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WRHA Virtual Library: Lean Library and LibKey Nomad

What are Lean Library and LibKey Nomad?

These tools are browser extensions that allow you to access full-text content regardless of where you are searching. They will automatically detect when we have a subscription to a resource or when there is an open-access version available. LibKey Nomad specializes in streamlining access to articles, including via BrowZine; Lean Library supports access to more content, including e-books, and has some additional features. You can download either or both - we recommend trying Lean Library first.

Lean Library

logoTo download Lean Library:

  1. Visit the Lean Library download page and click the Add button in the top right corner.
  2. Add the extension to your browser.
  3. Select WRHA Virtual Library from the dropdown menu.
  4. Set your preferences. We recommend automating authentication (under Notifications). Once you've done this, close the popup.
  5. You can now browse the web; a popup will appear when Lean Library is activated.


LibKey Nomad

To download LibKey Nomad:

  1. Visit the LibKey Nomad download page and click the Get LibKey Nomad Now button.
  2. Choose your browser and install the extension.
  3. Select WRHA Virtual Library from the dropdown menu.
  4. You can now browse the web; a button will appear when LibKey Nomad is activated.