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The University of Manitioba Library buys books on a variety of topics. Some are available in print (ie books that are on the shelf), some are available electronically, and some are available in both formats.
You can use the search box on the library's main page to look for all types of marterials; to limit your results to a particular type of material, like books, use the filters on the right hand side of the results page after you run your search.
The University of Manitoba subscribes to many midwiffery journals. You can browse individual journal issues, or you can search for articles about a specific topic using one of the library databases. See How to Search for Articles for instructions about how to conduct a search, or make an appointment with one of the Health Librarians to learn about database searching procedures and techniques.
Recomended Databases:
To access full text from a database, click the yellow Check Library Access link. It looks like this:
In some databases, this will take you directly to full text. In others, you will be taken to a record for the article on the library website. Click one of the links under Availability to be taken to full text.