The WRHA Virtual Library provides access to subscription resources and library services for professional staff of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, eligible Community Health Agencies, and eligible personal care homes.
The top menu provides links to many of our site's main features, including:
In addition to these and other resources on our site, you also have access to the library search. This feature indexes many of our subscription databases in one place for easy access.
While searching the library catalogue, you can check if the WRHA Virtual Library has access to an item by verifying that a link displayed while you are signed in says "WRHA", as shown in this screenshot:
It may also have an orange "Open Access" icon. If it has neither, you may need to fill out a request to borrow the item from another institution. You can click on the "WRHA - Order Sources" option (seen at the bottom of the screenshot) to autocomplete the request form with the information about the item you're looking at.