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How to cite using APA in the Health Sciences

ClinicalKey (Topics)

Elements for a Drug Monograph

Author. (Date). Title [Drug information]. Database. Retrieved date, from log-in URL 


Gold Standard. (2024). Donepezil [Drug information]. ClinicalKey. Retrieved April 2, 2024, from 

Elements for a Topic

Author. (Date). Title. Specific Database, Site name. Retrieved date, from log-in URL 


Elsevier BV. (2024). Exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Clinical Overviews, ClinicalKey. Retrieved

March 8, 2024, from 

American Academy of Family Physicians. (2024). Alzheimer's disease. Patient Education, ClinicalKey. Retrieved April 16, 2024,


Formatting Tips

Formatting for Drug Monographs

  • ClinicalKey Drug Monographs are formatted like the drug information example on the APA website.
  • Author: Treat the copyright holder of the article as the author. For ClinicalKey Drug Monographs, this is Gold Standard.
  • Date: Use the most recent year of publication/revision/update.
  • Title: Provide the title of the drug information (usually the name of the drug) in italic sentence case. Include "Drug information" in square brackets (not italicized) after the title.
  • Source: Provide "ClinicalKey" as the database source. 
  • Include a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and versions of the page are not archived.
  • Provide a URL for the drug information. Do not add a period at the end.

Formatting for Topics

  • ClinicalKey topics refer to any article found on ClinicalKey that isn't a Drug Monograph. Topics are formatted like the UpToDate article example on the APA website, with the addition of the specific database to indicate precisely where information was sourced.
  • Author: Treat the copyright holder of the topic as the author. Copyright information can be found beneath the title. For Clinical Overviews, this is Elsevier BV. Copyright holders can vary with Patient Education.
  • Date: Use the most recent year of publication/revision/update.
  • Title: Provide the title of the topic in sentence case.
  • Source: Italicize the source information. Specify which database you retrieved the information from (e.g. "Clinical Overviews", "Patient Education", etc.) Provide "ClinicalKey" as the site. 
  • Include a retrieval date because the content is designed to change over time and versions of the page are not archived.
  • Provide a URL for the drug information. Do not add a period at the end.

Sentence Case and Title Case

What is the difference between sentence and title case? Find out in Formatting Tips.

Where to Locate Reference Information

In ClinicalKey, there are two main locations to find information on what specific database you are using.

On Search Page

On Article Page

Missing Information?

Don't leave it blank! Find out how to properly indicate that information is missing from one of your reference elements by reading more about missing information.


Information on this page was adapted from "Chapter 10: Reference List", in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), as well as the APA webpage, "Reference Lists"