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WRHA Virtual Library: About the Library

The WRHA Virtual Library provides library services to WRHA staff, WRHA contracted physicians, and staff at Community Health Agencies and Personal Care Homes. We strive to ensure you have timely access to resources, high quality research and technical support, and valuable educational opportunities.

Founded in 2018, the WRHA Virtual Library exists entirely online, ensuring all patrons have equal access to resources.

  • The Virtual Library subscribes to a host of electronic databases to provide you with instant access to top quality health information. You can search through these resources from our search box at the top of the page, or access our collection page.
  • Our librarians will conduct a literature search for you on any topic you request, and will provide a list of relevant results for you to review. To request a search, send us an email or fill out our literature search request form.
  • We offer customized education sessions or promotional displays on request. We're happy to arrange an online or in-person session to meet your needs. Learn more about our training offerings.
  • Let us help you set up an alert to keep abreast of your subject area.
  • If the library doesn't have direct access to the source you need, you can request it via our Order Sources service, and we will send it directly to your email or workplace.

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