Title: Untitled (Resources for Black Queer Youth in Toronto)
Artist: Fabina Germain-Bajowa
As a Black queer woman, my life experience has been dictated by my identity. As such, I see the struggle of Black queer youth around me every day and am all too aware of the difficulties they face. In spaces intended to be safe for the 2SLGBTQ+ community, I have had experiences of anti-blackness, and spaces intended for Black folks can sometimes not be safe for the queer community. Often, Black queer youth feel out of place in spaces intended for them, and there simply aren’t enough resources that cater to the intersection of Black and 2SLGBTQ+ youth. I made this poster as a means of gathering some resources which provide services and programming for Black and 2SLGBTQ+ youth. The poster will be disseminated around Toronto and across social media. The goal of this poster is to provide information on the few organizations that do exist within Toronto and hopefully reach those who would need them most.