SDA@CHASS (Survey Documentation and Analysis) This link opens in a new windowUT/DLS: Microdata Analysis and Subsetting provides interactive access to selected microdata files via Berkeley's software SDA (Survey Documentation and Analysis), maintained by Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (CHASS) at the University of Toronto.
SDA@CHASS provides:
-among and within datafile variable-level searching
-analyses: cross-tabulations, comparison of means, correlations, multiple and logistic regression, with all standard measures of significance, direction etc.
-recoding and computing of new variables, including sharing recoded variables with others
-graphic display: bar, pie, line charts
-downloading fixed-field or csv format, subsets or entire datafile, and SAS, SPSS and/or Stata syntax, as well as DDI compliant XML
-Multi-lingual interface and content support