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How to search using Ovid: Creating alerts

Creating and editing alerts

A search alert is a service which runs your Ovid search periodically and delivers the results to your email inbox.  This requires you set up a free Ovid account.  Note: this only has to be done once and you use the same account for ALL Ovid databases.

To create a search alert:

  1. From the Ovid database search page, search the database.
  2. Click in the box next to the search line for which you want an alert.
  3. Click Create Auto-Alert (link; below the search box).
  4. When / If prompted, type in the credentials for your Ovid Personal Account, click Sign in (button).
  5. Fill in the form:
    1. Type in a meaningful search name for your alert.
    2. The default Type is AutoAlert (SDI), leave this setting as is.
    3. Adjust Schedule Options, for the frequency of your alert.
    4. Adjust Delivery Options, as desired.
    5. Click Save (button).

To turn off or delete your alert:

  1. From the Ovid database search page, click on My Account (link; top center of the page).
  2. When / If prompted, type in the credentials for your Ovid Personal Account, click Sign in (button).
  3. Click on My Workspace (link; in blue menu).
  4. Click on My Searches & Alerts (tab; in white bar).
  5. Click on AUTOALERT (SDI) SEARCHES (link; below the My Searches (tab)).
  6. Locate the title of the alert you want to change.
    1. To delete the alert, click in the box next to the search title, click Delete (link; top of the list).
    2. To edit the alert, click the pencil (icon; on the same line as the search title) and adjust as needed.

screen capture of an AutoAlert (SDI) Search showing the title the check box next to the title and the pencil icon described in steps 6-6.2 above