Elements to include and formatting
Author(s). Article title. Abbreviated Journal Name. Published online month day year. doi:
- Papastergiou J, Folkins C, Li W. Community pharmacy-based A1c screening: a Canadian model for diabetes care. Int J Pharm Pract. Published online December 16, 2015. doi:10.1111/ijpp.12228
- Many articles now appear online before they are published in the print version of the journal they were submitted to for publication. These articles are often referred to as pre-prints, "epubs ahead of print" or "early view articles." They typically do not have volume, issue, or page numbers until they have been published in the print version of the journal.
- Abbreviated journal name is in italics.
- Journal abbreviations. AMA employs journal abbreviations as set by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Journals referenced in the NCBI Databases.
- Alternatively:
- Use PubMed or OVID Medline to locate the appropriate abbreviation.