Henry Lawes, servant to His late Majesty in his publick and private musick. 1651.
Rare Book Room PR2600 .C16 1616 The workes of Beniamin Ionson.

an[n]o D[omini] 1616.


Rare Book Room PR2600 .C16 1631 The vvorkes of Beniamin Ionson. The second volume : Containing these playes, viz. 1 Bartholomew Fayre (1631). 2 The staple of newes (1631). 3 The Divell is an asse (1641) 1640
Rare Book Room PR2600 .C16 1640 The Workes of Benjamin Jonson - neque me vt miretur turba, laboro: Contentus paucis lectoribus. 1640.
Rare Book Room, OS PR2751 .A2 1632 Mr William Shakespeares comedies, histories, and tragedies, published according to the true originall copies. 1632.
Rare Book Room PR3316.B83 E92 1679 The excommunicated prince: or, The false relique. A tragedy· As it was acted by His Holiness's servants. Being the Popish plot in a play. / By Capt. William Bedloe. 1679.
Rare Book Room, OS PR3327 .A1 1686 The works of the learned Sir Thomas Brown, Kt., Doctor of Physick, late of Norwich. Containing I. Enquiries into vulgar and common errors. II. Religio medici: With annotations and observations upon it. III. Hydriotaphia; or, Vrn-Burial: Together with The Garden of Cyrus. IV. Certain miscellany tracts. With alphabetical tables. 1686.
Rare Book Room PR3370 .A1 1669 The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley. Consisting of those which were formerly printed: and those which he design'd for the press; now published out of the authors original copies. 1669.
Rare Book Room PR3370 .A1 1672 The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley : consisting of those which were formerly printed : and those which he design'd for the press; now published out of the authors original copies. 1672.
Rare Book Room PR3412 .T6 1692 Miscellany poems : in two parts ; containing new translations out of Virgil, Lucretius, Horace, Ovid, Theocritus, and other authors : with several poems / by the most eminent hands ; published by Mr. Dryden. 1692.
Rare Book Room, OS PR3416 .A2 1681 Absalom and Achitophel : a poem. 1681.
Rare Book Room PR3420 .T5 Three poems upon the death of His late Highnesse Oliver Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland / written by Mr. Edm. Waller, Mr. Jo. Dryden, Mr. Sprat, of Oxford. 1659.
Rare Book Room PR3539 .K5 1664 Comedies and tragedies / written by Thomas Killigrew, page of honour to King Charles the First and groom of the bed-chamber to King Charles the Second. 1664.
Rare Book Room PR3560 1669 Paradise lost : a poem in ten books / the author, John Milton. 1669.
Rare Book Room PR3605 .O4 1686 The works of Mr. John Oldham, together with his remains. 1686.
Rare Book Room PR3619.P4 1669 Poems / by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda ; to which is added Monsieur Corneille's Pompey & Horace, tragedies ; with several other translations out of French. 1669.
Rare Book Room PR3652 .D5 1641 Divine fancies, digested into epigrammes, meditations and observations / by Fra: Quarles. 1641.
Rare Book Room, DUTHOI QA101 .W56 1678 Mr. Wingate's Arithmetick : containing a plain and familiar method for attaining the knowledge and practice of common arithmetick / first composed by Edmund Wingate ; afterwards upon Mr. Wingate's request, enlarged in his life time ; also since his decease carefully revised, and much improved, as will appear by the preface and table of contents by John Kersey. 1678.
Rare Book Room, OS QA31 .A681 1544 Archimēdous tou Syrakousiou, ta mechri nyn sōzōmenā, hapanta = [all that which remains of the works of Archimedes of Syracuse] : Archimedis Syracusani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi opera, qua quidem extant, omnia, multis iam seculis desiderata, atque à quàm paucissimus hactenus uisa, nuncqua primùm & graecè & latinè in lucem edita. Quorum catalogum uersa pagina reperies. Adiecta quoqua sunt Evtocii Ascalonitae in eosdem Archimedes libros commentaria, item graecè & latinè, nunquam antea excusa. 1544.
Rare Book Room QA31 .E86 1666 Euclidis elementa geometrica : novo ordine ac methodo fere demonstrata. 1666.
Rare Book Room, OS QA31 .E87 1572 Euclidis Elementorum libri XV : uná cum scholijs antiquis / á Federico Commandino : nuper in Latinum conuersi, commentarijsq́ue quibusdam illustrati. 1572.
Rare Book Room QA33 .W3 1685 A treatise of algebra, both historical and practical. Shewing the original, progress, and advancement thereof, from time to time; and by what steps it hath attained to the heighth at which it now is. With some additional treatises, I. Of the Cono-cuneus ... II. Of angular sections; and other things relating thereunto, and to trigonometry. III. Of the angle of contact ... IV. Of combinations, alternations, and aliquot parts. By John Wallis ... -- 1685.
Rare Book Room, OS QB7 .M35 1662 Ephemerides novissimae motvvm coelestivm. ad longitudinem vrbis Mutinae gr. 34.5. Ex Philippi Lansbergii hypothesibvs exactissime supputatae, & ad caelestes obseruationes nuper habitas expensae ab anno 1661 ad annum 1666, cum obseruationes ipsis interim ab authore habitis, & ad calculum reuocatis. Additis ephemeridibus solis, & tabulis refractionum, ex nouissimis hypothesibus Doctoris Ioannis Dominici Cassini. 1662.
Rare Book Room, OS QH41 .P7 1582 Historia mundi naturalis C. Plinii Secundi : hoc est, amplissimum, lucidissimum, perspicacissimumque, nec non plane mirandum totius universi, rerumque naturalium speculum ... in libros XXXVII / distributa, vivisque imaginibus illustrata, atque vero proprioq́ue naturae nitori labore impensisq́ue Sigismundi Feyerabenij hoc nouo ... ; his breves eruditaeque in marginae doctissimorum virorum castigationes, Sigismundi Gelenij quoq[ue] perspicuae atq[ue] perutiles animadversiones accesserunt. 1582.
Rare Book Room QK41 .B34 1671 Caspari Bauhini viri clariss. Pinax theatri botanici sive Index in Theophrasti Dioscoridis Plinij et botanicorum qui à seculo scripserunt opera : plantarum circiter sex millium ab ipsis exhibitarum nomina cum earundem synonymijs & differentijs methodice secundum genera & species proponens. Opus XL. annorum summopere expetitum ad autoris autographum recensitum. M DC LXXI [1671]
Rare Book Room, OS QK41 .B35 1650 Historia plantarum vniuersalis, noua, et absolutissima, cum consensu et dissensu circa eas. / auctoribus Ioh. Bauhino ... et Ioh. Hen. Cherlero ... quam recensuit & auxit Dominicus Chabraeus ... Iuris vero publici fecit, Franciscus Lud. a Graffenried ... MDCL-MDCLI [1650-1651].
Rare Book Room, OS QK41 .D34 1587 0 Historia generalis plantarum, in libros XVIII. per certas classes artificiose digesta, haec, plusquam mille imagìnibus plantarum locupletior superioribus, omnes propemodum quæ ab antiquis scriptoribus, Græcis, Latinis, Arabibus, nominantur: necnon eas quæ in Orientis atque Occidentis partibus, ante seculum nostrum incognitis, repertæ fuerunt, tibi exhibet. Habes etiam earundem plantarum peculiaria nationibus nomina: habes amplas descriptiones, è quibus singularum genus, formam, vbi crescant & quo tempore vigeant, natiuum temperamentum, vires denique in medicina proprias cognosces. Adiecti sunt indices, non solùm Græci & Latini, sed aliarum quoque linguarum, locupletissimi. M.D. LXXXVI.[-M.D. LXXXVII.] [1586-1587]
Rare Book Room, OS QK41 .G3 1633 The herball, or, Generall historie of plantes / gathered by John Gerarde of London, master in chirurgerie ; very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson, citizen and apothecarye of London. 1633.
Rare Book Room, OS QK41 .T17 1664 D. Iacobi Theodori Tabernaemontani, New vollkommen Kräuter-Buch, darinnen vber 3000. Kräuter, mit schönen vnd kunstlichen Figuren, auch deren Vnterscheid vnd Wirckung, sampt ihren Namen in mancherley Spraachen, beschrieben: dessgleichen auch, wie dieselbige in allerhand Kranckheiten, beyde der Menschen vnd des Viehs, sollen angewendet vnd gebraucht werden, angezeigt wird. Vormahls durch D. Casparvm Bavhinvm mit vielen newen Figuren, nutzlichen Artzneyen vnd andern guten Stucken, mit sonderem Fleiss gebessert. Jetzt widerumb auffs newe übersehen, mit nutzlichen Marginalien, synonimis, (so insonderheit im andern vnd dritten Theil gemangelt) Registern vnd anderm vermehret durch Hieronymvm Bavhinvm. 1664.
Rare Book Room QK41 .T655 1700 Josephi Pitton Tournefort Aquisextiensis ... Institutiones rei herbariae. 1700.
Rare Book Room QK626 .S7 1675 Theatrum fungorum oft het toonsel der campernoelien ... alles met neerstigheyt, lanck-duerige ondervindinghe, ende ijverigh ondersoecken vande schriften der ervarenste cruyt-kenders vergaedert ende beschreven / door Franciscus van Sterbeeck. 1675.
Rare Book Room QK646.7 .G73 1675 The comparative anatomy of trunks : together with an account of their vegetation grounded thereupon : in two parts : the former read before the Royal Society, Feb. 25, 1674/5, the latter, June 17, 1675 : the whole explicated by several figures in nineteen copperplates : presented to the Royal Society in the years 1673 and 1674 / by Nehemiah Grew, M.D. and fellow of the Royal Society. 1675.
Rare Book Room RS403 .L38 1697 Cours de chymie : contenant la maniere de faire les operations qui sont en usage dans la medecine, par une methode facile : avec des raisonnamens sur chaque operation, pour l'instruction de ceux qui veulent s'appliquer à cette science / par Nicolas Lémery, D.M. MDCXCVII [1697].
Rare Book Room UE144 .M45 1611 Regole militari del Cavalier Melzo sopra il governo e servitio della cavalleria / [Lodovico Melzo]. 1611.
Rare Book Room X 439 P47 1550 Institutionum civilium libri quatuor : una cum Accursii commentariis ac multorum iurisdoctorum annotationibus / iam recens maiore cura ... ab Aegidio Perrino ... emendati scholiisque illustrati ; accessit Iustiniani vita ... -- 1550.
Rare Book Room XE 861 D3 K6 1643 Kong Waldomars II, low. med l. K. Christ. III, recess.  2. K. Frider. II. handfestning. 3. K. Frider. II. recess. 4. K. Frider. II. gaards-ret. 5. K. Frider. II. soe-ret. 6. K. Frider. II. XXV. relig. art. 7. K. Frider. II. obne breffve. 8. K. Christ. IV. recess. 9. K. Christ. IV rigens ret. 10. K. Christ. IV. bircke-ret. 11. K. Christ. IV. obne breffve. Saa oc it general regist. offver alle forde. low, recess oc retter. u. , , , 1643.
Rare Book Room Z2162 .S67 1664 La bibliotheque françoise / de M. C. Sorel, ou, Le choix et l'examen des liures françois qui traitent de l'eloquence, de la philosophie, de la deuotion, & de la conduite des mœurs; et de ceux qui contiennent des harangues, des lettres, des oeuures meslées, des histoires, des romans, des poësies, des traductions, & qui ont seruy au progrez de nostre langue : auec vn traité particulier, où se trouue l'ordre, le choix, et l'examen des histoires de France. 1664.