Curator: Pam Patterson
Video Editor: Janine Arellano
Sound: Daniel Payne
Artists: Janine Arellano, Angie Ma, Pam Patterson, Daniel Payne, Leena Raudvee, Mikael Sandblom, Vicky Talwar.
For philosopher Gilles Deleuze, productions are collectively formed by a complex of bodies and environments; a complex that presents a series of plateaus or stratifications constantly becoming as they produce. The task of art, therefore, is not to reproduce mimetically, but to produce “signs” that will push us out of our habits of perception into the conditions of creation; a stance that tears apart the subject to create “discordant harmony.”
As exhibition, unpacking pandemic pondering: strain, stress, and subversion presents multiple still works on a looped video overlaid with a music/sound score, a matrix evocative of artist/researcher producing-produced-becoming as identities, bodies, and social expectations collide.
Details on this exhibition can be viewed at Gallery 1313.
Smith, Daniel and John Protevi. "Gilles Deleuze,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Edward N. Zalta,