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Business Administration: GMGT 1010 - Harmatz

GMGT 1010 - Course guide for Prof. Harmatz' sections

This course guide is applicable to some, not all, sections of GMGT 1010. It contains criteria for evaluating your sources, links to resources that contain credible primary and secondary sources and search strategies to help you with your short paper. If you require assistance, please contact the Librarian on this course guide.

Types of Sources

Primary Sources are:

  • Documents/records containing first hand information or original data on a topic
  • Works created at the time of an event or by someone who witnessed or experienced an event
  • Examples:
    • Journals, letters, and diaries
    • Speeches, videos, transcripts, and interviews
    • Data
    • Newspaper articles that report on current events

Secondary Sources are:

  • Created after primary sources and often talk about primary sources
  • Works that offer additional opinions (sometimes called bias), analysis, and conclusions on a past event or on a primary source
  • Examples:
    • History books
    • Scholarly journal articles
    • Newspaper articles that examine events that happened in the past

Criteria for Evaluating your Sources

Five standards to consider:

  • Currency
  • Relevancy
  • Authority
  • Accuracy                              
  • Purpose

      CRAAP test                    

For more information on the CRAAP test, review the following two videos:

  • Evaluating Sources. "Evaluating Sources" by Western Libraries (20212) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0)
  • Evaluating Websites "Using the C.R.A.P. Test to Evaluate Websites" by Portland State University Library (2019) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (CC BY-NC)

Stop and Think before you Search!

What are you trying to find? What is your working thesis statement?

  • First, get an idea of the context
  • TOPIC: Analyze the impact that Manitoba Hydro is having on indigenous communities
    • Ask background questions: Who, What, Where, When and Why
    • Use secondary sources to get a sense of the problem area(s) or general issues with a particular hydro project
    • Remember: you goal is to come up with a thesis

How to Get Started

Pick a Project

1. Source: Manitoba Hydro website

  • Look under “About Us” for Major Projects (completed projects archived), Financial (annual & quarterly reports), or News & Media  (archive goes back to 2017) for mention of a specific project or activity
  • Select a project, REVIEW it, then consider issue(s) that reasonate with you
    • There are a number of issues surrounding this topic: social, political, cultural, environmental…
  • Look for additional sources to get more background information 

2. Sources: Canadian Major Dailies database (via UM Libraries) & Library Search

  • Newspaper articles and books can provide additional background information
  • Search for material that discuss a hydro project and may provide insight on an issue
    • Example: “Manitoba Hydro” AND (Indigenous OR Aboriginal OR “First Nations” OR native OR Métis) AND “[project name]”
  • Database and Library Search advanced searching tips

Craft your Research Questions

After gathering background information, add focus with research questions
  • Brainstorm your questions then select the most appropriate ones
    • Ask “how” and “why” questions about your issue(s)
    • Consider why this issue matters 
    • Identify questions you want to explore further through research 
  • Determine and evaluate your questions
    • Are your research questions clear and focused?
    • Can your questions be examined in length in your paper or are they too broad?

Create your Argument

Formulate an argument based on what is happening with the particular hydro project/actvity and issue (not what should happen)
  • Hypothesize (consider the path your answer may take)
    • Consider what you will say and why your argument matters
    • Anticipate the information you will need to support your argument
  • Draft a thesis statement

Find information to support your argument - web sources

Once you have your research questions, argument or a thesis, focus on the information you need to support these. Below are primary web sources you should consider using for your short paper:

Public submissions and reports on a particular hydro project:

Agreements between Manitoba Hydro and Indigenous communities:

Find information to support your argument - Digitized and print sources

If you are not able to find information to support your argument in the above web sources, consider using digitized or print primary sources for specific mentions of your hydro project/activity and issue.

Reports and transcripts of hearings or inquiries involving a particular hydro project:

  • Legislative Library of Manitoba contains digitized documents you can access online (NB. the digital collection is currently undergoing maintenance, but all digital titles can be found through the library's catalogue. Email to request digital documents)
    • Search the digital collection of Manitoba Government publications (~2000 to current)
    • Enter name of hydro project, e.g. Keeyask, in search box & click Search
    • Enter project name, e.g. Wuskwatim, in Subject terms box & click Search
  • University of Manitoba Libraries provides print sources
    • Run an Advanced Search in the library catalogue for reports and transcripts from hearings, commissions of inquiry, etc. on a specific hydro project.
    • Sample search: (inquiry OR hearing OR commission OR report) AND (name of the project, e.g. Northern Hydro Development or Churchill Nelson)
    • Library Search advanced searching tips

Additional Resources

Below are additional resources to consider for your short paper:

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Social Sciences Liaison Librarian

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Elliot Hanowski
Elizabeth Dafoe Library, Room 208