Open Access (OA) is a form of publishing that makes research articles freely available online, usually under a license that allows them to be redistributed. Some journals are wholly or partially OA, and some research funders require OA publishing of funded results (see for example the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy)
Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning resources that can be freely used, shared and adapted.
UBC Research Data Management Guides provide a broad overview of issues related to research data management, including a "Good Enough" guide that any researcher can adopt regardless of level of expertise.
Open Policy Finder is a searchable database that provides summaries of publisher copyright and open access policies. This is helpful if you want to know the rules about sharing of research articles from a particular journal.
Metrics Toolkit introduces research impact metrics and what they measure.
ORCID is a persistent digital identifier that uniquely identifies a researcher (for example, distinguishing them from someone else with the same name) for the purposes of tracking their research output.