Manitoba's Health Information Knowledge Network
General Health | Health in MB | Consumer Health | Cultural Competency | Indigenous Health | Health Equity | Cannabis | Public Health | Spiritual HealthCare
Evaluating the Credibility of Health Websites
Online Verification Skills with Mike Caufield (short video series)
How To Spot Fake News (downloadable infographic - available in several languages) (fact checking site)
Health - Johns Hopkins Medicine
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Cancer A–Z - American Cancer Society
About Cancer - National Cancer Institute
Cancer Types - National Cancer Institute
Cannabis in Canada: Get the facts
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canda
Caring for Seniors - Province of BC
Resources for Seniors (Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Seniors Forum)
Diabetes - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
For parents: supporting your teen's independence.
Diabetes Canada. Tools & Resources.
International Osteoporosis Foundation
National Osteoporosis Foundation
Canadian Mental Health Association
Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba
Choosing Wisely Canada Patient Resources - Tests and Treatments
AsthmaMD - Makes it easy for patients or parents to keep a diary of Peak Flow Measurements, take appropriate action as prescribed by their physician, and send information to their healthcare provider.
Drug Diary - Build an inventory of current & former prescribed & OTC medications, including clinicians and pharmacies. Information can be easily shared with care providers.
GI Monitor - Allows patients with IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease), Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis to easily & accurately log symptoms & provide this data to their doctors.
PainTrek - Track, analyze, & talk about pain, using an innovative “paint your pain” interface to easily enter the intensity & area of pain by dragging over a 3-D head model.
Quit Guide - From the National Cancer Institute. Helps you prepare to quit smoking & describes challenges you can expect when you do.
QuitSTART - Helps track your cravings & moods, monitor your progress toward milestones, identify smoking triggers, & upload personalized “pick me ups” & reminders to help you successfully become & stay smokefree.
ShoulderDoc - Contains a wealth of information for patients about a range of shoulder problems, including treatment options & postoperative guidelines for common shoulder operations.
UMSkinCheck - For skin cancer self exam & surveillance; allows users to complete & store a full body photographic library, track detected moles/lesions, access informational videos & literature, & fill out a melanoma risk calculator.
Vaccines on the Go: What You Should Know - Provides information for parents about the science, safety & importance of vaccines. From the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Weigh What Matters - From the AMA. Work with your physician to establish weight, healthy eating & activity goals, & track your progress toward achieving them.
MHIKNET Library Services
Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library, University of Manitoba
727 McDermot Ave. Winnipeg, MB, R3E 3P5
Tel: 1-877-789-3804 | Fax: (204) 789-3923
The NJM Health Sciences Library is located on the University of Manitoba's Bannatyne Campus. The Bannatyne Campus is located beside the Health Sciences Centre near downtown Winnipeg. [Bannatyne Campus Map] [Street Map]
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the National Homeland of the Red River Métis. More