A search alert is a service which runs your Ovid search periodically and delivers the results to your email inbox. This requires you set up a free Ovid account. Note: this only has to be done once and you use the same account for ALL Ovid databases.
To create a search alert:
- From the Ovid database search page, search the database.
- Click in the box next to the search line for which you want an alert.
- Click Create Auto-Alert (link; below the search box).
- When / If prompted, type in the credentials for your Ovid Personal Account, click Sign in (button).
- Fill in the form:
- Type in a meaningful search name for your alert.
- The default Type is AutoAlert (SDI), leave this setting as is.
- Adjust Schedule Options, for the frequency of your alert.
- Adjust Delivery Options, as desired.
- Click Save (button).
To turn off or delete your alert:
- From the Ovid database search page, click on My Account (link; top center of the page).
- When / If prompted, type in the credentials for your Ovid Personal Account, click Sign in (button).
- Click on My Workspace (link; in blue menu).
- Click on My Searches & Alerts (tab; in white bar).
- Click on AUTOALERT (SDI) SEARCHES (link; below the My Searches (tab)).
- Locate the title of the alert you want to change.
- To delete the alert, click in the box next to the search title, click Delete (link; top of the list).
- To edit the alert, click the pencil (icon; on the same line as the search title) and adjust as needed.