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How to cite using APA in the Health Sciences

Format, Example and Tips - USP-NF

Elements for a Chapter or Monograph

USP. (Year). Chapter/monograph title. In USP–NF. Retrieved date, from DOI


USP. Injections and Implanted Drug Products (Parenterals)—Product Quality Tests. In USP–NF. Retrieved Dec 1, 2023,


USP. (2021). Acebutolol Hydrochloride. In USP–NF. Retrieved March 14, 2024, from

Formatting Tips

  • This resource is limited to College of Pharmacy students, staff, and faculty. Contact the NJM Health Sciences Library for login instructions.
  • The USP-NF is a two-book compilation (the United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary) of 4 volumes and APA doesn’t provide an example for this in the Publication Manual. The example and formatting you see here is based on other APA examples (chapter in an edited book) and suggestions from the USP-NF.
  • Author: List USP as the author.
  • Date: Use the year of the most recent copyright/review/update as the year of publication.
  • Title: Provide the chapter or monograph title in sentence case. Make sure to include the subtitle if there is one.
  • Source: Provide the name of the source in italics, which is the USP-NF website. 
  • Do not include the publisher location.
  • Scroll down to the very bottom of the page to find the DOI; it appears after the Auxiliary Information.

Sentence Case and Title Case

What is the difference between sentence and title case? Find out in Formatting Tips.

Missing Information?

Don't leave it blank! Find out how to properly indicate that information is missing from one of your reference elements by reading more about missing information.


Information on this page was adapted from "Chapter 10: Reference List", in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.), as well as the APA webpage, "Reference Lists"